Lunar Pen

Best Way to Digitally Sign a PDF

Best Way to Digitally Sign a PDF

The ever-changing technology has advanced in such a way that nobody could have predicted. Look around, and you’d see that it has digitized pretty much everything. In this technology-driven era, you don’t have to waste your precious time doing simple tasks, such as signing documents and contracts. Those days are long past when signature meant manually signing a paper using a pen. Today, we aim to tell you the best way to digitally sign a pdf.

What is an Electronic Signature?

Electronic signatures have been on a roll since their inception. Electronic signatures refer to signing a document or a contract online. In simple words, it’s the digital form of your wet signature. An electronic signature serves the same purpose as the wet-signature, i.e., and signifies your consent on an online document.

Considering the fact that millions of professionals all over the world sign documents every day, electronic signatures hit the nail on the head. They have been around for quite some time now and for good reasons. Not only do they save an awful lot of your time, but they are convenient as well.

If you own a business organization and spend too much time signing documents every day, then consider switching to electronic signatures. You’ll certainly end up saving a great deal of your time, which you can invest in doing something productive. The best part about electronic signatures is that they have the same legal weight as wet signatures. Almost all the business organizations all over the world have started accepting these signatures. An absolute win-win for you!

How to do Electronic Signatures on PDF?

There are times when you have to sign a document on your phone, and there’s no way around it. Imagine you got an email, and you have to sign and send it back. One method that you may be aware of is to print it out to get a hard copy, sign it using a pen, then scan it and email it back. This may work for you if you don’t have to send it back instantly. However, if you’ve been asked to sign and send it back immediately, we can only send you sympathies. And it goes without saying that professionals cannot afford to waste this much time day-in, day-out.

Now you might be wondering if there is any way to virtually sign a pdf, and if possible, how to sign a pdf file? Well, there are plenty of options when it comes to signing documents and contracts online; none is better than You can sign the document in all popular formats, let alone pdf. Let’s discuss what’s so special about

What sets apart from the rest?

The main reason why is the go-to choice for professionals is that it brings all its expertise and highly advanced features to the table and ensures your documents’ safety with great efficiency. While signing the document, a private code is sent to both parties to verify their identity, and a time-stamped proof file is generated to protect your document. Furthermore, you can rest assured knowing that all the collected signatures by fully comply with the regulations and are as legally binding as the wet signatures.

At, sending and signing a document is an absolute cinch. The interface has been designed meticulously for your maximum convenience. You can upload the file from your desktop, Dropbox, and google drive, and then sending it to multiple parties is just a click away. Moreover, you can track the document to see its progress, which means that you can see who has signed and who is yet to sign.

What’s even better? is compatible with all widely used storage solutions, such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, and many more. It also allows you to sign the documents right from Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and the Chrome browser. And yes, did we forget to mention that you can access from all the devices, including mobile phones, laptops, and MacBooks. All you need is an internet connection, and you’re ready to go! Sign up for a free account now and take your signing up a notch.

How to create a signature at

As we mentioned earlier, is all about your convenience. You get multiple options when it comes to creating your electronic signatures. You can either draw, type, or upload an image of your signatures to store them. Apart from that, there are plenty of professional templates of non-disclosure contracts, invoices, and other documents that you can send ready right off the bat. The cherry on the cake here is that you can share these templates with your colleagues as well. What else to ask for?

Final Thoughts

Electronic signatures have quickly replaced wet signatures, thanks to the convenience they offer. is a feature-packed yet easy-to-use solution that offers the fastest electronic signature experience. There are tons of features that ensure your document’s safety. Sign up for a free account now and get a digitally signed document in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I digitally sign a PDF on my phone?

When it comes to signing a PDF electronically on your phone, we recommend using It offers the best signing experience, and your documents’ safety is guaranteed. Everything is incredibly simple and convenient as you can draw, upload, or type your signatures. Sign up for free to get the best signing experience.

Can we sign a PDF document?

Yes, you can digitally sign a PDF document. There are many apps that enable you to sign a pdf document, but is the most convenient and efficient one. Whether it’s a laptop or your mobile phone, you can sign a pdf through It’s packed with groundbreaking features to ensure your documents’ safety.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
Type of Signatures

Type of Signatures

It’s no secret that professionals all over the world sign various documents daily. Whether it’s a notice board in your school or a file in your office, signatures are quite ubiquitous. There was a time when signatures meant doing signatures using pen and paper. If you’re wondering what the different types of signatures for your name are, you’d be surprised to know that there are plenty of ways to sign a document.

In this article, we aim to discuss every popular type of signature. Apart from that, we’d also guide you on which signature you should use and why. Let’s delve further!

Wet Signature

Wet signature is the traditional type of signature. When you use a pen to manually sign a paper or document, it is called a wet signature. Like other kinds of signatures, the main purpose of wet signatures is to indicate that the signatory has read, understood, and agreed to the contents of that document.

It’s said that wet signatures were first practised in 1677 when a law was passed in the UK, which states that every contract should be written and signed in order to have legal standing.

Since then, every contract was signed manually until the invention of electronic signatures.

Considering the fact that a wet signature could be forged, it’s a good rule of thumb to do a wet signature in the presence of at least two or three people that you trust. A wet signature could be your nickname, real name (first or second name), your company’s name, or even a symbol or mark.

Electronic Signature

An electronic signature, also known as e-signature, is another widely used type of signature. It has gained so much popularity lately and organizations across the globe have switched to it. It’s an online version of your wet signatures. In other words, it’s an illustration of your wet signatures in digital form. A scanned picture of a signatory’s wet signatures or a bio-metric signing on signing hardware are a few electronic signatures examples.

As technology grows, signing documents has become more convenient. Gone are the days when you had to spend a great deal of your time signing the documents manually. The most obvious benefit of electronic signatures is that they save your time and money. The thing with the wet signature is that you have to buy pen and ink week in, week out, or you’d be caught short. Thankfully, that’s not the case with electronic signatures.

In the light of the differences described by the EIDAS regulations (Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services regulations) in 2016, let’s discuss the types of electronic signatures briefly:

  1. Simple Electronic Signature: In simple electronic signatures, you don’t have to go through any hassle of verifying your identity. Predictably then, they are not as secure as the other types of electronic signatures. You can go for these signatures, but it’s recommended not to trust them in case of sensitive documents as they are more vulnerable to fraudulent activities.
  2. Advanced Electronic Signature: Next, we have the advanced electronic signature. In this type, you have to provide some verification of your identity. Generally, the signatory is verified by certificates, which are often delivered via a delivery service. They are safer than simple electronic signatures, as they require verification.

Digital Signature

A digital signature, also known as the qualified electronic signature, is the most secure type of electronic signatures. They take the verification a step further to comply with the eIDAS regulations. All the details about the signatory are saved in these signatures. If you want your signing process to be the safest, then you can’t go wrong with the digital signatures, plain and simple!

Our Verdict

There are times when wet signatures or electronic signatures are the only options. But if the choice is yours, we recommend using electronic signatures.

If you own a company and rely on wet signatures only, you are very likely to lag behind, as signing documents manually consumes a lot of time. Switching to electronic signatures will save time for you that you can invest in doing something productive. And yes, unlike wet signatures, electronic signatures can hardly be forged. This is why most organizations have replaced wet signatures with electronic signatures already.


Talking about e signature format, electronic signatures nowadays are compatible with pretty much every file format. Although PDF is the most widely used one, you can sign documents of other formats as well. The same goes for the digital signature formats. You can also save your wet signatures in PDF format. Many software such as Adobe Acrobat, Autograph signature app, are available that allow you to save your wet signatures.

Lunarpen- A Name of Trust

There are dozens of websites and software that offer electronic signatures, none better than the Lunarpen. It’s a company that offers the safest and seamless signing experience. Individuals and companies all over the world use Lunarpen to sign documents every day - and for good reasons. This entire procedure is quite meticulous for users’ convenience. A major part of the reason why it has won the trust of professionals is that it’s safe and easy. The signing process requires the signatory to confirm his identity via a private code.

The collected signatures at Lunarpen are in compliance with all the regulations.

From One-drive to Dropbox, you can connect your account to many applications. Apart from that, it comes with a highly advanced feature that helps you track the document and see the progress. Sign up now for a free account on Lunarpen and take your signing up a notch.

Final Thoughts

Wet signatures and electronic signatures are the two main types of signatures. While the wet signature is the traditional type of signature, an electronic signature is its digital form.

Organizations can save a great deal of their time by switching to electronic signatures.

Lunarpen is a well-known company that offers electronic signatures. Tons of innovative features at Lunarpen make the signing process an absolute breeze.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
Wet Signature vs Electronic Signature

Wet Signature vs Electronic Signature

Signatures hold paramount importance for any legal document or file. Any legal document or file is meaningless without a signature. From a press release to your kid’s result card, signatures could be found everywhere.

Everything has moved digital in this internet-driven era, and the same is the case with signatures. Now long gone are the days when you required ink, pen, and paper to sign a document. But which kind of signature should you prefer? Today, this will be the premise of our discussion. We’d also try to debunk the myths surrounding electronic signatures, once and for all. Keep reading till the end to know more about wet signature vs electronic signature.

So, what is a wet signature? A wet signature, also known as a traditional signature, refers to the signatures that you place on the paper to indicate that you have read and agreed to the content written in the document or a file. In order to do wet signatures, you’d have to sign manually on paper using a pen or any other machine. It’s usually done in the presence of one or two trustworthy persons. Moreover, a signature is also used to identify the signer as everyone has his unique signature. It could be a person’s name (first or full name), a brand name, nickname, or any symbol or mark.

Prior to the invention of electronic signatures, wet signatures were the only way to sign a document.

The roots of wet signatures go as far back as 1677. A law was passed in the UK back then, which holds that for a contract to hold any legal standing, it must be written and signed. Experts suggest that this was when the signatures were given any legal importance. In the light of this law, it was made compulsory for all companies or individuals to sign the contracts and other documentation.

Wet Signatures in PDF Form

It’s no secret that PDFs are the most widely used kind of online documents. Now, you might be wondering if you can save your signatures in pdf format. Well, you’d be glad to know that there are dozens of applications available that enable you to save your wet signature on pdf. Among all those software, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat. All you need to do is just open this software and click on “Add Signature.” The coolest thing about this software is that you get three options to choose from, i.e., draw, type, and image. This will make signing contracts far more convenient for you.

Sending a Wet Signature?

Now that we have discussed how to save wet signatures on PDF, let’s discuss how to send a wet signature. Well, there are many ways when it comes to sending a wet signature. It all comes down to your personal preferences. Mail is the traditional way which has been used for years. It’s more widely used than other mediums as it’s considered safer and faster. Apart from Mail, you can go for scanned signatures as well. If that’s your preference, you can consider using Approve me. Both ways are equally effective and convenient.

Electronically Generated Original Signatures

Amid COVID 19, many countries around the globe, including the USA, have made it mandatory to provide an electronically reproduced original signature. This simply means that the signature must be handwritten on a scanned document, or an image should be provided at least.

Digital vs Electronic Signature

These two terms are confusing for a lot of users and have been used interchangeably at times.

However, you’d be surprised to know that these are actually two different kinds of signatures.

Electronic signature refers to the signatures to signify your consent on an electronic document or contract. A digital signature, on the other hand, is a form of electronic signatures, which encrypts the data

Final Verdict

There’s a lot to debate when it comes to discussing wet-signature vs electronic signature. Both forms have their legal standing, but the elephant in the room is that wet signatures could be forged, and they consume more time and effort as well.

If your organization spends too much time on getting contacts signed, then you should find yourself considering electronic signatures.

All the reasons why you should switch to electronic signatures would make a long and detailed list.

For starters, they save your time and money that you could spend on something productive. Organizations that solely depend on wet signatures often lag behind. As a cherry on the cake, they are cost-effective as well. You no longer need to shell out your money to buy a pen and paper every now and then. So, it’s safe to say that the digital signature is the winner in the digital signature vs handwritten signature comparison.

Is Lunarpen Considered a Wet Signature?

Lunarpen is a company that allows you to sign any document anytime, from anywhere. It offers tons of groundbreaking features to ensure the fastest and safest signing experience for thousands of professionals all over the world. Since it asks the user to confirm his identity via a private code, you can rest assured knowing that it’s safe. The collected signatures comply with all the norms.

Furthermore, sending a document to several parties is just a click away. And yes, did we mention that you can also track your document and see the progress easily. Seriously, electronic signing cannot get any easier than this. What’s even better? You can connect your Lunarpen account to other applications, such as OneDrive, Dropbox, and many others. Signup for a free account now to seamlessly sign your documents online.

Final Thoughts

Electronic signatures have secured so much popularity over the past few years, and for good reasons. They hit the nail on the head as they are more convenient, safe, time-saving, and cheap. To electronically sign your documents online, professionals use Lunarpen. Signup for a free account now and save a great deal of your time and money.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
How can the Tourism Industry use Electronic Signatures?

How can the Tourism Industry use Electronic Signatures?

The tourism industry is the world’s largest employer with more than 260 million employees and has more than 1.2 billion travellers taking trips outside their own country. This sector contributes a huge part of the world’s GDP and is one of the fastest-growing lucrative industries.

The industry has its fair share of problems with lots of challenges like last-minute cancellations, surprise accommodation requests to people not showing up at all, along with a lot of paperwork for admission requests and guest records.

There is a great way to deal with these challenges with electronic signatures, which are now a common thing that is rapidly being incorporated in the tourism industry. In this business, you can use electronic signatures to make your life easier and your company more efficient.

Why electronic signature is the solution to Tourism industry woes?

The present form of tourism industry has several shortcomings in the way it works. It suffers from paper-based processes, which are time-consuming and can be error-prone too. Electronic signature solves all these issues by providing secure and instant digital transactions that do not need any paper for further processing or storing.

With a digital signature, you can:

  • Protect the integrity of your records from manipulation and tampering
  • Do away with all the paperwork that has been used for centuries
  • Create a seamless process - be it your travel bookings, hotel check-ins or even bill payments - just by pressing a button!

Once you have this excellent solution in place, it will benefit you and make life easier for millions of tourists across the globe.

How do electronic signatures simplify the guest check-in experience?

It is crucial to assist guests in spending less time on paperwork and enjoying services in the tourism industry. Electronic Signature apps help the sector in the following ways:

  • Guest check-in and checkout processes are accelerated as the guests can register themselves in just a few seconds and receive personalized itineraries for their entire stay.
  • Substitutes precise, appealing digital forms for paper forms shown on eSignature enabled devices to reduce errors and improve customer experience.
  • Retains the reassuringly familiar sign-in experience that many guests appreciate without depending on the inefficient and wasteful use of paper.
  • Allows fast cross- and up-selling by displaying new services and special offers on colour screens while not in signing mode.
  • It helps the guest avoid the hassle of carrying bulky pen and paper as they can sign their name digitally, which is then stored in the database for access at any time.

How the electronic signatures help the tourism industry?

  • Streamlines back-end activities & paperwork at the front desk through digitalization, reducing the hassles of storing paper documents.
  • Creates a good first impression on the customers by differentiating the premium experience and convenience in a competitive market.
  • It saves significant time on paperwork allowing your guests to enjoy a better experience by capturing details of your guest like identity, preferences & more.
  • The innovative technology provides a cost-effective solution to fraud, forgery or alteration of documents and signatures in the tourism industry.

Tourism Industry documents that can be signed using eSignature

  • Booking confirmations
  • Hotel check-ins & checkouts
  • Commercial hotel bookings
  • Expense reports
  • Audit reports
  • Time & attendance records
  • Travel policy
  • Consent forms
  • Employment contracts
  • Data entry
  • Cash settlements
  • Employee instructions

Tours & Travels Case Study

About the company

H&S Travels and Tours began operations in 2004. From humble beginnings, they’ve grown to deal with over 200 airlines worldwide, assisting customers in getting affordable aircraft tickets without any hassles or confusion. Additionally, they have a global presence, with offices in the United States, Canada, South Africa, and India.


H&S Travels processes paperwork for passengers and tourists worldwide, with the majority based in the United States.Before implementing eSignatures, travellers were required to print, scan, and email the documentation to H&S Travels, which was confirmed only after receiving the countersigned documents on email. Turnaround times were slow, and it wasn’t easy to track which traveller had signed and who had not.

Rather than tracking hundreds of separate contracts scattered across email inboxes, H&S Travels determined it was time to build a centralized hub for all the document signing needs.


These were the benefits enjoyed by H&S Travels after the implementation of eSignature solutions:

Significantly reduces turnaround times

H&S received positive feedback from their clients, who report that the signing process is now easier than ever as they received signed contracts back in as little as five to ten minutes.

A simple way to track the progress

The H&S eSignature dashboard enables them to see who has signed and who has not signed their documents. All data is easily understood and accessible in a single, convenient place.

Templates that save time

The company uses the functionality of the templates to load customer contracts rather than creating a new document each time. They save their agreement to the software, make minor adjustments for each new customer, and then send it off.

Hotels Case Study

About the company

Hotel 1926 is operated by Roosendaal Hotels, a modest hospitality firm with three facilities on the Mediterranean island, governed by Bortex group holdings. Following a big makeover a few years ago, Hotel 1926 now has a unique focus on eco-friendliness and sustainability woven into their entire business model.


Throughout its year-long hiatus, the hotel was completely renovated with an emphasis on modernity & sustainability. It took significant efforts for being environmentally friendly: paperless brochures, hotel information printouts, tablets in every room, and PIN admission for guest rooms rather than plastic key cards.

Before exploring eSignatures, Hotel 1926 signed most contractor agreements & corporate partnership agreements during in-person meetings. The hotel employed local contractors to assist them in managing other properties on the island. Inviting them in was another cumbersome step that hampered the process.

However, delays frequently happen when parties desire additional time to analyze a contract before signing on the spot. As they were already going paperless by digitizing brochures and other assets, it seemed sensible to do the same with the physical documents of hotels 1926.


Streamlined workflows for signing

Rather than requiring partners, contractors, and guests to sign documents immediately upon receipt, Hotel 1926 staff can notify the signees. This way, nobody feels rushed or pressured. Their signature is requested over email, which allows them ample time to review the documents. Once they’re finished, they can quickly sign and return it.

Enhancements to customer service

Hotel 1926 appreciated the ability to get digital signatures on credit card authorization documents. It is far more convenient to offer a digital signature than to print the document, sign it, and email a scanned copy. It is incredibly suitable for those who do not have access to a printer at home.

Templates that save time

Before implementing electronic signatures, Hotel 1926 painstakingly changed the company’s name whenever they drafted a new contract or agreement, then spent time manually entering dates, terms, and other information. They breezed through this phase with templates, as all their standard fields are recorded in the appropriate locations.


The tourism industry has tremendous potential to grow in the future, but it is difficult to achieve it without the help of technology. The main concern of travellers is to have a hassle-free travel experience. They want the complete travel management to be done online. That is why the tourism industry is moving towards digitization. Digital signatures have made it easier for travellers to plan their trips with ease.

Register free to use the eSignature application and learn more about how electronic signatures can help the tourism industry reach new heights.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

How To Create an Electronic Signature?

All of us are familiar with the traditional pen and paper signature. But what if you could sign your work with a click of a button. Well, now you can, thanks to the advent of the digital signature.

The Electronic Signature is now an option for anyone who needs to sign documents online and add a great deal of credibility to their business. It is perhaps the most convincing proof that your business is indeed yours, and one can cast fewer doubts on its authenticity. While digital signatures exist in the real world, they have not yet found widespread use in regular business.

One of the most typical issues clients face when using an eSignature application is understanding how to create an electronic signature quickly.

Here are some of the most important ways to create an electronic Signature.

How to create an electronic signature using Paint?

Step 1

To begin, select the Start button, search “Paint,” or press the Windows key, type “mspaint.exe,” and press Enter.

Step 2

Click the ‘resize’ button and modify the Width & Height boxes to fit the electronic signature to your selected size. You have to be careful as there should be enough space to “write” the actual signature. Then click the OK button.

Step 3

Click the “Brushes” tab on the ribbon and select “Caligraphy brush 1” from the drop-down menu.

After that, select the thinnest line option from the drop-down menu at the top.

Step 4

Leave the Paint defaults alone if you want a black colored signature. Otherwise, click any small colored square and see how the “Color 1” box on the ribbon changes color.

Step 5

Place the cursor near the white Paint workspace’s left edge. Keep the left mouse button pressed and held. Draw your initial name exactly as you would with a pen. Allow the pointer to remain within the workspace’s boundaries. After you’ve written your initial name, release the left mouse button.

Step 6

Again, click the File button option and select “Save as.” Select PNG or GIF from the “Save as type” choice to preserve the transparency, enabling you to place your electronic signature on any background. Give the file a name, for example, “LunarPen Signature,” and click the “Save” button.

How to create an electronic signature using Mac?

It is possible to create signatures on your Mac using various apps like Preview app & Apple pages.

Preview App

You can use your trackpad, your Mac’s built-in camera, or your iPhone or iPad to sign PDFs.

Step 1:

Click the Show Markup Toolbar button in the Preview software on your Mac (if the Markup toolbar is not visible), click the Sign button.

Step 2:

Create and save your signature by following the on-screen directions.

Create a signature using your trackpad: Click Trackpad, click the text as asked, use your finger to sign your name on the trackpad, press any key, and click Done. If you’re not satisfied with the signature, click Clear and try again.

Create a signature with the built-in Camera on your Mac: Click Camera. Face the Camera with your signature on white paper to level with the blue line in the window. When the window displays your signature, click Done. If you’re not satisfied, click Clear and try again.

Using your iPhone or iPad to create a signature: To select a device, click Select Device (if more than one is available). Sign your name on your device with your finger or Apple Pencil (on iPad), then click Done. If you’re not satisfied with the results, click Clear and try again.

Step 3:

Click the Sign button to add a signature to your PDF. Choose the signature you wish to use, drag it to the desired location, and then adjust the size using the handles.

Apple Pages

Apple’s Pages does not directly allow any electronic signature technology; however, it is still possible to put your signature as an image into a document using the Pages application.

Step 1:

You would need a white background. Open ‘Preview’ with a document that has white space in the margins and Click OK.

Step 2:

Insert the existing signature into the document by dragging the signature into the margins.

Step 3:

You can capture a screenshot of your signature by hitting (CMD + Shift + 4), which is the keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot of a part of your computer’s display.

Step 4:

Delete the image from your Preview document and exit the app to complete the process.

Step 5:

Open Pages and insert the image of your signature into the document using the drag-and-drop feature. Adjust the size to your liking.

How to electronically sign the document on iPhone or iPad?

You can sign documents on the go using your iPhone or iPad. With Markup, you can edit screenshots and photos and even add a signature to the PDF document.

Follow these precise steps to sign a document on an Apple device:

Step 1: To launch the new email, open Mail and tap the compose button. Or, you can respond to a previously sent email.

Step 2: Once you have the email with you, tap an attachment to open it.

Step 3: Tap ‘Markup’ in the upper right corner.

Step 4: Tap ‘add’ in the lower right corner, and you get options like Text, Signature, and Magnifier.

Step 5: Select the signature option and use your finger to sign in your name, and then tap done.

Step 6: You get the signature in the document which can be moved by tapping and dragging it at the desired position.

Step 7: When your signature is where you wanted, Tap done and send the email with your eSignature.

How to create an electronic signature using LunarPen?

Over 1 lakh professionals trust LunarPen at leading companies. All electronic signatures comply with EU standards and instantly generate a time-stamped proof-file to protect your agreements. You can sign documents from anywhere as the application offers a seamless and straightforward process to create and eSign a document in easy steps:

Step 1: Create or upload a document

You can create or upload documents using ready-made templates or different options like

Upload file button, Google Drive & Dropbox.

Step 2: Use the document sharing feature

LunarPen simplifies your daily activities by allowing you to decide who receives the document with options like first name, last name, and email id.

Step 3: Explain the documents easily

Fill out details like subject & message to explain the plan of signed documents to the recipients.

Step 4: Use the LunarPen interface to eSign your document

LunarPen’s Signature field provides you with customized options for drawing, writing, and uploading your signature. Insert the newly created signature using the signature field and click Send.

Step 5: Receive signed documents by email

The signed document is sent to both the signee and the receivers through email, ensuring that only the added email addresses can view and access the document safely and securely on the LunarPen app.


The use of electronic signature has become widespread these days, as you are sure that the content of the document you are signing is accurate. With so much importance placed on electronic signatures, it is crucial to know how to create one. Whether you want to create an electronic signature to validate a document, use it for online banking, or sign a document, you need to know how to do it.Sign up for a free electronic signature account today to embark on an exciting new journey to the future and send electronically signed documents safely.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
Benefits of using Electronic Signatures in the Legal Industry

Benefits of using Electronic Signatures in the Legal Industry

The legal industry has grown at a breakneck speed in recent years and would reach $908.26 billion in 2025, up from $713.7 billion in 2020. The sector is heavily dependent on paper, and lawyers must move tons of paper to close daily deals. One of the highest paper users, Law firms spend an average of $1,000 per employee annually or $83 per month. Another research says that a single lawyer generates 20,000 to 1,00,000 printed pages per year. It shows how the growing demand for legal services has a direct effect on physical paperwork.

The legal industry is slowly taking the path of modernization. When it comes to using technology in the legal field, many things still need to be figured out. There have been discussions in the past about how technology is making lawyers obsolete. While that might not happen soon, technology is indeed making the legal industry better. Electronic signatures are just one of many ways technology is transforming the legal industry.

The benefit of deploying electronic signatures in the legal industry is that it can reduce the paperwork & make the tedious legal process more secure, rapid and trustworthy for businesses.

How can lawyers use electronic signatures for remote working & everyday work?

If you are a lawyer who is tired of spending hours signing hundreds of documents. In that case, you can digitally sign every legal document in a minute by using electronic signatures. Lawyers can use this application to create, sign & use legally binding documents online from their office, on the move, at their home, or remote location anytime, anywhere.

Due to the ease with which eSignatures get installed on any portable tablet, laptop/desktop, or smartphone. They are a fantastic tool for legal firms to transfer information, share documents, and connect with customers.

Here is how lawyers can use it by following these easy steps:

  • Open the installed eSignature application on a portable device
  • Upload the legal document using the file button, Google Drive or Dropbox
  • Use the signed document sharing feature to decide who receives the document
  • Fill in the subject & message fields to inform the recipients of the signed documents’ agenda.
  • Use the application interface to draw, write or upload your signature & capture the signer’s intent
  • Send the signed documents to the recipient’s email
  • Receive eSigned documents on email & view the document on the eSignature app

Tips for choosing electronic signatures for your law firms

Adopting an eSignature is as simple as using this technology. You should seek the answer to these questions before finalizing the application for your legal firm.

Is it user-friendly? You have to ensure that the electronic signature is simple to use for lawyers and other legal professionals. Ask the employees to test the technology in day-to-day business and check if they solve the operational problems in a fast, secure & most effortless way.

Is it secure? The application should protect confidential client data as well as financial transactions in the contract or agreement. Look for eSignature tools that work on HTTPS connection, have strong electronic identification, multi-factor authentication, Audit Trail, and are backed by eSignature laws like eIDAS, UETA, ESIGN, and the GDPR act.

Is it flexible? How flexible is the application - Would the application support employees working from home? How many portable devices are supported by this application? Can the application adapt as per your organizational changes?

Is it legally compliant? The electronic signature application should comply with international eSignature laws like eIDAS Act, ESIGN Act, UETA Act. These laws can help you reduce the cost of paper-based transactions, time consumption, and assure hassle-free execution.

Case Study


Emma Stanley law was founded in 2016 to make legal services easily accessible to her clients. Part of the plan was to set up a virtual law office that would allow her to operate anywhere. As a sole practitioner, Emma knew if she could sign undertakings remotely, her practice didn’t need to come to a halt when she was away.

So, they searched for an intelligent solution like electronic signatures without the risk of delaying settlements.


Use a legally authorized digital signing solution that would be acceptable to other law firms to sign undertakings and settlements remotely & securely.


When Emma Stanley law learned about electronic signatures, they knew it was the right solution for their business needs.

Its security features include Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology offering one of the highest levels of security for legal documents. The tamper-resistant seal makes it challenging to manipulate electronically signed copies.

Additionally, they get notification about document changes made by any concerned personnel as they have access to the audit trail feature, which provides timestamps for the signing sequence.

As global eSignature laws back this outstanding technology, Emma Stanley Law began using it comfortably to sign undertakings quickly, which was acceptable to other law firms as well, even while Emma was out of the office.

Benefits of electronic signature solutions for law firms

Increased document visibility with Audit Trail

Law firms using e-signature solutions assure that only authorized persons securely sign their client’s confidential documents. It safeguards the record against illegal access, forgery, or manipulation. The embedded audit trail feature includes additional information about the e-signature transaction, revealing confidential information like who signed, the date and time of signing, and the digital certificate used to sign the document digitally.

Streamline legal processes

Electronic signature systems enable law firms to streamline their legal processes in several ways. Employees working in legal firms can use electronic signatures for quick and effortless signatures on legal documents from any location and device. The eSignature software installed on laptops, mobile devices, or tablet devices enables legal transactions more quickly. Without the need for document signing and maintenance, law firms can focus their legal expertise on other critical operations, such as guaranteeing customer satisfaction, rather than on document signing and maintenance.

Reduce overall costs

Electronic signatures have been adopted as a viable solution by many legal companies due to the significant benefits to their bottom lines. Law firms that use a digital signature save money on ink, paper, printers, paper, and equipment maintenance by eliminating the need for physical signatures. The ability to handle the signing process more predictably is made possible by consolidating the entire cost of document signing into a predictable monthly fee.

Client data protection

Cyberattacks in the legal industry are on the rise because law firms hold a considerable amount of sensitive customer information in their possession. E-signature systems enable legal businesses to retain and protect client information effortlessly, preventing papers and files from being damaged, or even worse, stolen or destroyed using cloud-based technology.

Improve communication with clients & partners

When legal documents use paper for signature, it is impossible to determine their status in the signing process. Following up with customers who have not signed a document is challenging for law firms as they are unsure if they received it or not.

Digital signatures expedite organizing and managing paper documents by reducing the amount of time and resources necessary. By utilizing a well-established e-signature system, law firms may track outstanding signature requests without requiring additional resources.


If you’re in the legal field and are not using electronic signatures yet, you’re missing out on many things. Paperwork can get lost, misplaced, or delayed in the mail, and then you’re stuck waiting. Thankfully, there’s a better way to get paperwork signed—electronic signatures. Using electronic signatures can reduce paperwork, speed up the process, and increase efficiency. You can decrease your overhead, save time and money, and have a higher degree of security as well.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using eSignatures for legal firms.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
How Can Electronic Signatures Help The Logistics Industry?

How Can Electronic Signatures Help The Logistics Industry?

Documents are at the heart of all logistic processes. Many logistics companies struggle to stay on top of the avalanche of paperwork, toil with obsolete software, and fumble through sophisticated workflows. These problems intensify when the supply chain spans international borders.

Different industrial sectors use logistics to plan & control the movement of goods and services within a supply chain. The only concern is the paperwork to keep records, track stored and shipped goods.

Every industrial sector is witnessing a digital transformation in 2021, and even the logistics industry is waiting for a solution that allows them to do online paperwork without any hassles, complexity, and delays.

An electronic signature is the critical technological solution desired by every player in the logistic industry for a faster documentation process, significantly reducing the risk of legal disputes by providing more substantial tamper-proof digital evidence.

Logistic documents that need electronic signatures

  • Consignment Notes
  • Online contract signing
  • Bill of lading (BOL)
  • Freight bill
  • Delivery order
  • Dock receipt
  • Waybill form
  • Customer Agreement
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Cargo Insurance Certificate
  • Dangerous Good Declaration note
  • Packing List
  • Delivery Note

Are eSignatures safe for signing logistic-related documents?

International laws like ESIGN, UETA and the EIDAS Act support electronic signature technology, which gives logistic businesses the authority to use it for international business opportunities.

Additionally, digital signatures have many security and authentication layers like HTTPS connection, multi-factor authentication, cloud storage & user privacy to protect and store the eSigned documents, along with court-admissible transaction proof (Audit Trail)backed by the law. Such strong measures make eSignatures incredibly safe for signing any logistics-related documents.

Why does the Logistics industry need electronic signatures?

The logistics industry contributes a lot to the economic growth of countries. There is a constant need to keep up with the demand for faster delivery of goods and services related to FMCG, manufacturing & other sectors. That’s not all - logistic companies need to comply with more regulations as they target domestic and international clients. These companies must adopt innovative practices and technology to make the distribution process faster to meet these demands.

It is only possible through quick signing & approval of logistic documents related to the agreement, packaging, and safe receipt of goods at the customer end. eSignatures assure better integrity, visibility, and security in the logistics process enabling businesses to reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and comply with emerging regulations.

How electronic signatures benefit the logistics industry?

Improve supply chain visibility: Electronic signatures are the best way to ensure that critical documents are signed before the actual shipment gets completed. It provides the highest level of security and also helps reduce errors in communication between the involved parties.

The technology improves supply chain visibility by providing a validated proof of delivery from the moment goods leave suppliers to the minute they reach their destination. It has been made possible through a digitization process by securing and managing digital data to be shared, tracked, and communicated quickly.

Get rid of paperwork: Paperwork is one of the most time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone aspects of logistics. The number of documents that need signatures for each shipment is staggering, especially when most shipments cross multiple borders. With electronic signatures, all parties can sign and approve documents in real-time electronically.

Reduce Operational costs: In the logistics industry, a shipment can have at least six documents that need to be signed by various stakeholders, including the carrier, warehouse operator, and the buyer - all of which require an in-person visit to sign. It results in a rise in operational costs. Digital signatures help cut these costs by eliminating the need for these visits and enabling everyone to sign documents from their desktops or mobile devices digitally.

Improves Productivity: According to Forrester, there will be an 85% improvement in productivity by adopting e-signatures. Once you have e-signatures integrated into your business, you will be able to create effortlessly, sign, and send documents online, substantially speeding up the entire process. Once less time is spent on document processing and signing, the team may focus on more vital tasks such as closing sales and making logistic deliveries on time.

Case Study

Halvor Lines is a family-owned and operated trucking and logistics firm. With an exceptional staff of drivers, they provide premium transportation and logistical services across the US and Canada. America’s Best Fleets to Drive For (seven years running), several EPA awards, and American Heart Association distinctions for Halvor’s focus on driver and employee health.


As Safety Office Administrator, Kendra Payette manages compliance and driver log infractions with a team of five. The safety department’s goal is to meet industry requirements and correct errors.

Those goals were practically hard to achieve before using electronic signatures. Halvor’s drivers are regularly on the road across the US & Canada, so they rarely have time to stop by a terminal and sign a document on-site. In some situations, it used to take up to a year to deliver a wet ink signature, and by then, months had passed since the driver’s violation was logged.

Due to these extensive delays, the safety department could not respond quickly and was vulnerable to regulatory risks.

Halvor Lines went digital to bridge this massive distance between drivers and their documents.


Halvor Lines finalized an eSignature solution. Here is how it’s workflow has helped solved the challenges:

Complete compliance

Rather than waiting months – or even a year – for their dispersed drivers to sign documents in person, the application enables Halvor to get eSignatures from on-the-go drivers. Regardless of their location, drivers may use their tablets to view and edit logs on the fly. As a result, the organization may comply with all applicable standards and requirements, save significant time, and avoid unwelcome DOT audits.

Signage on the road

Passenger forms authorize drivers to transport a passenger in their truck. Drivers can phone the office and request the document that is transferred to their tablet. The driver can then sign and return the passenger form at their leisure - no physical paperwork is required.

Streamlined human resource management

Due to the geographical dispersion of Halvor Lines’ drivers, the application makes it much easier to collect their signatures if anything changes in their personnel file (insurance, salary, etc.). Previously, HR had to mail documentation to each driver’s physical address, a time-consuming process that caused considerable delays.

Management of mobile devices

Each driver has a tablet that the IT department handles. IT can manage which mobile apps and permissions are available to drivers and pre-install the app on each tablet with the driver’s unique login already configured. It eliminates the need for drivers to waste time performing technical tasks: they merely need to sign a document and click submit to have it forwarded to the office.


Electronic signatures help the logistic industry accelerate its digital transformation and reduce its dependability on paper by running operations more quickly, efficiently, and with higher-quality data. It makes the technology highly critical for businesses with a strong market reputation.

Sign up for a free e-Signature account to put your logistic firm years ahead of the competition and enhance its sales, delivery, and customer understanding.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments
Improving Employee Experience with Electronic Signatures

Improving Employee Experience with Electronic Signatures

Businesses have a mission to provide a great workplace to their employees, a place where people love to come to work, and where they can perform at their best. The key to improving the employee experience is to have a great workplace environment that employees will love to be in. Employers must prioritize employee experience and use technology to automate, simplify and save time for critical tasks and create a fantastic workplace. This way, working professionals feel more valued & appreciated, ultimately boosting employee experience.

What is employee experience, and why is it important?

Employee experience is the way your employees feel about your brand. It’s how they think about you as an employer, colleagues, company benefits, work environment, skills, and growth opportunities.

A Deloitte study found that almost 80% of executives worldwide rated employee experience as necessary or very important. It isn’t surprising that employee experience is directly related to company performance.

When employees have a positive experience, they are satisfied, engaged, and capable of completing their responsibilities efficiently and successfully. It has a favorable positive effect on the bottom-line revenue.

Improving employee experience with technology

Technology investments have to be guided by human needs to create an engaging employee experience. You can reap numerous benefits for business by introducing technology for an excellent employee experience like:

  • Delighted employees
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced workload
  • Enhanced wellbeing
  • Lower burnout & stress
  • Attract better talent
  • Companies get bigger profits
  • Better customer experience
  • Reduce employee turnover
  • Simplified & Streamlined tasks



Why replace traditional signatures with electronic signatures?

With the increasing digitization in the workplace, there are many ways to make your workplace efficient, productive, and secure. One of the essential areas to upgrade is the process of signing documents. At present, organizations are using traditional methods to sign documents that consume time and reduce business efficiency.

In the current business scenario, a lot of paperwork needs to be signed, and it can get tedious for employees to sign them all within a limited time. Frequent lockdowns due to the pandemic in the last two years have forced employers to search for an innovative solution that helps their employees speedily sign off documents from the office or any remote location comfortably.

One such innovative technology in the market is electronic signature services. With electronic signature apps gaining a lot of recognition, industries are going gaga over them as they are simple, intuitive, convenient, and offer a high level of security for everyday business.

The winner technology in 2021 to improve the employee experience

If there was ever a time or period when all humans are supposed to go paperless, it is 2021. The current epidemic has not just altered our lifestyle but has forced businesses and organizations to rethink their working methods.

The COVID-19 outbreak accelerated virtual meetings, contactless transactions, online education, online payments, and digitization which is crucial for a smooth running of business. The current situation has also taught us how to work effectively without being physically present everywhere.

Among all this rapid transition, electronic signature technology is gaining a solid foothold in the market.

The digital signature market reached $2.8 Billion in 2020, and e-Signature transactions have jumped from 89 million to 754 million in just five years. It will reach $14.1 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 31.0%.

How do electronic signatures improve the employee experience?

Employees benefit from electronic signatures as it relieves them of repetitive tasks such as creating a physical copy of every customized contract, converting it to PDF, printing it, getting signatures from the stakeholder, and converting them into legally binding contracts and agreements.

Wait a moment! Employee responsibilities do not end here. Another significant problem is the security of physically signed contracts/agreements, which must be protected against theft, document fraud, and natural disasters. If the contract is misplaced or damaged at the storage facility, the employee may have to start searching for it from scratch, which is a substantial waste of time.

Electronic signatures let employees instantly switch from inefficient mode to efficient mode as critical documents can be uploaded, edited, generated, eSigned & stored using a single eSignature application. The app helps track the document signing progress and send reminders to signees without following up physically, offering a lot of relief to employees.

Benefits offered by electronic signatures to boost employee experience:

Gives employees an excellent onboarding experience: Using e-signatures reflects your company’s forward-thinking and efficiency-oriented culture. Apart from convenience & ease of use, employee onboarding using electronic signatures can help companies manage and track employees’ time on various tasks (such as reviewing documents, signing NDA’s, etc.) during their onboarding phase. It can also help companies measure the efficiency of their HR process and take necessary actions to restructure the onboarding process and improve the employee experience.

Assured integrity of documents: Signing a contract or agreement is a significant part of doing business. It’s a necessary legal process to protect your company, its employees, and its customers. Electronic signatures help you do this by making it easy for your employees to sign agreements with a few clicks of their mouse, saving them time and ensuring the integrity of all signed documents.

Sign documents with convenience: With electronic signatures, you can securely sign documents anywhere with internet access. So, if you are at the home, office, or on the move, you don’t need to rush back to your desk to sign a contract. And because it’s digital, you can even print out an electronic copy for your records or email it straight away to its stakeholders.

Reduce employee churn: 70% of 2,000 employees surveyed said they would quit a job if companies lacked high-performing and fast technology. Electronic signatures allow employees to spend less time doing paperwork and more time growing their business. With electronic signatures, you can automatically capture data from paper contracts and forms into the cloud to speed up everyday tasks like processing expenses, invoicing clients, and approving documents.

Increased efficiency by shifting to digital workflows: Shifting from paper-based processes to digital workflows can reduce expenses and increase efficiency for a business.

Electronic signatures reduce processes that previously required people to travel, use messaging services, schedule appointments, and manually control the tracking of a document to as few as two to three clicks. Now, employees can find eSigned documents easily, send notifications to signees, and track the signing of online documents from any location. It increases their efficiency to handle and prioritize more critical tasks.


A digital tool like electronic signatures has a lot to offer to improve employee experiences like the ease of use, security, speed, convenience, and productivity. It keeps the employees motivated all the time and contributes to the organization’s success.

So, if you are a company that is not using e-signatures, then it is a golden chance to Integrate electronic signatures into your company and boost employee experience to become a market leader.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

How Electronic Signatures Support Work From Home in 2021?

Are you working from home and trying to be as productive as in the office?

Worldwide businesses are working remotely to battle the pandemic and stay afloat in the market. So, how to maintain productivity and ensure your critical business processes keep going smoothly?

Some fantastic tools in the market are designed especially for remote working professionals. Electronic signatures are essential tools to help you work without hiccups in a home or remote environment far away from the office.

Integrating electronic signatures in Work From Home (WFH) environment:

Integrating electronic signatures in-home is as easy as using a simple app on a smartphone or laptop. The technology helps both the sender and the signer work from home efficiently by following these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free eSignature account from your device
  2. Create or upload the signing document using ready to use templates or Google drive
  3. Use the signed document sharing feature to share it with a closed group of people
  4. Use the LunarPen interface (draw, write or upload your signature) to eSign the document
  5. Quickly receive the electronically signed documents on your email

Industries that need electronic signatures for Working From Home (WFH)

Legal Industry: Lawyers can notarize documents remotely

Insurance Industry: Quickly process insurance claims without delay

Banking Industry: Use it for eKYC, opening accounts & loan approvals

Real Estate Industry: Sign property contracts & agreements on time

Healthcare Industry: Effectively manage documents for patients, vendors, physicians & employees

Construction Industry: Save time & store project documents managed by engineers and contractors

We have seen how easy it is to integrate the eSignature tool in a home environment, and almost all industries need this essential tool for their remote working employees.

The ability to work from home or in any location is a reality in 2021. Organizations have realized the value of flexible workforce arrangements, and employees are demanding it.

With the help of electronic signatures, people are able to do their work wherever they want without coming back to the office. There are several reasons why electronic signatures are an essential work from home tool to have on hand :

1) Suitable for remote working employees

Research says that by 2025, 70% of the professional workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month. Another survey reveals that over 74% of companies plan to permanently shift employees to remote work after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

It isn’t easy to synchronize work when your employees are sitting at different locations. You can’t get in touch with another employee instantly if you need their signatures on the documents. Distances become huge barriers in such situations, deeply affecting everyday business.

Electronic signature technology helps overcome all the critical business barriers for remote working employees. Your employees can create physical documents using readymade templates and sign them from their home locations without getting into physical contact with each other.

This way, electronic signatures maintain social distancing norms eliminating the need to print, sign, and scan physical documents, thereby making them the perfect solution for remote working employees.

2) Save infrastructure costs and utility costs

According to the WSP report, companies utilize the pandemic situation as an opportunity to downsize, reduce operating costs and invest more in technology.

With nearly all the middle and senior-level employees working from home, and office buildings closed for years, to abide by the lockdown guidelines, Who needs an office now and pay for rental costs unnecessarily?

Work From Home (WFH) helps companies save mammoth infrastructure costs in the form of corporate office rentals as well as utility costs (running charges of electricity, power backup, internet, canteen, water, security, and maintenance)

Digital signatures are a match made in heaven for corporate companies that need to reduce their operating costs significantly.

You do not need to depend on office variables like printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, electricity, and colossal office space to function.

The technology is easily integrable with the company’s existing processes and lets you function independently from any geographic location without inflating the company bills. Anyone can operate the eSignature application on portable devices like laptops and smartphones, actively used by professionals working from home.

3) Helps process transactions & agreements away from the office environment

Electronic signatures present a welcome solution to one of the biggest challenges of working from home- having access to processing transactions and agreements away from the office environment. It includes regular processes like:

  • Employment contracts
  • Customer contracts
  • Supplier agreements
  • Purchase orders
  • Work orders
  • Mergers, acquisitions & disposals

The main reason why a small yet powerful application like electronic signature can do transactions away from the office environment successfully is due to

Readymade templates: Availability of readymade templates for preparing online documents (You don’t need office hardware like desktop and printers to prepare physical documents)

Cloud storage integrations: You must be worrying that if employees are signing documents from home. How can they store the signed documents in a safer place?

eSignatures utilize cloud storage to store the signed documents in digital format, removing the need for physical storage.

Reminders & notifications: As there are delays in signing the documents due to several rounds of follow-ups with respective employees and the clients. Electronic signature solutions with inbuilt mechanisms for reminders and notifications help them sign documents in no time.

4) Safe and secure for sending confidential data to remote workers

The companies are regularly sending sensitive and confidential documents to their remote working employees during the corona pandemic.

There are many roadblocks between a company and a remote worker to send company data securely, which may be an unsecured WIFI connection responsible for spreading viruses and malware that can compromise the organization’s data security.

It’s not the case that the company can’t use the official email for sending highly secretive documents to its employees.

There is a strong reason not to send confidential information in an email when your employees are off the company network!

When you send an email, the message leaves your email provider’s server and travels all over the internet. The vulnerability of email is why you should not use this channel as a medium to exchange sensitive information.

You can use an electronic signature as a trusted application to send confidential data to remote working employees at any distant location. The technology is completely safe and allows a view, edit, and create access for the documents only to the selected employees that can exchange information between themselves safely.

5) Boost remote work productivity

These are some unique ways by which companies can use an electronic signature to work from home:

Make remote hiring of employees super easy

LunarPen eSignature solutions help HR professionals do

  • Employee induction
  • Employee onboarding
  • Accelerating employee agreement process
  • Automating employee agreement process
  • Prepare performance appraisal documents

HR professionals need not have face-to-face contact with employees to get their documents signed. They can complete employee onboarding in a few clicks using eSignature application from any authorized device.

Sales professionals can seal a deal in minutes.

You want to get an important document signed by your client. But both of you are working from home. So, how to get the signatures if you have travel restrictions in your region.

Nothing to worry about!

Electronic signatures are at your service. You do not have to travel & meet the clients physically. Your client needs to install and access the LunarPen eSignature application on their secure portable device and eSign the documents in easy steps without further delay.


If your company has shifted to remote operations and is trying to boost the productivity of professionals working from home, join hands with LunarPen eSignature applications as a trusted partner to drive your business. Sign up for a free e Signature account now.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments

How Telecom Industry benefits from Electronic Signatures?

The powerful presence of the telecom industry is responsible for boosting communication, workplace flexibility, and the worldwide market reach of every small & big company.

Telecom services have proven vital in the COVID-19 epidemic by providing video conferencing, mobile communication, and high-speed internet services. It is a huge comfort for companies trying to stay afloat in one of the toughest business environments.

Thousands of vendors partner with telecom operators to ensure service quality and continuity. The paperwork for service contracts, partnerships, and agreements takes up most of the vendors and the network solution providers.

When you have uncountable applications related to new service requests, agreements, and contracts, paper-based processes become time-consuming, costly, and increase customer dissatisfaction.

Customers get impatient if their requested services get delayed. In addition, failing to meet service quality standards increases the rate of customer churn.

Electronic signatures can help firms improve internal business processes and provide exceptional customer service.

Here is how the telecom industry can benefit from electronic signatures:

1) Improve customer experience

In the highly competitive telecom industry, customer experience is a critical factor in maintaining a competitive advantage. After the automobile and hotel industry, the telecom sector has the third-highest potential for increasing revenue by improving customer experience (CX). According to Forrester’s research’s CX index scoring system, telcos that increase CX scores by one point generate an additional USD 3.39 revenue in per-customer incremental revenue.

Another research by HBR states that customers with the most satisfying experiences spend an average of 140% more than those that have experienced a shortfall in customer experience.

Electronic signatures improve customer experience in telecom industry by

  • Limiting time taking paperwork
  • Blazing fast customer onboarding
  • Enabling self service for faster response
  • Eliminating waiting time to access telecom services
  • Accelerated closing of vendor contracts

2) Acquire customers in record time

Guess about a single industry accepting new connection requests from uncountable customers every day.

You guessed it right! It’s the telecom industry that gets prepaid, postpaid and broadband connection applications from trillions of customers around the globe.

Order fulfillment at the right time is the biggest roadblock in new customer acquisition as the customer service team of every company has to accept, process & verify tons of physical documents for every service request.

Every online document in the electronic signature application can be signed, stored, and verified on the same day. It assures speedy acquisition of new customers compared to the competition, which is not using electronic signature technology.

3) Sign all documents related to telecom business processes

The telecom business processes require a massive amount of paper due to handling a high volume of business data. It involves sharing extensive information with employees, business partners, vendors, OEMs, and others.

Management of data and documents in the telecom industry is of the highest priority. It has to ensure the documents’ security, validity, and integrity by having critical information about customers, contracts, & other confidential data.

Hand-written signatures on paper documents significantly slow down critical processes and have a detrimental effect on daily business operations.

You can digitally sign different documents in the telecom industry, some of which are:

  • New connection requests
  • Service requests and approvals
  • Internet services documents
  • Contracts and agreements
  • Invoices
  • E-statements
  • Purchase orders (PO)
  • Vendor agreements

4) Increase employee productivity and satisfaction

Sales employees spend most of the time-traveling, visiting client offices, follow-ups, and doing the usual printing, signing, scanning, and submitting customer applications, contracts, and other documents. They struggle to focus on their Key Result Areas (KRAs) due to these distractions and lack of time.

Electronic signatures boost employee productivity by rapidly closing sales much faster in comparison to physical documents. The sales team can focus on their job better as they don’t have to travel and do physical follow-ups with the clients anymore.

They can close sales, contracts, and agreements using eSignature applications from their offices or any other location and focus on other essential tasks like chasing monthly goals from other business accounts and meeting critical business deadlines connected with their KRAs.

5) Protect your loyal customers from telecom frauds

Telecom fraud is a severe threat to the telecommunication industry. Data fraud happens when the customers provide their ID documents during their onboarding stage in the company.

Another fraud SIM swap is a significant problem where scammers use fake IDs to access a subscriber’s SIM card. Then they use the SIM to authenticate transactions with the subscriber’s bank account and plunder his money to take full advantage of the situation.

Do you want to know the stage where customer IDs leak?

Customer IDs are leaked during the customer onboarding stage when companies receive physical documents from the customers.

How to avoid customer IDs leaks?

eSignature applications eradicate the time-consuming copying, scanning, and storing processes of physical documents. It is where there is a high probability of fraud due to leakage of customer data.

The technology stores the documents in digital format securely using cloud storage solutions that block all unauthorized attempts against data leaks.

Case Study

Telenor’s store in Norway ran on a franchise model. Multiple companies handled store operations that posed a significant customer support challenge due to the absence of a central document repository.

It forced the stores to manage paperwork and individual contracts at their own risk in warehouses.

If a customer approached a Telenor store to resolve their issues. Then it meant coming to the same store that had stored the documents of the customer. Another store could not service them due to the unavailability of customer documents.

Locating an older document meant a lot of work for the salesperson, as they had to travel to the document warehouse to search for the paper contract. It doesn’t always guarantee success as the crucial paper contracts get lost or damaged in storage facilities.

It resulted in customer dissatisfaction, increasing customer churn, as well as huge revenue loss.

Major Challenges

Support and Fraud

Slow resolution of customer issues as well as the fraud case due to decentralized documents

Customer churn

Large number of customers leaving Telenor & increasing churn costs

Presence of different systems

Multiple systems for sales, insurance, service, and finance increasing business operations complexity.

The Pain Point

  • Searching paper documents submitted in different stores
  • Paper documents getting lost
  • Slow resolution of customer issue
  • Rising cases of document fraud


Telenor adopted digital signature solutions for their rising needs. They used this technology to sign up documents generated by their internal systems and several partner systems.

The company was quickly able to digitize all the documents without any integration.

They got promising results:

  • Store managers and owners began concentrating more on what they do best: selling their products and services.
  • Customer support representatives started addressing customer issues on the first call due to rapid access to customer information.
  • The fraud department discovered contracts that were previously impossible to locate.


Electronic signatures automate critical business processes in the telecom sector, boosting customer acquisition, sales, employee productivity, and customer loyalty. If you’d like to learn more about how e signature solutions would help your telecom operations run more efficiently, connect with us now.

Posted by Lunar Pen in eSignaure Law, 0 comments