Month: August 2021

How Electronic Signatures Support Work From Home in 2021?

Are you working from home and trying to be as productive as in the office?

Worldwide businesses are working remotely to battle the pandemic and stay afloat in the market. So, how to maintain productivity and ensure your critical business processes keep going smoothly?

Some fantastic tools in the market are designed especially for remote working professionals. Electronic signatures are essential tools to help you work without hiccups in a home or remote environment far away from the office.

Integrating electronic signatures in Work From Home (WFH) environment:

Integrating electronic signatures in-home is as easy as using a simple app on a smartphone or laptop. The technology helps both the sender and the signer work from home efficiently by following these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free eSignature account from your device
  2. Create or upload the signing document using ready to use templates or Google drive
  3. Use the signed document sharing feature to share it with a closed group of people
  4. Use the LunarPen interface (draw, write or upload your signature) to eSign the document
  5. Quickly receive the electronically signed documents on your email

Industries that need electronic signatures for Working From Home (WFH)

Legal Industry: Lawyers can notarize documents remotely

Insurance Industry: Quickly process insurance claims without delay

Banking Industry: Use it for eKYC, opening accounts & loan approvals

Real Estate Industry: Sign property contracts & agreements on time

Healthcare Industry: Effectively manage documents for patients, vendors, physicians & employees

Construction Industry: Save time & store project documents managed by engineers and contractors

We have seen how easy it is to integrate the eSignature tool in a home environment, and almost all industries need this essential tool for their remote working employees.

The ability to work from home or in any location is a reality in 2021. Organizations have realized the value of flexible workforce arrangements, and employees are demanding it.

With the help of electronic signatures, people are able to do their work wherever they want without coming back to the office. There are several reasons why electronic signatures are an essential work from home tool to have on hand :

1) Suitable for remote working employees

Research says that by 2025, 70% of the professional workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month. Another survey reveals that over 74% of companies plan to permanently shift employees to remote work after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

It isn’t easy to synchronize work when your employees are sitting at different locations. You can’t get in touch with another employee instantly if you need their signatures on the documents. Distances become huge barriers in such situations, deeply affecting everyday business.

Electronic signature technology helps overcome all the critical business barriers for remote working employees. Your employees can create physical documents using readymade templates and sign them from their home locations without getting into physical contact with each other.

This way, electronic signatures maintain social distancing norms eliminating the need to print, sign, and scan physical documents, thereby making them the perfect solution for remote working employees.

2) Save infrastructure costs and utility costs

According to the WSP report, companies utilize the pandemic situation as an opportunity to downsize, reduce operating costs and invest more in technology.

With nearly all the middle and senior-level employees working from home, and office buildings closed for years, to abide by the lockdown guidelines, Who needs an office now and pay for rental costs unnecessarily?

Work From Home (WFH) helps companies save mammoth infrastructure costs in the form of corporate office rentals as well as utility costs (running charges of electricity, power backup, internet, canteen, water, security, and maintenance)

Digital signatures are a match made in heaven for corporate companies that need to reduce their operating costs significantly.

You do not need to depend on office variables like printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, electricity, and colossal office space to function.

The technology is easily integrable with the company’s existing processes and lets you function independently from any geographic location without inflating the company bills. Anyone can operate the eSignature application on portable devices like laptops and smartphones, actively used by professionals working from home.

3) Helps process transactions & agreements away from the office environment

Electronic signatures present a welcome solution to one of the biggest challenges of working from home- having access to processing transactions and agreements away from the office environment. It includes regular processes like:

  • Employment contracts
  • Customer contracts
  • Supplier agreements
  • Purchase orders
  • Work orders
  • Mergers, acquisitions & disposals

The main reason why a small yet powerful application like electronic signature can do transactions away from the office environment successfully is due to

Readymade templates: Availability of readymade templates for preparing online documents (You don’t need office hardware like desktop and printers to prepare physical documents)

Cloud storage integrations: You must be worrying that if employees are signing documents from home. How can they store the signed documents in a safer place?

eSignatures utilize cloud storage to store the signed documents in digital format, removing the need for physical storage.

Reminders & notifications: As there are delays in signing the documents due to several rounds of follow-ups with respective employees and the clients. Electronic signature solutions with inbuilt mechanisms for reminders and notifications help them sign documents in no time.

4) Safe and secure for sending confidential data to remote workers

The companies are regularly sending sensitive and confidential documents to their remote working employees during the corona pandemic.

There are many roadblocks between a company and a remote worker to send company data securely, which may be an unsecured WIFI connection responsible for spreading viruses and malware that can compromise the organization’s data security.

It’s not the case that the company can’t use the official email for sending highly secretive documents to its employees.

There is a strong reason not to send confidential information in an email when your employees are off the company network!

When you send an email, the message leaves your email provider’s server and travels all over the internet. The vulnerability of email is why you should not use this channel as a medium to exchange sensitive information.

You can use an electronic signature as a trusted application to send confidential data to remote working employees at any distant location. The technology is completely safe and allows a view, edit, and create access for the documents only to the selected employees that can exchange information between themselves safely.

5) Boost remote work productivity

These are some unique ways by which companies can use an electronic signature to work from home:

Make remote hiring of employees super easy

LunarPen eSignature solutions help HR professionals do

  • Employee induction
  • Employee onboarding
  • Accelerating employee agreement process
  • Automating employee agreement process
  • Prepare performance appraisal documents

HR professionals need not have face-to-face contact with employees to get their documents signed. They can complete employee onboarding in a few clicks using eSignature application from any authorized device.

Sales professionals can seal a deal in minutes.

You want to get an important document signed by your client. But both of you are working from home. So, how to get the signatures if you have travel restrictions in your region.

Nothing to worry about!

Electronic signatures are at your service. You do not have to travel & meet the clients physically. Your client needs to install and access the LunarPen eSignature application on their secure portable device and eSign the documents in easy steps without further delay.


If your company has shifted to remote operations and is trying to boost the productivity of professionals working from home, join hands with LunarPen eSignature applications as a trusted partner to drive your business. Sign up for a free e Signature account now.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

How Telecom Industry benefits from Electronic Signatures?

The powerful presence of the telecom industry is responsible for boosting communication, workplace flexibility, and the worldwide market reach of every small & big company.

Telecom services have proven vital in the COVID-19 epidemic by providing video conferencing, mobile communication, and high-speed internet services. It is a huge comfort for companies trying to stay afloat in one of the toughest business environments.

Thousands of vendors partner with telecom operators to ensure service quality and continuity. The paperwork for service contracts, partnerships, and agreements takes up most of the vendors and the network solution providers.

When you have uncountable applications related to new service requests, agreements, and contracts, paper-based processes become time-consuming, costly, and increase customer dissatisfaction.

Customers get impatient if their requested services get delayed. In addition, failing to meet service quality standards increases the rate of customer churn.

Electronic signatures can help firms improve internal business processes and provide exceptional customer service.

Here is how the telecom industry can benefit from electronic signatures:

1) Improve customer experience

In the highly competitive telecom industry, customer experience is a critical factor in maintaining a competitive advantage. After the automobile and hotel industry, the telecom sector has the third-highest potential for increasing revenue by improving customer experience (CX). According to Forrester’s research’s CX index scoring system, telcos that increase CX scores by one point generate an additional USD 3.39 revenue in per-customer incremental revenue.

Another research by HBR states that customers with the most satisfying experiences spend an average of 140% more than those that have experienced a shortfall in customer experience.

Electronic signatures improve customer experience in telecom industry by

  • Limiting time taking paperwork
  • Blazing fast customer onboarding
  • Enabling self service for faster response
  • Eliminating waiting time to access telecom services
  • Accelerated closing of vendor contracts

2) Acquire customers in record time

Guess about a single industry accepting new connection requests from uncountable customers every day.

You guessed it right! It’s the telecom industry that gets prepaid, postpaid and broadband connection applications from trillions of customers around the globe.

Order fulfillment at the right time is the biggest roadblock in new customer acquisition as the customer service team of every company has to accept, process & verify tons of physical documents for every service request.

Every online document in the electronic signature application can be signed, stored, and verified on the same day. It assures speedy acquisition of new customers compared to the competition, which is not using electronic signature technology.

3) Sign all documents related to telecom business processes

The telecom business processes require a massive amount of paper due to handling a high volume of business data. It involves sharing extensive information with employees, business partners, vendors, OEMs, and others.

Management of data and documents in the telecom industry is of the highest priority. It has to ensure the documents’ security, validity, and integrity by having critical information about customers, contracts, & other confidential data.

Hand-written signatures on paper documents significantly slow down critical processes and have a detrimental effect on daily business operations.

You can digitally sign different documents in the telecom industry, some of which are:

  • New connection requests
  • Service requests and approvals
  • Internet services documents
  • Contracts and agreements
  • Invoices
  • E-statements
  • Purchase orders (PO)
  • Vendor agreements

4) Increase employee productivity and satisfaction

Sales employees spend most of the time-traveling, visiting client offices, follow-ups, and doing the usual printing, signing, scanning, and submitting customer applications, contracts, and other documents. They struggle to focus on their Key Result Areas (KRAs) due to these distractions and lack of time.

Electronic signatures boost employee productivity by rapidly closing sales much faster in comparison to physical documents. The sales team can focus on their job better as they don’t have to travel and do physical follow-ups with the clients anymore.

They can close sales, contracts, and agreements using eSignature applications from their offices or any other location and focus on other essential tasks like chasing monthly goals from other business accounts and meeting critical business deadlines connected with their KRAs.

5) Protect your loyal customers from telecom frauds

Telecom fraud is a severe threat to the telecommunication industry. Data fraud happens when the customers provide their ID documents during their onboarding stage in the company.

Another fraud SIM swap is a significant problem where scammers use fake IDs to access a subscriber’s SIM card. Then they use the SIM to authenticate transactions with the subscriber’s bank account and plunder his money to take full advantage of the situation.

Do you want to know the stage where customer IDs leak?

Customer IDs are leaked during the customer onboarding stage when companies receive physical documents from the customers.

How to avoid customer IDs leaks?

eSignature applications eradicate the time-consuming copying, scanning, and storing processes of physical documents. It is where there is a high probability of fraud due to leakage of customer data.

The technology stores the documents in digital format securely using cloud storage solutions that block all unauthorized attempts against data leaks.

Case Study

Telenor’s store in Norway ran on a franchise model. Multiple companies handled store operations that posed a significant customer support challenge due to the absence of a central document repository.

It forced the stores to manage paperwork and individual contracts at their own risk in warehouses.

If a customer approached a Telenor store to resolve their issues. Then it meant coming to the same store that had stored the documents of the customer. Another store could not service them due to the unavailability of customer documents.

Locating an older document meant a lot of work for the salesperson, as they had to travel to the document warehouse to search for the paper contract. It doesn’t always guarantee success as the crucial paper contracts get lost or damaged in storage facilities.

It resulted in customer dissatisfaction, increasing customer churn, as well as huge revenue loss.

Major Challenges

Support and Fraud

Slow resolution of customer issues as well as the fraud case due to decentralized documents

Customer churn

Large number of customers leaving Telenor & increasing churn costs

Presence of different systems

Multiple systems for sales, insurance, service, and finance increasing business operations complexity.

The Pain Point

  • Searching paper documents submitted in different stores
  • Paper documents getting lost
  • Slow resolution of customer issue
  • Rising cases of document fraud


Telenor adopted digital signature solutions for their rising needs. They used this technology to sign up documents generated by their internal systems and several partner systems.

The company was quickly able to digitize all the documents without any integration.

They got promising results:

  • Store managers and owners began concentrating more on what they do best: selling their products and services.
  • Customer support representatives started addressing customer issues on the first call due to rapid access to customer information.
  • The fraud department discovered contracts that were previously impossible to locate.


Electronic signatures automate critical business processes in the telecom sector, boosting customer acquisition, sales, employee productivity, and customer loyalty. If you’d like to learn more about how e signature solutions would help your telecom operations run more efficiently, connect with us now.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

Why Should The Retail Industry Use Electronic Signatures?

Global retail sales are expected to reach 26.7 trillion USD in 2022, up from 23.6 trillion USD in 2018. Retailers are doing business on a much bigger scale due to globalization and numerous trade agreements between the marketplaces and the governments.

Rapidly growing business activities in the retail industry mean bulk-hiring employees to attend to the huge footfall of customers in retail stores and managing the supply of retail products. This repetitive process generates tonnes of customer & supplier-based documents like sales receipts, sales orders, supplier forms, & a lot more. The traditional paper-based document signing process presents multiple challenges to the global retail industry, including high costs, procedural delays, lack of transparency, and security concerns.

Electronic signatures help address all the concerns by moving from paper-based to paperless documentation, improving customer and retail brand experience.

Types of retail business where you can use electronic signatures:

eCommerce store – Fully customized responsive online store that speaks to your customers and showcases your products.

Discount store – A retail store that sells products at a lower price than most of the other retail stores

Warehouses – They are used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, and transporters located on the outskirts of cities, towns, or villages.

Supermarket- A self-service shop offering a variety of food, beverages & household products.

Departmental stores – They are large-scale retail stores that deal in selling gods under one roof and single control.

Convenience stores- They are small retail businesses that stock everyday commodities like groceries, snack food, confectionery, etc.

Specialty stores – A specialty retail store focuses exclusively on a few product categories instead of retailers who sell a wide variety of consumer items.

Integrating electronic signatures in retail business

Retail businesses can integrate electronic signatures easily in their workflows by following these steps:

  • Download the eSignature application from the technology partner’s webpage
  • Open the app interface & upload a document for eSignature
  • Enter the email of other people to decide who receives the document
  • Type the message for email recipients to explain the document agenda
  • Draw, write or upload your signature using the eSignature interface
  • Click “Send” to share the documents on specified emails
  • Document stakeholders receive the signed documents by email

Opportunities in the retail industry for delivering more value with electronic signatures

Developing a flexible workforce

The retail industry requires additional staff to serve customers during holidays and other noteworthy events. As a result, they frequently need to hire quickly, even more so during the peak season.

For example, a large clothes retailer requires seasonal workers, which is challenging to secure in the temporary work industry. As a result, the hiring process must be accelerated from job posting to onboarding.

Electronic signatures eliminate the need for the contract signing, a substantial obstacle to the onboarding process. Employers and contractors benefit from quicker employee onboarding by increasing business responsiveness, thereby positively impacting customer experience.

Accelerated Supply chain

Nowadays, the retail industry is characterized by constant change, shorter product lifecycles, and uncertain demand. Supply chain agility demands the freedom to improve processes across supplier, logistics, and customs networks.

How to ensure supply chain agility?

Retail businesses can digitalize the supply chain using digital signatures. The technology helps by speeding up requisitions, approvals, and supplier contracts.

Great products require supply chains that enable businesses to enhance their services and consumer experiences.

Signing any form remotely

Every transaction in the retail sector needs some form of agreement. Here are some common types of paperwork used in the retail industry which can be signed by electronic signatures:

  • Recruitment contracts
  • Concession documents
  • Order invoice
  • Supplier application forms
  • Sales quotation
  • Purchase order invoice
  • Delivery notes
  • Sales return
  • Sales receipt
  • Sales order

Case Study


Krispy Kreme is a famous doughnut company with over 100 stores in the UK and almost anywhere in the British Isles.

The Pain Points

Contract Management: Keeping track of new employee contracts was difficult as they had more than 2000 employees in hundred stores.

Slow recruitment process: The recruitment procedure was slowed down using paper-based documentation requiring multiple signatures and validation.

Lowering overall costs: For a company of the size of Krispy Kreme, the expenditures associated with stamps were quite substantial. Contracts for new hires, as well as contract changes as positions changed, contributed to the expense.


Easier employee contract search: Login to the eSignature solution and search for any employee contract, which is easier than paper copies.

Create new contracts: Electronic Signature is used for creating new contracts, amendment contracts, and any change in employment.

Save time on recruitment: The ease with which documents can be sent and received is remarkable. There is no wait, and employees are quickly integrated into the work culture, saving time on general recruitment.

Cost-cutting: Electronic signatures have significantly reduced costs by eliminating the requirement to deliver pre-stamped documents.

Why should the retail industry use electronic signatures?

Using electronic signatures has numerous benefits for the retail industry. Here are some of them:

Eliminate paperwork: Electronic signatures eliminate unnecessary paperwork for inventory reconciliation, staff timesheets, and printed receipts in retail, benefitting both the customer and the retailer.

The business saves time by guaranteeing that all information is readily accessible and searchable digitally, decreases storage expenses and space required to hold papers, and eliminates continuing expenditures associated with printers, ink, and paper.

For consumers, digital receipts offer greater convenience than paper receipts. Few customers appreciate the concept of carrying paper receipts, sorting and saving them at home in an era of digital wallets.

Improve customer experience: Customer experience is a top priority for many organizations. Research says that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase from brands offering personalized experiences to them.

Many clients dislike dealing with enormous stacks of paper agreements, contracts, warranties, and bills. It is annoying, time-consuming, and inconvenient. In this case, an electronic signature is beneficial as it improves the customer experience during the purchasing process saving enough time for customers to focus on other important tasks.

Save money: An important research by a leading news source states that an average US office spends USD 80/year on paper per employee, and 50%-70% of the office space is dedicated to filing and storage of documentation. Another study says that American companies spend an estimated USD 20 on labor costs to file a document, USD 120 on finding a misfiled document, and USD 220 to reproduce a lost document.

You can see that the cost of handling & reproducing a document multiplies after the document storage stage.

One significant way the retail industry can reduce the overall costs is by investing in electronic signatures solutions. The technology helps retail businesses in cutting costs related to document storage, security & management.

Save time: Electronic signatures in the retail industry are beneficial to everyone involved: suppliers, clients, and employees alike. It is possible to complete authorization more quickly due to the availability of documents and supporting resources in real-time. Employees will have more time to dedicate to listening to the demands of clients and suppliers as a result of this change.

Minimize hand-to-hand contact: Digital signatures eliminate the need to print, sign, and scan the document before giving it to the other parties, hence minimizing time spent in person for managing every document. Employees can always electronically sign and return the papers, and there is no physical touch between them at any stage during the process.


Electronic signatures have huge scope in the retail industry. When cost-cutting is more critical than ever, a simple investment in technology to enable paperless transactions can revolutionize retail productivity.

Along with cost and time savings, it has immense potential to enhance the customer experience, satisfy the expectations of the environmentally-conscious consumer, and assist the retail sector in reducing its environmental imprint.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

Benefits Of Electronic Signatures For The Real Estate Industry

The ultimate goal of every real estate business is to simplify its business processes, boost customer experience, increase profitability and cut costs. Every company in the industry is running a race to achieve them and striving to discover an intelligent solution that will improve company workflows & win customer loyalty while minimizing the operating expenses.

Electronic signatures are one technology that helps real estate companies avoid delays in signing documents and reduce the chances of misplaced papers, mismatched signatures, or document fraud that may lead to bad customer experience and deal cancellation.

How eSignature works for real estate agents?

Real estate agents can utilize the eSignature application to create, edit and prepare the purchase, sales and financing documents by following these steps.

  1. Agents open the eSignature application on desktop, smartphone, or laptop
  2. Upload the purchase, sales & financing documents in the application
  3. Enter the client’s email address who will sign the documents electronically
  4. Fill out the subject & message to the clients explaining the agenda of documents
  5. Click send to share documents with the clients
  6. The client receives email or app notification of receiving the documents
  7. The client signs the received documents using the esignature interface & hits send button
  8. The completed esigned copy is automatically sent to the agent
  9. The deal is confirmed between the client and the real estate company

Factors to be considered while selecting an electronic signature for a real estate company:

1) Mobile Friendly: Is your eSignature application mobile-friendly? If yes, this will help real estate agents stay updated with every pending document on the move.

2) Integration: Does it allow integration with third-party tools to extend its functionality?

3) Storage limits: Does it help upgrade storage space if you reach your limits?

4) Security: Are your confidential transactions safe with the eSignature tool? How does it help protect the client & company interests?

5) Core usage: Can it be used for different activities in the real estate industry? Examples:

Administration: Approval, change requests, repair orders, appointments

Rentals: Contract renewals, termination notices, non-payment notification, payment authorization

Construction companies: Contract with the company, sub-contractors, Purchase orders

Buying & selling: Agreement with third parties, home insurance, Terms & conditions

Check out some of the fantastic benefits of electronic signatures for the real estate industry:

1) Faster closing of real estate deals electronically

You may face surprising issues at the time of closing sales like missing documents, missing signatures, client unavailability on specific dates, or sudden objections from signing parties that could slow down the closing of real estate deals.

LunarPen electronic signatures let real estate agents sign documents more speedily and efficiently from any location. The application assures that all necessary signed copies are available during the closing of deals.

The electronic signing of real estate documents offers these benefits to close real estate sales quickly:

Faster and efficient: There is no need to rush to sign, re-sign, and deliver the updated agreements. As a result, the closing times of the real estate sales reduce.

No chances of missing document: Never miss an important document when closing an agreement with your client. The application helps in managing all the necessary documents in a single place.

Review the documents before closing: Parties can receive the documents well before closing. So, there is plenty of time to seek clarifications, review, and understand the documents before signing.

2) Accuracy and efficiency of the signed documents

Any important real estate document may be signed incorrectly. The signee may leave some fields blank or forget to sign in some locations.

Incomplete or incorrectly filed real estate documents can invite unavoidable legal problems, fines, or penalties. In this case, the company may put the deal on hold until the issue is resolved.

If you use electronic signature applications to fill an online document, the software highlights the essential areas within agreements to ensure that you fill the entire document.

Due to such useful features, real estate companies do not have to spend time in error rectification and repeated documentation, thereby improving the accuracy & efficiency of business processes.

3) Get enhanced security for real estate documents

A real estate document is highly confidential as it contains sensitive information about the proof of a new property, agreement, taxes, and financial transactions.

You need a highly secure, hack-proof software application to secure these documents from theft and cyber-crimes.

A digital signature is equivalent to a handwritten or stamped seal built on robust security algorithms that only allow authorized personnel to access the documents.

The application uses different security processes like email authentication, login credentials, OTP over SMS, secret questions to protect, verify and validate the editing & access rights of sensitive information.

4) Offers pleasant experience to real estate customers

To buy or sell a property, every potential or existing real estate customer must go through complicated paperwork. The unending list of required documents may cause delays for both customers and companies.

Customers favor businesses with quick and easy processes.

Agents can utilise electronic signature software to reduce the stress of filling out time-consuming and error-prone paper contracts.

So, instead of waiting for contracts to arrive in the mail or awaiting clients to come into the office to sign, the application allows you to eSign and securely send the secret agreement,thereby improving customer experience.

5) Never lose your contracts again

Real estate companies can confidently store documents using eSignature technology as they utilize cloud storage solutions that keep all the sensitive eSigned records in a safer place. The technology ensures that you never lose a contract again due to misplacement of physical documents or manual errors.

If you have trouble finding the contracts of a specific company, then you need to have login credentials & view access rights to use the eSignature application. After that, you can download the online copy of the contract easily without wasting time.

Case Study:


William Ryan Homes (WRH) is an award-winning home builder with 27 years of experience, 11,000 projects under its belt and offers single-family homes in Phoenix, Arizona, Tampa, Florida, Madison, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago.

The pain points

Superintendents at WRH had to rush to print a work order ahead of time, carry it to the job site, hand gather the appropriate signatures, locate a scanner, and email the finalized document to the admin team.

Instead of utilizing email, the next step was sometimes to drive the physical document back to the office to fill them.

This process squandered a tremendous amount of time and resources.

The Solution

Electronic signatures offered a couple of exciting benefits to William Ryan Homes:

Time Savings

By digitizing their workflow, WRH improved their process time by 90% with electronic signatures.

Mobile compatibility

Mobile compatible eSignature apps allowed employees to get online and offline work done & sync their progress with the rest of their team.

Quicker Sales

Getting documents signed faster meant a faster build time that helped the property sell quickly to the customer.

Document centralization

With electronic signatures, all signed documents are available at a central location that can be sent anywhere instantly at a click of a button.

The sharpened focus of employees

WRH superintendents are now able to focus more on the home building process and what the customer wants.


Electronic signatures provide uncountable benefits to the real estate industry, from quickly closing sales, reducing face-to-face processes, managing paperwork, & improving customer satisfaction.

If you are trying to bring digital transformation to your real estate company. Sign Up with LunarPen right away to start using electronic signatures and turn around your business.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments