Month: August 2019

An Overview of eIDAS Regulation

The number of online transactions is increasing day by day. A simple purchase from an eCommerce store is the best example. However, the primary focus, in this case, refers to trust. Businesses want to shift their documentation flow online. Digital platforms provide much-needed flexibility for online transactions.

However, the lack of trust can influence the motivation of consumers, public authorities, and businesses for electronic transactions. Therefore, eIDAS regulation is one of the precedents that help in governing the use of electronic signatures. The following discussion would focus on important implications associated with the regulation, such as a basic outline of the regulation.

The other significant highlights in this discussion would deal with the basic principles of eIDAS. The discussion would also throw some light on the different types of signatures validated by the regulation. Subsequently, the discussion would cover the benefits of the e-signature regulation for businesses and their application in different sectors.

Also Read: An Overview of UETA and ESIGN Act

Origins of the eIDAS Regulation

eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication, and trust services) is the commonly accepted name for the EU regulation, 910/2014. The regulation found its roots on July 1, 2016, when the European Commission implemented it across all regions in the European Union. The eIDAS regulation appears focused only on electronic identification. However, you can also find precedents for trustworthy services of electronic transactions.

The European Commission established the regulation to create a single digital market. The regulation also has two other objectives. The regulation aims at ensuring access to public services of any State of the Union for all citizens of the EU. Citizens could use their electronic National ID number for obtaining access to public services.

Another objective of the regulation is the creation of an internal market for trust services. The regulation implies the provision of the same legality to trust services like conventional paper-and-ink processes. So, eIDAS is a regulatory instrument that specifies legal and security standards for trust services and electronic identification. What are the trust services? Let us find out something about them.

Criteria for Trust Services

The eIDAS regulation provides a clear impression of the criteria for classifying trust services. Article 3, paragraph 16, gives a precise definition of trust services. Trust service is an electronic service that is ideal for remuneration purposes. The scope of ‘trust service’ includes the following tenets:

  • Creating, verifying and validating electronic signatures, electronic registered delivery services, and related certificates and electronic seals or timestamps.
  • Creating, verifying and validating website authentication certificates.
  • Safeguarding electronic signatures, seals or certificates related to these services.

There are a number of myths spread worldwide regarding the use of e-signatures. It is important to understand these electronic signature myths and facts behind them.

Summarizing the Regulation

eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication, and trust services) develops trust, security, and transparency needed to bring the whole EU on the same page. So, online commerce and electronic transactions could flourish in the EU with support from citizens, public authorities, and companies. The summary of working of the regulation in four simple points can help in understanding its scope better.

  • The regulation outlines the conditions for member states to recognize the methods for identifying people and legal entities followed by other member states.
  • The regulation also serves as a supervisory and accountability instrument. As a result, it enables qualified trust service providers to provide qualified services at national and cross-border levels. Also, eIDAS presents conditions for maintaining a high level of security in electronic transactions.
  • The regulation presents a comprehensive legal framework for the governance of electronic documents, electronic stamps, electronic signatures, and electronic timestamps. Furthermore, it also governs certified website authentication services and certified electronic delivery services.
  • The regulation is mandatory for ensuring access to public service across borders in EU countries having electronic identification (eID) documents.

Types of Signatures Recognized in the eIDAS Regulation

eIDAS defines the three types of recognized electronic signatures. They are -

  1. Electronic signature
  2. Advanced electronic signature
  3. Qualified electronic signature.

1. Electronic Signature

An electronic signature is the data in electronic form that is logically associated or attached to another data in electronic form. Signatories can use an electronic signature for signing documents. According to eIDAS, all electronic signatures are legally admissible. The regulation specifies that signatures in the electronic form cannot be denied for legal recognition due to their form.

2. Advanced Electronic Signatures

Advanced electronic signatures are slightly improved than typical electronic signatures. These type of electronic signatures comply with the following requirements.

  • Unique link with the signatory.
  • Linked with data that is signed in a manner suited for detecting any changes in the data.
  • Capabilities for identifying the signatory.
  • Developed using electronic signature creation data. Most important of all, signatory could use the data under their control.
  • The final document complies with tamper-evident characteristics.

3. Qualified Electronic Signatures

Qualified Electronic Signature is an advanced electronic signature created with a qualified electronic signature creation device. The device should have a qualified certificate for electronic signatures. The device could be a smart card or a mobile app for generating a one-time password. Signers have to use certificate-based digital ID provided by a qualified EU Trust Service Provider.

Also Read: Information Technology Act, 2000

Guiding Principles for the eIDAS Regulation

Now, let us explore the different guiding principles of eIDAS that make it a trusted regulation for electronic transactions. The guiding principles can help us learn about the foundation of the regulation. As a result, we can understand the benefits of this regulation easily. Here are the four guiding principles for the eIDAS regulation -

1. Trust

Trust is the first pillar in the foundation of the regulation. It ensure that transactions completed by the regulation are reliable, secure, and legally enforceable. Technologies such as electronic signatures, electronic services delivery, and electronic identification help in achieving these outcomes.

However, the lack of trust can influence the motivation of consumers, public authorities, and businesses for electronic transactions. Therefore, eIDAS regulation is one of the precedents that help in governing the use of electronic signatures. The following discussion would focus on important implications associated with the regulation, such as a basic outline of the regulation.

The technical standards defined in the regulation ensure complete assurance to all the parties involved in a transaction. Apart from technical standards, the regulation also provides a comprehensive liability framework. The liability framework addresses legal, enforceability, and jurisdictional concerns.

2. Cross-border

Cross-border transactions are one of the prime objectives of eIDAS legislation. The regulation ensures compliance with legal aspects related to cross-border transactions. Therefore, services provided in one jurisdiction are legal while transactions covering the service originate and conclude in another jurisdiction. The regulation makes sure that the legal standards for electronic transactions are similar across all jurisdictions. As a result, electronic transactions could not be restricted based on local jurisdictions.

3. Seamless Transactions

The trust services and electronic identification transactions should be completely seamless for the user. Users should get the same uninterrupted experience without any influence of their current location, device, or language. The regulation covers personal devices such as laptops and mobile phones as well as public areas such as airports. So, the regulation reduces concerns of authentication and identification when moving from one service to another. Users could also move from one location to another in the EU and use electronic signing and identification services seamlessly.

4. Transparency and Accountability

The fourth founding pillar of the regulation relates to transparency and accountability. The regulation outlines specific obligations for trust service providers and a clear definition of acceptable signatures. As a result, users could recognize qualified trust service providers easily. The most important highlight, in this case, refers to specific risk management and security precedents for trust service providers. The risk management approach covers aspects such as procedures, operations, and conduct.

The guiding principles of eIDAS clearly show the intent to develop a credible and reliable system for electronic identification. The other traits of the regulation appear clearly in the underlying principles such as cross-border, seamless, and convenience in services.

Still confused about adopting electronic signatures? Check out these top reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

Applying the Regulation in Different Sectors

After a reflection on the origins, implications of the regulation, and types of recognized signatures let us find applications. The e-signature regulation is applicable in various sectors such as financial services, transport, and online retail.

  • Financial Services

The financial service sector benefits the most from the eIDAS legislation. Financial services can find better opportunities across borders. Customers in the financial service sector demand online services and compliance obligations keep getting complex. Therefore, the digitization of identifying, authenticating, and security of transactions became evident.

Therefore, eIDAS regulation is one of the precedents that help in governing the use of electronic signatures. The following discussion would focus on important implications associated with the regulation, such as a basic outline of the regulation. However, the lack of trust can influence the motivation of consumers, public authorities, and businesses for electronic transactions.

A closer look at the different examples of the application of electronic identification services in the financial sector can clarify some doubts. The regulation governs e-signatures used for signing financial service contracts remotely. Also, the financial services sector depends on electronic registered delivery service that comes in the scope of the regulation.

  • Online retail

As we discussed previously, the regulation offers a comprehensive legal framework for governing electronic transactions across the EU. The online retail sector derives major benefits from the regulation. Online stores can ensure secure electronic transactions with customers alongside implying formidable levels of trust in the transaction. Furthermore, the transactions governed by the regulation are legally valid across the European Union.

One of the examples of the regulation’s use in the online retail sector relates to the better identification checks for customers. This application can be helpful in the case of purchasing high value or restricted goods. Another prominent example of the use of eIDAS in the online retail sector is the facility of qualified website authentication certificates. These certificates can ensure the better trust of customers in online retail stores.

  • Transport and Logistics

The transport sector also relies on electronic identification and trust services for a seamless business process with ample security. Electronic identification and trust services provide flexible, secure, and resource-effective document flow between suppliers, carriers, and receivers. As a result, the orders could arrive on time without any administrative setbacks.

The most notable example of electronic identification and trust services in the transport sector is in the car-sharing services. The regulation governs conditions for proving identity and secure login of customers in car-sharing services. For freight transport and logistics applications, electronic registered delivery service helps in the secure and faster exchange of contractual documentation.

  • Professional Services

Other professional services such as accountants, architects, and lawyers also find applications of electronic identification and trust services. Trust is the prominent concern in the professional services sector, and so the regulation is applicable here. First of all, electronic identification and trust services simplify many complex formal procedures in this sector.

The regulation has assured professional services regarding operational efficiency, thereby implying the flexibility to focus on customer services. The regulation governs the example of electronic identification to validate the identity of clients. As a result, it is easier to establish contractual relationships. Furthermore, electronic registered delivery service can help professionals in sending crucial documents without any risk of alterations, damage, or theft.

How to get the eIDAS Certificate?

Many businesses adopt electronic signatures and identification methods for faster and streamlined operations. However, many of them are also confused about how to get eIDAS certificate. So, let us find out the different types of certificates available in this regulation. Recently, the EU announced the PSD2 directive that validates two types of electronic signatures.

The two electronic signatures are -

  1. Qualified Certificates for Seals (QCSEALs)
  2. Qualified Website Certificates (QWACs)

Also, you can find certificates for other qualified trust services such as a qualified certificate for electronic signature. You can receive your certificate from a Qualified Trust Service Provider. The European List of Trusted Services provides an outline of the different local qualified Trust Service Providers.

The next step in how to get eIDAS certificate relates to providing information to the trusted service provider. You have to provide your authorization number registered with the qualified Trust Service Provider. The next important detail required in the process is your role in a transaction. Following the entry of information about your role, you have to select the certificates which you need. Based on your eligibilities, the trust service provider would provide you with the certificates.

Benefits of the Regulation for Companies

The benefits of the regulation for every business depends on electronic business transactions in Europe. Companies can gain the following benefits from the regulation:

  • Better security and trust in electronic transactions can foster the creation of relationships with customers.
  • Seamless and convenient cross-border transactions with ease.
  • Improved transparency and accountability with the technical and liability standards in the regulation.
  • Reduction in barriers for establishing a business in EU countries.
  • Saving costs of material, shipping, and management.
  • Time-saving in documentations for improving focus on core business tasks.
  • Aligning the focus of companies towards digital transformation with better and flexible customer service.

Also Read: Top 10 Electronic Signature Myths and Facts


On a closing note, the eIDAS legislation proves to be a wide-ranging instrument to promote the adoption of electronic identification. The digital transformation of businesses is driving the attention of companies towards electronic business transactions. However, the legal validity of electronic signatures and trust services may be a formidable barrier.

Therefore, the regulation provides a precedent for validating electronic signatures across all member states of the EU. The discussion reflected on the basics of the regulation alongside summarizing the key points of the regulation. The discussion also focused on the types of recognized signatures as well as the founding principles of the regulation.

The other significant highlights of the discussion included the different sectors which use the regulation and the process for certification. Apart from the simple process of getting a certificate, the discussion also presents a brief insight into the benefits. So, if you are ready to jump on the digital transformation trend, then this discussion can be a helpful guide!

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

10 Best Electronic Signature Software

You spend hours to come up with a perfect signature and then practice to keep up with it. Right? But why to waste your time when you can use top electronic signature software to create your unique signature. Yes, there is no doubt that the best electronic signature software revolutionizes their business process. Besides, with e-signature software, you can do more than that.

You might be thinking that you don’t spend a single penny to obtain a handwritten signature. So, why to go for electronic signature software? Well, there are some reasons. We will cover all such things in this article. But first let’s start with the basics, i.e., what is an electronic signature? An electronic signature is a digital method that helps people to show their contracts to the terms and conditions of the electronic services.

Besides, it works as a tool to confirm the identity of the sender of the message. In this world, such signatures are considered as an electronic signature as well as stamped seals. Moreover, these signatures are highly secured and quite challenging to hack. But to create such a signature, you need to use some best esign software solutions or software. So, let’s learn about them.

Digital signature and electronic signature are two similar looking terms but don’t get confused. Check out the differences between the two: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature.

What is the E-signature Software?

Software that enables users to obtain signatures on documents that are shared digitally is the e-signature software. It eliminates the requirement of manual signatures. Besides, almost all the businesses are now using such best electronic signature software to sign their business documents. In general, the software integrates with most of the third-party applications.

For example, ERP systems, accounting systems, HR management systems, CRM software, and more. All the software come with a high level of security standards that meet the legal requirements. The electronic signature software streamlines the process of legal document exchange. Besides, it guarantees the legitimacy of signatures. Wondering how to choose the best e-signature software? Here are some features that you need to consider while choosing one.

Understanding Some Significant Features of Electronic Signature Software

When it comes to the features, they can vary from one software to another. But there are some notable features that you should keep in your mind while choosing a top electronic signature software.

  • Security feature

In general, when you are signing a document digitally, you are sharing your personal information over the internet. That’s why it is essential to look into the security feature of an electronic signature software. All the information needs to be secured technically. Besides, make sure that it comes with a multi-layer authentication mechanism. Read the features while buying the software.

  • Privacy factor

Even though different employees use the software, they should rely on the right to reveal the data personally. Besides, the software needs to offer a facility to do a secure transaction.

  • Compliance

The software needs to comply with the polices, regulations, and laws of the industry. If the software doesn’t comply with the laws, then you can face some serious legal consequences. You can’t blame others. Most of the top e signature vendors offer software which complies with the industry’s policies.

  • Audit Trail

This is something quite important for enforceability. In detail, if there is no such feature, then you are signing documents in a non-reliable manner.

  • Level of scalability

Such software covers different industries and businesses. They are highly scalable. With this feature, you can quickly increase the volumes of documents without affecting the performance.

Also Read: Top 10 Factors You Should Consider While Choosing an E-Signature Vendor

Check Out 10 Best Electronic Signature Software

So, we’ve mentioned some of the major features that you should look over while choosing the best electronic signature apps or software for you. However, to make it a little easier for you, here we have listed down some of the best electronic signature software. So, let’s have a look at the list.

1. Adobe Sign

It is the big boy and the best electronic signature software in the industry of digital and electronic signature. The software offers a lot of unique features. Besides, it is available on the mobile application as well as the web. So, no matter where you are, you can easily use your e-signature.

Furthermore, it comes with a unique and reliable authentication service to keep your e-sign safe. You can also customize the e-signature. The best thing about this software is that it works on all Microsoft Office products.

Features of Adobe Sign

  • Custom fields.
  • Document template sharing.
  • Highly secured digital signature.
  • Feature of capturing electronic signature through mobile.
  • Audit trails.

For a single user, it may cost you around $9.99 per month. If a number of users are 2-9, you need to join the Adobe Sign Team. For this, you need to pay approximately $24.99 per month for the team. If you want to check out the software, you can go for its 14-day trial period.

2. HelloSign

It was the leader on G2 Crowd 2017 in the category of E-signature. The software lets you send and sign your papers along with tracking of the documents. Besides, it comes with different business tools. For example, team management, email reminders, flexible signing, and much more. As per reviews, this software is perfect for occasional electronic signature. With this, you can considerably faster your business documentation process. It easily integrates with Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, different CRM systems, and more.

Features of HelloSign

  • Various templates.
  • Branding.
  • API Integration.
  • In-person signing.
  • Audit trail.
  • Notification.
  • Team management tools.

Talking about the cost, the pro version can cost you around $15 per month. For one year you need to pay around $156. If you are a business user, it will cost you $50 per month and $480 per year.

3. Eversign E-signature

Eeversign tries its best to offer you the best electronic signature solution. The software is highly secure, and you can use it for your sensitive documents. Besides, the software brings excellent flexibility to the workflow. It can significantly increase the time efficiency. As per some reviews, it minimizes duplications, lost notices, paperwork (obviously), and more. The best thing about the software is it comes with cloud-access.

Features of Eeversign E-Signature

  • Team management tools.
  • Branding.
  • API.
  • In-person signing.
  • Different useful templates.
  • Audit trail.
  • Paid option.

The business version may cost you around $480 per year. The monthly cost is $50. The price of the pro version is $156 per year.

Also Read: Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

4. DocuSign

With this, you can take your business forward much securely. Its massive 200 million and above users base proves its popularity in the industry. There is no doubt that it is one of the best electronic signature software that you can use. The company offers a high-quality and secure digital signature solution. Streamline your signing with the software. It also comes with Binding Corporate Rules.

Features of DocuSign

  • Different integrations.
  • High-quality integration.
  • Templates and more.

Coming to its pricing, a single user may need to pay around $10 to $15 per month. You can also go for a multiple user options by paying $25 per month for a single account. As one of the top e signature vendors, it offers a 30-day free trial period. So, you can try it for a month and enjoy its features without paying a single penny.

5. Secured Signing

Talking about the G2 Crowd start rating, it scores 4.6. In detail, it is a cloud-based e-signature service. It is a perfect software for small businesses. Besides, large companies can use this one. With an excellent support team, the company is good at resolving various issues instantly. So, you can trust the company for the best esign software solutions. Besides, it will perfectly match with your everyday business requirements. Coming to its integration, it easily integrates with RBD ProNEt, Salesforce, Google Drive, Fine Power Connect, and more.

Features of Secured Signing

  • Free for normal use.
  • Some best integration.
  • Video conformation.
  • Templates.
  • Branding.

The best thing about the software provider is, you can customize the package as per your requirements. Its team edition may cost you around $25 per month.

6. SkySignature

Its G2 Crows star rating is 5.0. As a best electronic signature software, it comes with different important feature. Besides, it offers a free PDF editor tool. With its high-level algorithm, it keeps your document highly secure and safe. The software is handy as it provides drag and drops signature features, document editing features, and more. Moreover, it is very interactive. It only integrates with Flamory.

Features of SkySignature

  • Best of light use.
  • Templates.
  • Drag and drop features.
  • PDF creation.
  • Document editing.
  • Unlimited signing.
  • Signature verification.

Per month it may cost you around $20 to $25 per user. It also offers a free trial so check it out.

There are a number of threats associated with e-signed documents. So, you should check if the electronic signature solution keeps your documents secure from the e-signature threats.

7. OneSpan Sign

OneSpan Sign is for both small and large scale organizations. Besides, around 600 companies are using this software. The users’ list of OneSpan Sign includes companies like BMW and IBM. Furthermore, the US Army also uses the software. However, it is also for small businesses. It comes with a high-level of optimization and offers easy-to-use workflow. You can easily deploy it on both private and public cloud platforms and in your existing system. With a high level of flexibility, it provides a maximum amount of protection.

Features of OneSpan Sign

  • Flexible.
  • Templates.
  • Secure environment.
  • Easy to use.
  • Signature verification and more.

To get OneSpan Sign software, you need to pay around $20 to $25 per month for single-user access. However, if you want to try out the software, it offers you a 30-day free trial.

8. SignEasy

With more than 5 million users, SignEasy is one of the best digital signing software that you can use. You can use this from your home or office computer. Besides, the company has made it mobile-friendly too. You can access its cloud services on the go using your smartphone. That’s why it is one of the most popular and best electronic signature apps.

It offers some great features like other software, but it focuses more on simplicity. In detail, you can get a signature box to make it clear for others who need to sign the documents and how. Besides, you can use the templates to simplify the signing process. SignEasy is now partnering with WeWork to facilitate E-signatures to the community.

Features of SingEasy

  • Supports multiple devices.
  • Track progress.
  • Reusable templates.
  • Easy interface.
  • Cloud services and more.

Want to try it out before buying it? Well, SignEasy offers you a 14-day trial period. However, for small businesses, this is quite affordable. Its monthly cost is around $10 per user. For three different users, its premium plan can cost approximately $60 per month.

9. KeepSolid Sign

Do you know what the most fantastic thing about KeepSolud Sign is? Its offline-signing feature. You can sign a document from anywhere without internet access. It is a fantastic product from encryption and security specialist, KeepSolid. It promises a secure electronic signature on any device.

Talking about its usability, it comes with different collaboration and annotation tools. Besides, there is also a document tracking feature. So, now you can quickly work, make changes on projects and legal works. It integrates with different platforms, for example, iCloud, Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox. Besides, it is quite easy to use.

All you need to do is import your documents to the platform and insert your sign. That’s it. The primary factor of the software is its high-level security credentials. There is no doubt that it will perfectly match with your company’s privacy and safety requirements. Moreover, this great app comes with AES-256 encryption. So, it is the best electronic signature software for all.

Features of KeepSolid Sign

  • Offline mode.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Flexible.
  • Templates.
  • Secure cloud services.
  • Industry-standard encryption.

The software offers you a 14-days free trial period. But after that, you need to pay $99.99 per year to use the software. Besides, its small team subscription package comes with a price tag of $349.99 per year. This is applicable for five users. However, to make it for ten users, you need to pay $599.99 annually.

10. SignX

The software enables you to send your documents to different signers. Besides, they can sign the document individually. It can effectively manage more than one user. By using its template reusing feature, you can save a lot of time. Moreover, you can encrypt your document with its password protection feature. Its unique features have made it one of the best electronic signature software.

Features of SignX

  • Reusable templates.
  • Legally binding digital signatures.
  • Supports multiple users.
  • Real-time notification.
  • Documents and signature verification.
  • Bulk send.
  • Document encryption and supports password protection.

It’s premium edition may cost you around $9.99 per month. The annual subscription rate is $83.88. The enterprise edition, for 2 to 10 users costs around $18.38 per month to $87.91 per month. On the other side, its annual subscription rate is $154.34 per year to $738.14 per year.

Still thinking if it’s good to use an electronic signature for the businesses? Get familiar with the top reasons to choose electronic signature for your business.

Bottom Line

So, these are some of the top electronic signature software which can save your time as well as money by digitizing the signing process. Signing documents manually is very time-consuming. So, forget the pen and sign up for one of these top software.

These software provide a simple means to use electronic signatures. These e-sign solutions enable businesses to create, approve, and send the documents online. With esign software, one can sign the documents without downloading them. All you need an internet connection and you are ready to go.

However, the names which are mentioned above are the most popular e signature software. You can trust them and use one of them for your business. But, while choosing one, just remember to check the important features as you will use it for sensitive works. Choose the best electronic signature software and make your workplace more efficient and secure.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

10 Common Threats to Your E-Signed Documents

In this globalized world, almost everything is connected through the Internet. Well, this is a good thing as it creates a lot of opportunities for people. The modern technology has changed the way people used to work. For example, now one can work remotely for his/her clients living in another country. Isn’t it great?

Talking about one such development, that is online documents. This makes the business processes much easier and faster than before. The modern working practices involve signing such documents online. In general, e-signed documents enable people to create and sign a contract without any issue. It helps people by eliminating the lengthy offline documentation process.

Also Read: Top 10 Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

Top 10 threats to e-signed documents

Most of the businesses are now implementing e-signature following some benefits like cost-effective and better user experience. However, it also gives chances for cybercriminals, and now anyone can defraud you with this. There is no doubt that electronic signatures and e-signed documents are quite effective when it comes to maintaining integrity. But at the same time, there are some threats to e-signed documents.

It’s good to go for electronic signature, but while implementing, you should consider the security concerns for e-signed documents. If you have a better understanding of the threats associated with the e-signed documents, you can easily deal with them. Besides, your digital signature will stand up in different legal matters.

So, let’s get ahead and know about some common threats associated with e-signed documents that you should keep in your mind.

1. You all have signed the contract, but the court rejected it

You create a business contract with different parties, and they sign it digitally. But later you faced some disputes and took the case to court. However, now, the court rejects the contract. Why? Because the software that you have used for signing in is not compliant with rules and regulations of electronic signature laws. Ultimately, you lose the case.

So, if you are using any e-signature software, make sure that it is compliant with the electronic signature laws. For example, in the USA, the software should be compliant with UETA and ESIGN Act. In Europe, it needs to be compliant with the EU Directive 1999/93/EC. And in India, it must be compliant with the Information Technology Act. If you don’t find any supported legislation, then don’t use the software. Or else you may face a lot of security issues for e-signed documents.

There are different laws and acts in every country for the validation of electronic signatures. Also read about the Information Technology Act, 2000 - electronic signature law in India.

2. The contract has changed, and information is missing

Most of the reputed online signing software platforms are running hashing technology. In detail, it makes a hash of the content which builds a fingerprint of the material. It creates its DNA for the file. Generally, they use the hash forms while doing the signing. The reason behind this is if something alters, like changes the number, the hash will alter the number.

Not all the electronic signature software will let you know about the changes. Only professional electronic signature software can notify you about this through regular auditing. Besides, you need to make sure that the electronic signature vendor integrates all the major security precautions.

Check the level of encryption that the vendor offers when your documents are in cloud storage. Besides, use standard algorithms and signing process so that the sign can be verified through the different solution. Don’t use SHA1 or MD5 hashing algorithms as these are outdated. So, be careful about it.

3. The signatory is different

In general, when one signs a document online, then the signature employs the digital certificates. Talking more about a digital certificate, it represents a person or a company digitally. It has two parts, one is the private key, and another one is a public key.

The private key is generally used to encrypt the document’s hash. However, anyone can access the public key. Besides, it can provide all the details of the company or the person related to that particular certificate. But it is illegal to see other’s documents without any consent.

So, to prevent this, make sure your e-signed documents come with tamper-evident technology. Such technology can alert you when someone tries to access and alter your documents. Besides, set a PIN for your certificate. Only you can use the certificate with the PIN.

Don’t get confused between Digital Signatures and Electronic Signatures. Read our previous article on Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature, understand the difference between them.

4. The electronic signature is fake

Sometimes hackers can use the electronic signature for a false signature while signing a contract. You can be a victim of fraud if you are not using software which has features to make the process secure. Make sure that the electronic signature software offers features like security auditing, encryptions, digital certificates, and more. If all such things are missing in your software, then you can put the business at higher risk by signing a fraudulent contract.

5. The e-signed documents have been stolen

There is no doubt that modern technology makes working online a lot easier. With e-signing, you can sign a vital document online with just a few clicks. But this also brings different threats to e-signed documents.

One of such risks is the document stored on a server can be accessed easily. One can simply hack your document and change the entire content. So, always remember to encrypt your document to prevent hackers from accessing the documents.

6. An unknown person accesses the documents

One of the most important factors that you need to consider during the process is to make sure that the process involves the right person. Besides, it ensures that the e-signed documents can only be accessed by that particular person.

For this, you can employ user authentication process. For example, some e-signature vendors require that one should prove his/her identity by entering an SMS PIN or answering a personal question. This way, you can prevent others from accessing your electronically signed documents online.

There is something that you should always keep in your mind while using e-signature software. If the software works on proprietary technology, then you might not understand how the technology works. It may not also offer maximum protection to your e-signature. That’s why always use the software in which technology is governed by international standard. For example, a software certified by ISO- International Organization of Standardization (NIST).

Still thinking about the adoption of an electronic signature? Check out these top reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

7. Another person or the middle man stole the contract

One of the significant security issues for e-signed documents is MITM- Man in the Middle. This is a common online threat where a person takes the information which is present on the server. The rate of MITM attacks is now increasing. Moreover, OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project places such attack in the list of top 10 web-based attack threats.

Your online document can carry some of your sensitive or personal information. For example, pricing, identity, property details, and more. All such information can be stolen through a MITM attack. So, how you can prevent such threats?

For this, you need to make sure that the entire process of e-signing is secure. Make sure you are using an HTTPS connection. In detail, HTTPS-Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a secure communication channel.

Besides, to prevent MITM or MITB - Man in the Browser issues, make sure that the service provider signs the digital document in its initial stage. The reason behind this is it will lock the integrity of the documents. Besides, you can make sure that the service providers send the document, and there is no middle person in this process.

This will assure the users that the digital document is genuine and safe to sign. Furthermore, always remember to save a copy of before and after signing a document on your system. So that if something wrong happens, you can use that as proof.

8. The image of e-signature is stolen

Almost all the e-signatures come with an image of the real signature or a mark that one generally uses. This is a major commodity as one can use it on a document, signing as the real owner of the signature. How to prevent such a threat? Don’t store your signature images or marks on a server. Hackers can easily steal your data from a server which is not properly secured.

An e-signature lets the users make a mark on the document to show their consent or approval. Well, in the paper world, it is quite difficult to copy the signature. But in the digital world, one can easily copy the signature or mark and paste it on another document. One can’t even find a single difference in that. In the court, the judge can’t comment just by looking at the image of the signature.

Some software can offer PKI-based e-signature. You will get a unique Digital Identity, known as X.509 Certificate after verification of the real identity. After that, you can use the certificate for e-signed documents. When you sign a document cryptographically, it locks your digital identity, and one can know who has signed the documents. Certificate Authority issues such certificates that is a trusted organization. So, get your unique Digital Identity now and enjoy a safe and secure online document signing process.

While working with electronic signatures, it is commendable to understand how electronic signature works. Here is a quick guide to the electronic signature workflow.

9. The signing software vulnerabilities

Most of the e-signing software can be infected by malware, including yours too. The reason behind this is the software you are using may contain some vulnerabilities. You might be thinking that what are these all about? Well, that means there are some bugs in your software. Then the malware enters into the software through the bugs. You can’t detect them as they will take over the software without any notice.

So, to avoid such a problem in your e-signed documents, choose an electronic signature software which gets updated regularly. Some dedicated and reputed platforms consider potential exploit seriously. Besides, they also release updates and patches every month to keep the software safe. However, don’t forget to keep your OS and browsers up-to-date with latest updates.

10. You don’t know what you are doing

This is one of the significant security concerns for e-signed documents. Some users can deny that they don’t know about anything. For example, users can say they didn’t know about that a button when clicked will sign the documents. Besides, they can say that they didn’t get a chance to go through the document. If you are an electronic signature vendor, to counter such things, you need to prove that the signing process is a willful act and involves the consent of the parties. You can employ the flowing features for the e-signed documents.

  • Give the users a legal notice to let them know about the legal consequences of the signature. The users can’t sign the document until they accept the legal notice.
  • To prevent people from claiming that they miss something important while signing the document, give them an initial for every paragraph.
  • Make sure the GUI indicates the approve option for e-signed documents. Besides, make sure that it is written in the user’s regional language. Furthermore, allow the users to cancel the process in the middle. For example, a Decline option, by clicking on which they can cancel the operation.

It’s not that due to the threats associated with electronic signatures, you shouldn’t use electronic signatures. Instead, you should consider these points while choosing an e-signature vendor.

Take as much as time you need and choose the right one

E-signing software is quite easy to use. Some can be easily integrated with your website. However, it is essential to know everything about the e-signed documents and their threats. As a user, one should audit the vendor’s e-signature technology. Then compare it with the security requirements. Remember that not all the e-signatures of e-signed documents will offer you the same protection features.

The untrusted vendor can offer hackers a lot of chances to attack as they don’t follow security measures carefully. So, always use trusted vendors as their cryptographic evidence is embedded directly into the document. Though there is no requirement for any third-party server as It dramatically reduces the entry points.

Choose wisely and streamline the workflow without worrying about any threats!

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

E-Signature Law in India - Information Technology Act, 2000

As we all know, signatures are the identity of an individual. Traditionally, signatures are handwritten with pen on paper. However, now we can have electronic signatures! So, what brought this change? Digitization is the answer. Many businesses adopted the digital route for different business processes. This is the reason for which you can see better efficiency in marketing and sales.

Electronic signatures or e-signatures are a huge part of the ongoing move towards the digitization of businesses. This is one of the reasons to emphasize the information technology act in India. Wondering what it is, are you? E-signatures need valid legal recognition, and the IT act serves this purpose. In the following discussion, let us explore the legal precedent governing e-signatures in India.

The Basic Notion of the Information Technology Act, 2000

According to the Information Technology Act 2000, electronic signatures are legally valid in India. The Government of India focused on different advantages associated with e-signatures for presenting this regulation. The IT act is a clear platform to foster the adoption of digital technologies by Indian corporations and citizens. The act focuses on improving the ease of doing business and refining the storage of records.

Also, it focuses on raising the standards of safety, security, and cost-effectiveness of records. The information technology act is one of the drivers behind the recent rise in the use of e-signatures. One of the notable highlights that we can not miss here is the focus on providing electronic transactions using Aadhaar. Aadhar is the unique identification number issued to all Indian residents by the Indian government.

Indian law recognizes electronic signatures on the same grounds as that of physical signatures only with a few exceptions. On the other hand, the IT Act, 2000 also specifies requirements for the validity of electronic signatures. So, let us find out what are the requirements for the validity of e-signatures in India.

Also Read: UETA and ESign Act

Type of Signature Recognized in the Information Technology Act

The first thing to look at is the type of signatures recognized in the information technology act. There are two types of signatures in the IT act.

1. Electronic signatures combining aadhaar with eKYC service

Electronic signatures that combine Aadhar with eKYC service are the first type of signatures as per information technology act. Users who have an Aadhar could use an online e-signature service for signing documents online. This happens with the integration of the e-signature service with the Application Service Provider (ASP).

Users could have a mobile or web application interface, and this helps in signing documents online. They could authenticate their identity through an eKYC service provided by the e-signature service provider. The eKYC service could be an OTP or one-time password used commonly in India. The online e-signature service would work with the application service provider to give certificates and authentication services. All of these services would have to follow government guidelines.

2. Digital signatures developed with asymmetric cryptosystem and hash function

The second type of signature considered valid as per e-signature laws in India are digital signatures. Digital signatures created through the asymmetric cryptosystem and hash function are valid according to the information technology act. In an asymmetric cryptosystem, there is a pair of keys such as private key and public key. These keys are unique for each user and creates an e-signature. Users could get a digital signature from a reliable Certifying Authority (CA).

The CA provides a digital certificate that has the user’s name, the public key, and the expiry date of the certificate. The digital certificate also includes other essential information relating to the user. Many operating systems and browsers have a list of trustworthy CA root certificates. These root certificates verify the digital certificates provided by CA. In some cases, users could also get a USB token for signing a document. The USB token contains a personal PIN and an ID based on digital certificate.

Digital Signatures and Electronic Signatures are two similar looking terms but are different from each other. Check out the difference between the two i.e. Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

The Criteria for Valid E-Signatures

The most important milestone for e-signature laws in India was in 2008. In this year, the Information technology act 2008 introduced some amendments. The amendment brought the definition of ‘electronic signature’ into the scenario.

Section 2(a) of the act stated the definition of electronic signature.

“An electronic signature is defined as the authentication of electronic records by subscribers through electronic techniques.”

Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000 points out the definitions of electronic techniques. According to the information technology Act, e-signatures have to satisfy different criteria for validity.

The criteria can be outlined as follows -

  • E-signatures should be linked to the person signing a document with a unique ID. The unique ID is generally a digital-certified ID.
  • The signatory should have complete control over the data used to create the e-signature. The signatory should get this control at the time of signing. Generally, e-signature service providers authorize signatories to affix their e-signature to the document. This helps in fulfilling this requirement.
  • The changes to the document or the attached e-signature should be detectable. Users could fulfill this requirement by encryption of the document with a tamper-evident seal.
  • The e-signature is valid only if it has an audit trail. The audit trail is an account of the steps implemented in the signing process.
  • According to the information technology act, a certifying authority (CA) recognized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) issues a digital signature certificate.

Suitable Use Cases for E-Signatures

An electronic signature is valid if it satisfied all these conditions. The Information technology act 2000 is presently the main governing law for the validity of e-signatures in India. At this point, there are no case laws that relate to disputes regarding the application of e-signatures. The different types of use cases where the standard electronic signature can be applied are as follows.

  • Commercial agreements among corporate entities. These may include procurement deals, sales agreements, and non-disclosure agreements.
  • E-signatures are also applicable to HR documents. The examples include employment contracts, new employee onboarding processes, and benefits paperwork.

Documents Which Cannot Be Signed Electronically

The IT Act 2000 also presents details of use cases that are not suitable for the use of digital signatures. The first concern involves processes that require handwritten signatures. But the IT act does not cover these use cases. It covers examples of use cases that cannot be signed electronically.

  • Handwritten negotiable instruments except for cheques.
  • Trust deeds documents, written by hands.
  • Handwritten wills or any testaments.
  • Power of attorney, written by hands.
  • Handwritten contracts for sale or conveyance of immovable property and interest in the property.
  • Real estate documents; the examples include purchase and sales contracts and lease agreements. Documentation for residential and commercial real estate can also not involve e-signatures.

There are a number of myths spread worldwide regarding the use of e-signatures. It is important to understand these electronic signature myths and facts behind them.

Legal Precedents for Stamping

Therefore, any document which needs a notarial process or registration by a Registrar or Sub-Registrar cannot use an e-signature. The information technology act also presents some insights into the requirements for stamping. This is one of the noticeable concerns while signing electronically.

You need to know that specific documents should be stamped before or at the time of execution. However, there is no particular law in India that outlines a method for stamping of electronic documents. The states of Delhi, Maharashtra, and Karnataka focus on stamping for electronic records.

The electronically accepted stamps can help e-signature service providers to design their solutions according to your needs. The information technology act also emphasizes that companies should always look into the legal need for stamping a document. If there is a requirement of stamping before signing and execution of a document electronically, the company should have a physical copy. The physical copy should be stamped.

A document can bring financial penalties if it is not properly stamped. In some states, there are penalties for deliberately not stamping a document. The penalties could either be in the form of fines or even imprisonment. However, these provisions are implemented rarely.

Other Valid Forms of E-authentication

As we discussed above, there are certain documents that are suitable for electronic signing. However, it does not mean that documents signed by other electronic means than an e-signature are invalid. The Information technology act also provides validity for contracts that use authentication methods specified in it. For example, a contract executed with email is an authentication method. Documents that use two-factor authentication such as OTP or a PIN could also be considered valid.

On the other hand, there is a slight problem in proving the validity of these documents. They are not the same as the documents signed with handwritten signatures. If an electronic contract involves any dispute, then it is essential to prove that the requirements of a valid contract have been fulfilled.

The parties involved in the contract should ensure the execution of the document by using a non-tamperable method. Even if this requirement is quite tasking, the use of email and two-factor authentications of contracts is highly popular. The technology and eCommerce sector make the most of this facility.

You would have to follow certain best practices to prove the validity of electronically signed documents. An important note, in this case, these best practices are suitable in case of using email or other forms of authentication.

  • The signing process should have a mechanism for verifying the identity of signatories. The mechanism could be a verification email to the signatory’s unique email address. The information technology act also allows sending OTP to the mobile phone of the signatory.
  • The signing party should provide consent for conducting the transaction electronically.
  • A clear description of the intent of the signing party to sign the document electronically with the method used for signing.
  • Secure tracking of the process with an audit trail for logging each step.
  • Use of a tamper-evident seal for securing the final document.

Based on these industry best practices, you can conform to the precedents outlined in the IT act for e-signatures. Furthermore, a clear awareness of these factors could help you find the best e-signature solution.

Still confused about adopting electronic signatures? Check out these top reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

The Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015

India achieved another notable milestone in regulation for e-signatures long after the Information Technology act, 2008 amendment. Despite the clear definition and availability of provisions enabling the use of e-signatures, they were not used. However, the Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015 brought a new change.

Also, the Digital Signature Rules (End Entity), 2015 came into existence. The most noticeable application of these rules provided the basis of e-signature regulations in India as known today. For example, the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) developed with the Information technology act, received more powers. The CCA is now capable of regulating and providing the requirements and process for using e-authentication methods.

The Current state of E-Signature Legality

According to the Information Technology Act in India, the sole authority over e-signatures is the Central Government. The Central Government holds the authority for declaring reliable techniques for e-signature. The Central Government could add or remove any technique valid for electronic authentication.

However, the Central Government has not issued any notification regarding the concept of electronic signature. So, the only method used for electronic signatures is digital signatures. The examples of Aadhaar based identify verification and electronic signing show the fact. The Delhi High Court has asked the Central Government to introduce policies on the use of electronic signatures.

This clearly shows that the legal aspects of e-signatures are relatively underdeveloped in India. However, the IT act outlines the criteria for the legal recognition of e-signature in Section 5. The section outlines that if the prescribed requirements have been followed, then an electronic signature is valid just like a handwritten signature.

You should also take note of the offenses outlined in electronic signatures. The offenses can include publishing false e-signature certificates, identity theft, or publishing electronic certificates for a fraudulent purpose. The other offenses include misrepresentation or suppression of material fact to obtain e-signature or license.

While working with electronic signatures, it is commendable to understand how electronic signature works. Here is a quick guide to the electronic signature workflow.


Based on an outlook of the e-sign laws in India according to the IT Act 2000, the above discussion concludes now. The discussion provided information on the general concept of e-signature accepted legally in India. The types of e-signatures considered valid according to the IT act formed an important part of the discussion. The use cases suitable for electronic signatures and the unsuitable documents also refined an understanding of the legality of e-signatures in India.

Finally, the discussion focused on other forms of electronic authentication valid in India. Also, the discussion presented a brief illustration of the present state of e-signature legality in India. These details finally concluded a brief outline of offenses related to e-signatures according to the IT act.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

Points to Consider While Choosing an E-Signature Vendor

Change is the buzzword that is making the rounds in the present business environment. Nowadays, businesses are experiencing a great change with the adoption of electronic signature. Electronic signatures provide an efficient and cost-effective way to manage paperless signatures. The idea of using e-signature for your business requires an e-signature vendor.

With the popularity of e-signatures, a number of vendors are popping up in the market. But all these e-signature vendors are not equal, so it becomes important to evaluate them on some points. So, in this article, we’ll discuss the points that the businesses should consider while choosing an e-signature vendor.

Top 10 Points You Should Consider While Choosing an E-Signature Vendor

In a survey by Canon, almost 28% of small and medium businesses spend excessive time on paperwork for administrative purposes. Another study conducted by YouGov stated that small and medium businesses also lose almost £8.72 billion per year. It is due to spending around four hours and more on an average every week on the administrative paperwork. So, it’s high time that businesses should consider working smarter rather than working hard for hours.

This has been the notable reason why businesses are making the big leap towards selecting an appropriate e-signature vendor. However, this is where you shall be careful as you would be taking care of more than just ditching the pen and paper route for signatures. So, let’s get ahead and explore the factors that should be considered before choosing an e-signature solution.

1. Tamper Evidence Feature

The first aspect that you should emphasize while choosing an e-signature vendor is related to concerns of tampering or modifications in the document after a single signature. You can find certain e-signature service providers providing a tamper-evidence feature. This feature can help you to see any alterations that have been made in the document. The different service providers have unique approaches for providing tamper evidence. So, if you are quite specific about the security level with an e-signature vendor, it is appropriate to ask the approach followed by their tamper evidence technology.

You need to make sure that the tamper evidence is recorded right from the moment when a transaction is initiated. It would be recommended not to go for a solution that tracks tampering evidence when the signing process is terminated. To ensure legal certainty, it is essential that the e-signature service provider ensures tamper evidence recording after the initial signature rather than waiting for the completion of all the signatures.

The tamper evidence technology should be capable of showcasing any unwanted changes attempted in the document. Furthermore, you would be able to ensure that the first signatory has not tampered the document before sending the document to the second signatory. You can also find some modern e-signature solutions that have the facility of making a document tamper-proof with its creation. This way, the document cannot tamper once it has been completed.

To use e-signature effectively, it is important to understand electronic signature workflow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to e-signature workflow.

2. The Comprehensiveness of the Audit Trail

Another prominent factor that shall come into focus when choosing an e-signature vendor is the audit trail. The audit trail is a common feature that you would find with the services of an electronic signature vendor. This feature is responsible for tracking the actions of signatories and the documents in every transaction for creating evidence about the conduct of the entire transaction.

However, different e-signature platforms show considerable differences in the amount of detail recorded by them in the audit trail. So, it is recommended that you should look for e-signatures that are available with a detailed and comprehensive granular audit trail. A granular audit trail can help you gain access to evidence of each element involved in the signing process.

Any reliable e-signature vendor would ensure that you can have a detailed audit trail, thereby facilitating legal evidence for the signing process that can be used in court if needed be. The elements that you can find in a comprehensive audit trail include the date and time of document submission, consents of signatories, IP address of signatories, cancellations or opt-outs, issue of digital certificates and the time of signatures and initials.

3. Access to Evidence

The next factor that should be on your priority when selecting an e-signature vendor is whether you have to depend on the service provider to prove the legality of the signature. As we have observed above, tamper evidence technology and audit trails could help in validating a transaction if the need arises. However, you should make sure that you can access the information at any time.

So, you should look for an electronic signature solution that can help you verify signatures independently. This implies that the evidence of the digital signature should be embedded directly and permanently to the signed document. Look for an e-signature platform that utilizes published standards as well as public key infrastructure (PKI) for proving the validity and integrity of documents.

With the evidence, you could be able to access it anytime even after years. You would not find this facility in all electronic signature platforms, especially the ones bound by proprietary standards. This type of vendors requires visiting the solution provider’s website to obtain information about the signature. This can seem plausible for a moment. But you need to think of long term scenarios.

For example, what would happen if the vendor’s server goes down? What if the vendor has changed their technology after ten years and you need to access a signature for proving in court? In these situations, you can land up without access to evidence of the validity of your documents.

4. Compliance with Industry Standards

Talking about security aspects with an electronic signature vendor, it is essential to make sure that the vendor meets industry compliance. The most basic precedents for taking into consideration are ESIGN and UETA guidelines for e-signatures. In addition to these precedents, it is also essential for an e-signature vendor to comply with the regulatory standards followed in different industries.

The financial services industry requires compliance with the Standards and Procedures for Electronic Records and Signatures (SPeRS). The Securities industry requires compliance of an e-signature platform with the Electronic Securities Transaction Act. For the sector of annuities, it is essential to comply with the Insured Retirement Institute’s E-signature Standards for Straight through Processing. HIPAA regulations are found in the healthcare industry, whereas 21 CFR Part 11 is relevant for life sciences.

So, based on your industry type, you need to make sure that the e-signature solution of your choice complies with all the industry regulations.

5. Authentication Measures

Authentication factors should be the next priority when selecting an e-signature vendor. This is essential to make sure that your documents are not in the wrong hands at any point in time. Therefore, the e-signature platform should follow a minimum of two factors of authentication.

The most basic example of two-factor authentication is a combination of a password with an SMS text message on a mobile phone. The importance and sensitivity of the information in different documents and forms would vary considerably. So, you could face the need for higher levels of authentication. You would not want your e-signature vendor to leave your documents open to unauthorized access.

So, based on the level of risk involved with a document, you need to find whether the vendor provides multiple approaches for verification of identities of signatories. One of the methods is email-only authentication. In this, a user clicks on a link received through an email and is redirected to the transaction directly.

Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is another simple yet proven measure for authenticating the identity of signatories. KBA would require the user to input their date of birth or the last three digits of their social security number followed by answering a set of multiple-choice questions. If the user answers all the questions correctly, then the user could access the transaction.

Certain vendors can implement shared questions for authentication in which a user has to answer certain personal questions that are known to the sender. Upon answering the questions correctly, the user could prove their authentication to access the transaction. Note that better authentication requirements would directly result in better defense of the e-signature.

There are a number of myths about the e-signature. Here we cover the top electronic signature myths and facts behind them.

6. Cloud Security

The majority of the concerns related to the selection of the right e-signature vendor are associated with the safety of the e-signed documents. You should know that e-signatures are SaaS solutions, and this implies the relation between e-signatures and the cloud. So, you should choose a vendor that can provide a formidable cloud infrastructure capable of safeguarding the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your data.

Most important of all, you should try to find if the electronic signature solution provider has accomplished security certifications such as SOC2. In addition to a sturdy cloud infrastructure, security certifications indicate vendor’s highest standards for cloud security and data protection. By confirming this aspect with your vendor, you could stay away from complaints of unauthorized access.

7. Ease of Use of the Solution

The next crucial concern in selecting an e-signature vendor is usability. An easy to use e-signature platform can help drive positive outcomes in the adoption of the technology. You don’t want to deal with issues such as confusion about e-signing the documents or logging in with your credentials every time. Also, you would want to stay away from unnecessary nagging due to prompts for installing plug-ins, software, and apps. These concerns can dissuade the users, and they would most likely leave the e-signature process.

Therefore, it is advisable to go for a solution that can help in simplification of the e-signature process. It should make the e-signature process simple for customers as well as your internal stakeholders. You need to focus on certain questions such as the number of clicks a user has to make for signing a document, the method for sending documents for signature or the clicks or time take for creating an agreement. This would help you improve adoption of the e-signature technology alongside reducing the friction in contract acceptance processes.

8. Facility for Company Branding

As a business, you go before your customers with a unique identity. Your brand speaks of your identity and differentiates you from the competition. Therefore, you need to understand that the e-signature vendor of your choice should provide facilities for company branding. It is mandatory to look for a vendor that can help you customize document workflows with your company logo.

This would maintain your company’s identity among your clients and provide a consistent brand experience. When this experience combines with a hassle-free document viewing and signing experience, your business will mark a formidably positive impression on your clients.

9. Integration with Business Applications and Processes

Your business must be dependent on various business applications for the management of daily tasks. Therefore, you need to check the e-signature platform integration into the internal processes of your business. The e-signature technology should provide users with the flexibility to integrate the e-signature app into the existing business processes. Selecting an electronic signature software that can be integrated effectively with common business applications such as Microsoft Word, Google Drive, and Dropbox would give a promising boost to employee productivity.

Treat your electronic signature platform as an investment. Thus, aim to make the most of it by the facility of using them as per your convenience. You need to evaluate your common document workflows and find out approaches in which e-signature technology can be integrated with them. It is also recommended to evaluate the API of the e-signature solution alongside reviewing its other clients.

10. Try to Find Mobile-friendly Solutions

Being mobile is an inseparable part of the business environment today. Customers and internal stakeholders in every business are constantly dependent on their mobile devices such as smartphones for daily transactions. So, it is important to look for an e-signature vendor that can provide the facility of e-signing documents from a mobile device. The vendor should provide optimization of the signing process for all types of mobile devices and platforms. So, you should make sure that your customers can have a user-friendly experience in e-signing documents.

Also Read: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature


On a concluding note, it can be stated that the aspects of security, legal validity, and usability should be the major factors to consider in selecting the right e-signature vendor. The discussion presented above has provided clear insights into the different points required to choose an electronic signature vendor. However, it is also important to look for the vendor’s association with your industry as well as their reputation in working with different clients in the past.

So, have a focus on the above factors while choosing an e-signature vendor and find the best one!

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments