
10 Common Threats to Your E-Signed Documents

In this globalized world, almost everything is connected through the Internet. Well, this is a good thing as it creates a lot of opportunities for people. The modern technology has changed the way people used to work. For example, now one can work remotely for his/her clients living in another country. Isn’t it great?

Talking about one such development, that is online documents. This makes the business processes much easier and faster than before. The modern working practices involve signing such documents online. In general, e-signed documents enable people to create and sign a contract without any issue. It helps people by eliminating the lengthy offline documentation process.

Also Read: Top 10 Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

Top 10 threats to e-signed documents

Most of the businesses are now implementing e-signature following some benefits like cost-effective and better user experience. However, it also gives chances for cybercriminals, and now anyone can defraud you with this. There is no doubt that electronic signatures and e-signed documents are quite effective when it comes to maintaining integrity. But at the same time, there are some threats to e-signed documents.

It’s good to go for electronic signature, but while implementing, you should consider the security concerns for e-signed documents. If you have a better understanding of the threats associated with the e-signed documents, you can easily deal with them. Besides, your digital signature will stand up in different legal matters.

So, let’s get ahead and know about some common threats associated with e-signed documents that you should keep in your mind.

1. You all have signed the contract, but the court rejected it

You create a business contract with different parties, and they sign it digitally. But later you faced some disputes and took the case to court. However, now, the court rejects the contract. Why? Because the software that you have used for signing in is not compliant with rules and regulations of electronic signature laws. Ultimately, you lose the case.

So, if you are using any e-signature software, make sure that it is compliant with the electronic signature laws. For example, in the USA, the software should be compliant with UETA and ESIGN Act. In Europe, it needs to be compliant with the EU Directive 1999/93/EC. And in India, it must be compliant with the Information Technology Act. If you don’t find any supported legislation, then don’t use the software. Or else you may face a lot of security issues for e-signed documents.

There are different laws and acts in every country for the validation of electronic signatures. Also read about the Information Technology Act, 2000 - electronic signature law in India.

2. The contract has changed, and information is missing

Most of the reputed online signing software platforms are running hashing technology. In detail, it makes a hash of the content which builds a fingerprint of the material. It creates its DNA for the file. Generally, they use the hash forms while doing the signing. The reason behind this is if something alters, like changes the number, the hash will alter the number.

Not all the electronic signature software will let you know about the changes. Only professional electronic signature software can notify you about this through regular auditing. Besides, you need to make sure that the electronic signature vendor integrates all the major security precautions.

Check the level of encryption that the vendor offers when your documents are in cloud storage. Besides, use standard algorithms and signing process so that the sign can be verified through the different solution. Don’t use SHA1 or MD5 hashing algorithms as these are outdated. So, be careful about it.

3. The signatory is different

In general, when one signs a document online, then the signature employs the digital certificates. Talking more about a digital certificate, it represents a person or a company digitally. It has two parts, one is the private key, and another one is a public key.

The private key is generally used to encrypt the document’s hash. However, anyone can access the public key. Besides, it can provide all the details of the company or the person related to that particular certificate. But it is illegal to see other’s documents without any consent.

So, to prevent this, make sure your e-signed documents come with tamper-evident technology. Such technology can alert you when someone tries to access and alter your documents. Besides, set a PIN for your certificate. Only you can use the certificate with the PIN.

Don’t get confused between Digital Signatures and Electronic Signatures. Read our previous article on Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature, understand the difference between them.

4. The electronic signature is fake

Sometimes hackers can use the electronic signature for a false signature while signing a contract. You can be a victim of fraud if you are not using software which has features to make the process secure. Make sure that the electronic signature software offers features like security auditing, encryptions, digital certificates, and more. If all such things are missing in your software, then you can put the business at higher risk by signing a fraudulent contract.

5. The e-signed documents have been stolen

There is no doubt that modern technology makes working online a lot easier. With e-signing, you can sign a vital document online with just a few clicks. But this also brings different threats to e-signed documents.

One of such risks is the document stored on a server can be accessed easily. One can simply hack your document and change the entire content. So, always remember to encrypt your document to prevent hackers from accessing the documents.

6. An unknown person accesses the documents

One of the most important factors that you need to consider during the process is to make sure that the process involves the right person. Besides, it ensures that the e-signed documents can only be accessed by that particular person.

For this, you can employ user authentication process. For example, some e-signature vendors require that one should prove his/her identity by entering an SMS PIN or answering a personal question. This way, you can prevent others from accessing your electronically signed documents online.

There is something that you should always keep in your mind while using e-signature software. If the software works on proprietary technology, then you might not understand how the technology works. It may not also offer maximum protection to your e-signature. That’s why always use the software in which technology is governed by international standard. For example, a software certified by ISO- International Organization of Standardization (NIST).

Still thinking about the adoption of an electronic signature? Check out these top reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

7. Another person or the middle man stole the contract

One of the significant security issues for e-signed documents is MITM- Man in the Middle. This is a common online threat where a person takes the information which is present on the server. The rate of MITM attacks is now increasing. Moreover, OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project places such attack in the list of top 10 web-based attack threats.

Your online document can carry some of your sensitive or personal information. For example, pricing, identity, property details, and more. All such information can be stolen through a MITM attack. So, how you can prevent such threats?

For this, you need to make sure that the entire process of e-signing is secure. Make sure you are using an HTTPS connection. In detail, HTTPS-Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a secure communication channel.

Besides, to prevent MITM or MITB - Man in the Browser issues, make sure that the service provider signs the digital document in its initial stage. The reason behind this is it will lock the integrity of the documents. Besides, you can make sure that the service providers send the document, and there is no middle person in this process.

This will assure the users that the digital document is genuine and safe to sign. Furthermore, always remember to save a copy of before and after signing a document on your system. So that if something wrong happens, you can use that as proof.

8. The image of e-signature is stolen

Almost all the e-signatures come with an image of the real signature or a mark that one generally uses. This is a major commodity as one can use it on a document, signing as the real owner of the signature. How to prevent such a threat? Don’t store your signature images or marks on a server. Hackers can easily steal your data from a server which is not properly secured.

An e-signature lets the users make a mark on the document to show their consent or approval. Well, in the paper world, it is quite difficult to copy the signature. But in the digital world, one can easily copy the signature or mark and paste it on another document. One can’t even find a single difference in that. In the court, the judge can’t comment just by looking at the image of the signature.

Some software can offer PKI-based e-signature. You will get a unique Digital Identity, known as X.509 Certificate after verification of the real identity. After that, you can use the certificate for e-signed documents. When you sign a document cryptographically, it locks your digital identity, and one can know who has signed the documents. Certificate Authority issues such certificates that is a trusted organization. So, get your unique Digital Identity now and enjoy a safe and secure online document signing process.

While working with electronic signatures, it is commendable to understand how electronic signature works. Here is a quick guide to the electronic signature workflow.

9. The signing software vulnerabilities

Most of the e-signing software can be infected by malware, including yours too. The reason behind this is the software you are using may contain some vulnerabilities. You might be thinking that what are these all about? Well, that means there are some bugs in your software. Then the malware enters into the software through the bugs. You can’t detect them as they will take over the software without any notice.

So, to avoid such a problem in your e-signed documents, choose an electronic signature software which gets updated regularly. Some dedicated and reputed platforms consider potential exploit seriously. Besides, they also release updates and patches every month to keep the software safe. However, don’t forget to keep your OS and browsers up-to-date with latest updates.

10. You don’t know what you are doing

This is one of the significant security concerns for e-signed documents. Some users can deny that they don’t know about anything. For example, users can say they didn’t know about that a button when clicked will sign the documents. Besides, they can say that they didn’t get a chance to go through the document. If you are an electronic signature vendor, to counter such things, you need to prove that the signing process is a willful act and involves the consent of the parties. You can employ the flowing features for the e-signed documents.

  • Give the users a legal notice to let them know about the legal consequences of the signature. The users can’t sign the document until they accept the legal notice.
  • To prevent people from claiming that they miss something important while signing the document, give them an initial for every paragraph.
  • Make sure the GUI indicates the approve option for e-signed documents. Besides, make sure that it is written in the user’s regional language. Furthermore, allow the users to cancel the process in the middle. For example, a Decline option, by clicking on which they can cancel the operation.

It’s not that due to the threats associated with electronic signatures, you shouldn’t use electronic signatures. Instead, you should consider these points while choosing an e-signature vendor.

Take as much as time you need and choose the right one

E-signing software is quite easy to use. Some can be easily integrated with your website. However, it is essential to know everything about the e-signed documents and their threats. As a user, one should audit the vendor’s e-signature technology. Then compare it with the security requirements. Remember that not all the e-signatures of e-signed documents will offer you the same protection features.

The untrusted vendor can offer hackers a lot of chances to attack as they don’t follow security measures carefully. So, always use trusted vendors as their cryptographic evidence is embedded directly into the document. Though there is no requirement for any third-party server as It dramatically reduces the entry points.

Choose wisely and streamline the workflow without worrying about any threats!

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

E-Signature Law in India - Information Technology Act, 2000

As we all know, signatures are the identity of an individual. Traditionally, signatures are handwritten with pen on paper. However, now we can have electronic signatures! So, what brought this change? Digitization is the answer. Many businesses adopted the digital route for different business processes. This is the reason for which you can see better efficiency in marketing and sales.

Electronic signatures or e-signatures are a huge part of the ongoing move towards the digitization of businesses. This is one of the reasons to emphasize the information technology act in India. Wondering what it is, are you? E-signatures need valid legal recognition, and the IT act serves this purpose. In the following discussion, let us explore the legal precedent governing e-signatures in India.

The Basic Notion of the Information Technology Act, 2000

According to the Information Technology Act 2000, electronic signatures are legally valid in India. The Government of India focused on different advantages associated with e-signatures for presenting this regulation. The IT act is a clear platform to foster the adoption of digital technologies by Indian corporations and citizens. The act focuses on improving the ease of doing business and refining the storage of records.

Also, it focuses on raising the standards of safety, security, and cost-effectiveness of records. The information technology act is one of the drivers behind the recent rise in the use of e-signatures. One of the notable highlights that we can not miss here is the focus on providing electronic transactions using Aadhaar. Aadhar is the unique identification number issued to all Indian residents by the Indian government.

Indian law recognizes electronic signatures on the same grounds as that of physical signatures only with a few exceptions. On the other hand, the IT Act, 2000 also specifies requirements for the validity of electronic signatures. So, let us find out what are the requirements for the validity of e-signatures in India.

Also Read: UETA and ESign Act

Type of Signature Recognized in the Information Technology Act

The first thing to look at is the type of signatures recognized in the information technology act. There are two types of signatures in the IT act.

1. Electronic signatures combining aadhaar with eKYC service

Electronic signatures that combine Aadhar with eKYC service are the first type of signatures as per information technology act. Users who have an Aadhar could use an online e-signature service for signing documents online. This happens with the integration of the e-signature service with the Application Service Provider (ASP).

Users could have a mobile or web application interface, and this helps in signing documents online. They could authenticate their identity through an eKYC service provided by the e-signature service provider. The eKYC service could be an OTP or one-time password used commonly in India. The online e-signature service would work with the application service provider to give certificates and authentication services. All of these services would have to follow government guidelines.

2. Digital signatures developed with asymmetric cryptosystem and hash function

The second type of signature considered valid as per e-signature laws in India are digital signatures. Digital signatures created through the asymmetric cryptosystem and hash function are valid according to the information technology act. In an asymmetric cryptosystem, there is a pair of keys such as private key and public key. These keys are unique for each user and creates an e-signature. Users could get a digital signature from a reliable Certifying Authority (CA).

The CA provides a digital certificate that has the user’s name, the public key, and the expiry date of the certificate. The digital certificate also includes other essential information relating to the user. Many operating systems and browsers have a list of trustworthy CA root certificates. These root certificates verify the digital certificates provided by CA. In some cases, users could also get a USB token for signing a document. The USB token contains a personal PIN and an ID based on digital certificate.

Digital Signatures and Electronic Signatures are two similar looking terms but are different from each other. Check out the difference between the two i.e. Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

The Criteria for Valid E-Signatures

The most important milestone for e-signature laws in India was in 2008. In this year, the Information technology act 2008 introduced some amendments. The amendment brought the definition of ‘electronic signature’ into the scenario.

Section 2(a) of the act stated the definition of electronic signature.

“An electronic signature is defined as the authentication of electronic records by subscribers through electronic techniques.”

Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000 points out the definitions of electronic techniques. According to the information technology Act, e-signatures have to satisfy different criteria for validity.

The criteria can be outlined as follows -

  • E-signatures should be linked to the person signing a document with a unique ID. The unique ID is generally a digital-certified ID.
  • The signatory should have complete control over the data used to create the e-signature. The signatory should get this control at the time of signing. Generally, e-signature service providers authorize signatories to affix their e-signature to the document. This helps in fulfilling this requirement.
  • The changes to the document or the attached e-signature should be detectable. Users could fulfill this requirement by encryption of the document with a tamper-evident seal.
  • The e-signature is valid only if it has an audit trail. The audit trail is an account of the steps implemented in the signing process.
  • According to the information technology act, a certifying authority (CA) recognized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) issues a digital signature certificate.

Suitable Use Cases for E-Signatures

An electronic signature is valid if it satisfied all these conditions. The Information technology act 2000 is presently the main governing law for the validity of e-signatures in India. At this point, there are no case laws that relate to disputes regarding the application of e-signatures. The different types of use cases where the standard electronic signature can be applied are as follows.

  • Commercial agreements among corporate entities. These may include procurement deals, sales agreements, and non-disclosure agreements.
  • E-signatures are also applicable to HR documents. The examples include employment contracts, new employee onboarding processes, and benefits paperwork.

Documents Which Cannot Be Signed Electronically

The IT Act 2000 also presents details of use cases that are not suitable for the use of digital signatures. The first concern involves processes that require handwritten signatures. But the IT act does not cover these use cases. It covers examples of use cases that cannot be signed electronically.

  • Handwritten negotiable instruments except for cheques.
  • Trust deeds documents, written by hands.
  • Handwritten wills or any testaments.
  • Power of attorney, written by hands.
  • Handwritten contracts for sale or conveyance of immovable property and interest in the property.
  • Real estate documents; the examples include purchase and sales contracts and lease agreements. Documentation for residential and commercial real estate can also not involve e-signatures.

There are a number of myths spread worldwide regarding the use of e-signatures. It is important to understand these electronic signature myths and facts behind them.

Legal Precedents for Stamping

Therefore, any document which needs a notarial process or registration by a Registrar or Sub-Registrar cannot use an e-signature. The information technology act also presents some insights into the requirements for stamping. This is one of the noticeable concerns while signing electronically.

You need to know that specific documents should be stamped before or at the time of execution. However, there is no particular law in India that outlines a method for stamping of electronic documents. The states of Delhi, Maharashtra, and Karnataka focus on stamping for electronic records.

The electronically accepted stamps can help e-signature service providers to design their solutions according to your needs. The information technology act also emphasizes that companies should always look into the legal need for stamping a document. If there is a requirement of stamping before signing and execution of a document electronically, the company should have a physical copy. The physical copy should be stamped.

A document can bring financial penalties if it is not properly stamped. In some states, there are penalties for deliberately not stamping a document. The penalties could either be in the form of fines or even imprisonment. However, these provisions are implemented rarely.

Other Valid Forms of E-authentication

As we discussed above, there are certain documents that are suitable for electronic signing. However, it does not mean that documents signed by other electronic means than an e-signature are invalid. The Information technology act also provides validity for contracts that use authentication methods specified in it. For example, a contract executed with email is an authentication method. Documents that use two-factor authentication such as OTP or a PIN could also be considered valid.

On the other hand, there is a slight problem in proving the validity of these documents. They are not the same as the documents signed with handwritten signatures. If an electronic contract involves any dispute, then it is essential to prove that the requirements of a valid contract have been fulfilled.

The parties involved in the contract should ensure the execution of the document by using a non-tamperable method. Even if this requirement is quite tasking, the use of email and two-factor authentications of contracts is highly popular. The technology and eCommerce sector make the most of this facility.

You would have to follow certain best practices to prove the validity of electronically signed documents. An important note, in this case, these best practices are suitable in case of using email or other forms of authentication.

  • The signing process should have a mechanism for verifying the identity of signatories. The mechanism could be a verification email to the signatory’s unique email address. The information technology act also allows sending OTP to the mobile phone of the signatory.
  • The signing party should provide consent for conducting the transaction electronically.
  • A clear description of the intent of the signing party to sign the document electronically with the method used for signing.
  • Secure tracking of the process with an audit trail for logging each step.
  • Use of a tamper-evident seal for securing the final document.

Based on these industry best practices, you can conform to the precedents outlined in the IT act for e-signatures. Furthermore, a clear awareness of these factors could help you find the best e-signature solution.

Still confused about adopting electronic signatures? Check out these top reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

The Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015

India achieved another notable milestone in regulation for e-signatures long after the Information Technology act, 2008 amendment. Despite the clear definition and availability of provisions enabling the use of e-signatures, they were not used. However, the Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015 brought a new change.

Also, the Digital Signature Rules (End Entity), 2015 came into existence. The most noticeable application of these rules provided the basis of e-signature regulations in India as known today. For example, the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) developed with the Information technology act, received more powers. The CCA is now capable of regulating and providing the requirements and process for using e-authentication methods.

The Current state of E-Signature Legality

According to the Information Technology Act in India, the sole authority over e-signatures is the Central Government. The Central Government holds the authority for declaring reliable techniques for e-signature. The Central Government could add or remove any technique valid for electronic authentication.

However, the Central Government has not issued any notification regarding the concept of electronic signature. So, the only method used for electronic signatures is digital signatures. The examples of Aadhaar based identify verification and electronic signing show the fact. The Delhi High Court has asked the Central Government to introduce policies on the use of electronic signatures.

This clearly shows that the legal aspects of e-signatures are relatively underdeveloped in India. However, the IT act outlines the criteria for the legal recognition of e-signature in Section 5. The section outlines that if the prescribed requirements have been followed, then an electronic signature is valid just like a handwritten signature.

You should also take note of the offenses outlined in electronic signatures. The offenses can include publishing false e-signature certificates, identity theft, or publishing electronic certificates for a fraudulent purpose. The other offenses include misrepresentation or suppression of material fact to obtain e-signature or license.

While working with electronic signatures, it is commendable to understand how electronic signature works. Here is a quick guide to the electronic signature workflow.


Based on an outlook of the e-sign laws in India according to the IT Act 2000, the above discussion concludes now. The discussion provided information on the general concept of e-signature accepted legally in India. The types of e-signatures considered valid according to the IT act formed an important part of the discussion. The use cases suitable for electronic signatures and the unsuitable documents also refined an understanding of the legality of e-signatures in India.

Finally, the discussion focused on other forms of electronic authentication valid in India. Also, the discussion presented a brief illustration of the present state of e-signature legality in India. These details finally concluded a brief outline of offenses related to e-signatures according to the IT act.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

Points to Consider While Choosing an E-Signature Vendor

Change is the buzzword that is making the rounds in the present business environment. Nowadays, businesses are experiencing a great change with the adoption of electronic signature. Electronic signatures provide an efficient and cost-effective way to manage paperless signatures. The idea of using e-signature for your business requires an e-signature vendor.

With the popularity of e-signatures, a number of vendors are popping up in the market. But all these e-signature vendors are not equal, so it becomes important to evaluate them on some points. So, in this article, we’ll discuss the points that the businesses should consider while choosing an e-signature vendor.

Top 10 Points You Should Consider While Choosing an E-Signature Vendor

In a survey by Canon, almost 28% of small and medium businesses spend excessive time on paperwork for administrative purposes. Another study conducted by YouGov stated that small and medium businesses also lose almost £8.72 billion per year. It is due to spending around four hours and more on an average every week on the administrative paperwork. So, it’s high time that businesses should consider working smarter rather than working hard for hours.

This has been the notable reason why businesses are making the big leap towards selecting an appropriate e-signature vendor. However, this is where you shall be careful as you would be taking care of more than just ditching the pen and paper route for signatures. So, let’s get ahead and explore the factors that should be considered before choosing an e-signature solution.

1. Tamper Evidence Feature

The first aspect that you should emphasize while choosing an e-signature vendor is related to concerns of tampering or modifications in the document after a single signature. You can find certain e-signature service providers providing a tamper-evidence feature. This feature can help you to see any alterations that have been made in the document. The different service providers have unique approaches for providing tamper evidence. So, if you are quite specific about the security level with an e-signature vendor, it is appropriate to ask the approach followed by their tamper evidence technology.

You need to make sure that the tamper evidence is recorded right from the moment when a transaction is initiated. It would be recommended not to go for a solution that tracks tampering evidence when the signing process is terminated. To ensure legal certainty, it is essential that the e-signature service provider ensures tamper evidence recording after the initial signature rather than waiting for the completion of all the signatures.

The tamper evidence technology should be capable of showcasing any unwanted changes attempted in the document. Furthermore, you would be able to ensure that the first signatory has not tampered the document before sending the document to the second signatory. You can also find some modern e-signature solutions that have the facility of making a document tamper-proof with its creation. This way, the document cannot tamper once it has been completed.

To use e-signature effectively, it is important to understand electronic signature workflow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to e-signature workflow.

2. The Comprehensiveness of the Audit Trail

Another prominent factor that shall come into focus when choosing an e-signature vendor is the audit trail. The audit trail is a common feature that you would find with the services of an electronic signature vendor. This feature is responsible for tracking the actions of signatories and the documents in every transaction for creating evidence about the conduct of the entire transaction.

However, different e-signature platforms show considerable differences in the amount of detail recorded by them in the audit trail. So, it is recommended that you should look for e-signatures that are available with a detailed and comprehensive granular audit trail. A granular audit trail can help you gain access to evidence of each element involved in the signing process.

Any reliable e-signature vendor would ensure that you can have a detailed audit trail, thereby facilitating legal evidence for the signing process that can be used in court if needed be. The elements that you can find in a comprehensive audit trail include the date and time of document submission, consents of signatories, IP address of signatories, cancellations or opt-outs, issue of digital certificates and the time of signatures and initials.

3. Access to Evidence

The next factor that should be on your priority when selecting an e-signature vendor is whether you have to depend on the service provider to prove the legality of the signature. As we have observed above, tamper evidence technology and audit trails could help in validating a transaction if the need arises. However, you should make sure that you can access the information at any time.

So, you should look for an electronic signature solution that can help you verify signatures independently. This implies that the evidence of the digital signature should be embedded directly and permanently to the signed document. Look for an e-signature platform that utilizes published standards as well as public key infrastructure (PKI) for proving the validity and integrity of documents.

With the evidence, you could be able to access it anytime even after years. You would not find this facility in all electronic signature platforms, especially the ones bound by proprietary standards. This type of vendors requires visiting the solution provider’s website to obtain information about the signature. This can seem plausible for a moment. But you need to think of long term scenarios.

For example, what would happen if the vendor’s server goes down? What if the vendor has changed their technology after ten years and you need to access a signature for proving in court? In these situations, you can land up without access to evidence of the validity of your documents.

4. Compliance with Industry Standards

Talking about security aspects with an electronic signature vendor, it is essential to make sure that the vendor meets industry compliance. The most basic precedents for taking into consideration are ESIGN and UETA guidelines for e-signatures. In addition to these precedents, it is also essential for an e-signature vendor to comply with the regulatory standards followed in different industries.

The financial services industry requires compliance with the Standards and Procedures for Electronic Records and Signatures (SPeRS). The Securities industry requires compliance of an e-signature platform with the Electronic Securities Transaction Act. For the sector of annuities, it is essential to comply with the Insured Retirement Institute’s E-signature Standards for Straight through Processing. HIPAA regulations are found in the healthcare industry, whereas 21 CFR Part 11 is relevant for life sciences.

So, based on your industry type, you need to make sure that the e-signature solution of your choice complies with all the industry regulations.

5. Authentication Measures

Authentication factors should be the next priority when selecting an e-signature vendor. This is essential to make sure that your documents are not in the wrong hands at any point in time. Therefore, the e-signature platform should follow a minimum of two factors of authentication.

The most basic example of two-factor authentication is a combination of a password with an SMS text message on a mobile phone. The importance and sensitivity of the information in different documents and forms would vary considerably. So, you could face the need for higher levels of authentication. You would not want your e-signature vendor to leave your documents open to unauthorized access.

So, based on the level of risk involved with a document, you need to find whether the vendor provides multiple approaches for verification of identities of signatories. One of the methods is email-only authentication. In this, a user clicks on a link received through an email and is redirected to the transaction directly.

Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is another simple yet proven measure for authenticating the identity of signatories. KBA would require the user to input their date of birth or the last three digits of their social security number followed by answering a set of multiple-choice questions. If the user answers all the questions correctly, then the user could access the transaction.

Certain vendors can implement shared questions for authentication in which a user has to answer certain personal questions that are known to the sender. Upon answering the questions correctly, the user could prove their authentication to access the transaction. Note that better authentication requirements would directly result in better defense of the e-signature.

There are a number of myths about the e-signature. Here we cover the top electronic signature myths and facts behind them.

6. Cloud Security

The majority of the concerns related to the selection of the right e-signature vendor are associated with the safety of the e-signed documents. You should know that e-signatures are SaaS solutions, and this implies the relation between e-signatures and the cloud. So, you should choose a vendor that can provide a formidable cloud infrastructure capable of safeguarding the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of your data.

Most important of all, you should try to find if the electronic signature solution provider has accomplished security certifications such as SOC2. In addition to a sturdy cloud infrastructure, security certifications indicate vendor’s highest standards for cloud security and data protection. By confirming this aspect with your vendor, you could stay away from complaints of unauthorized access.

7. Ease of Use of the Solution

The next crucial concern in selecting an e-signature vendor is usability. An easy to use e-signature platform can help drive positive outcomes in the adoption of the technology. You don’t want to deal with issues such as confusion about e-signing the documents or logging in with your credentials every time. Also, you would want to stay away from unnecessary nagging due to prompts for installing plug-ins, software, and apps. These concerns can dissuade the users, and they would most likely leave the e-signature process.

Therefore, it is advisable to go for a solution that can help in simplification of the e-signature process. It should make the e-signature process simple for customers as well as your internal stakeholders. You need to focus on certain questions such as the number of clicks a user has to make for signing a document, the method for sending documents for signature or the clicks or time take for creating an agreement. This would help you improve adoption of the e-signature technology alongside reducing the friction in contract acceptance processes.

8. Facility for Company Branding

As a business, you go before your customers with a unique identity. Your brand speaks of your identity and differentiates you from the competition. Therefore, you need to understand that the e-signature vendor of your choice should provide facilities for company branding. It is mandatory to look for a vendor that can help you customize document workflows with your company logo.

This would maintain your company’s identity among your clients and provide a consistent brand experience. When this experience combines with a hassle-free document viewing and signing experience, your business will mark a formidably positive impression on your clients.

9. Integration with Business Applications and Processes

Your business must be dependent on various business applications for the management of daily tasks. Therefore, you need to check the e-signature platform integration into the internal processes of your business. The e-signature technology should provide users with the flexibility to integrate the e-signature app into the existing business processes. Selecting an electronic signature software that can be integrated effectively with common business applications such as Microsoft Word, Google Drive, and Dropbox would give a promising boost to employee productivity.

Treat your electronic signature platform as an investment. Thus, aim to make the most of it by the facility of using them as per your convenience. You need to evaluate your common document workflows and find out approaches in which e-signature technology can be integrated with them. It is also recommended to evaluate the API of the e-signature solution alongside reviewing its other clients.

10. Try to Find Mobile-friendly Solutions

Being mobile is an inseparable part of the business environment today. Customers and internal stakeholders in every business are constantly dependent on their mobile devices such as smartphones for daily transactions. So, it is important to look for an e-signature vendor that can provide the facility of e-signing documents from a mobile device. The vendor should provide optimization of the signing process for all types of mobile devices and platforms. So, you should make sure that your customers can have a user-friendly experience in e-signing documents.

Also Read: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature


On a concluding note, it can be stated that the aspects of security, legal validity, and usability should be the major factors to consider in selecting the right e-signature vendor. The discussion presented above has provided clear insights into the different points required to choose an electronic signature vendor. However, it is also important to look for the vendor’s association with your industry as well as their reputation in working with different clients in the past.

So, have a focus on the above factors while choosing an e-signature vendor and find the best one!

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

An Overview of UETA and ESIGN Act

Electronic signatures have become a generic part of the international computing landscape. The e-signatures follow the notion that the internet could use as a credible method for business transactions. The internet is more than just a means of communication, and so, it was obvious to use it for making transactions a lot simpler. Therefore, electronic signature laws such as the UETA and ESIGN act were put in place to govern the application of electronic signatures.

Electronic signatures were introduced to help people sign contracts from wherever they are, without the need of traveling to the distances. Furthermore, e-signatures were considerably helpful initiatives for saving time as well as costs for printing, storage, and maintenance of documents. These factors implied positive influences of e-signatures on the online economy.

Must Read: Top 10 Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

Before getting into the details of the UETA and ESIGN Act, let’s first understand the need for e-signature laws.

The Need for E-Signature Laws

Despite the promising advantages derived from electronic signatures, the need for legal imperatives such as UETA and ESIGN act was observed prominently. The lack of any specific legal system in the initial stages of electronic signatures was a prominent setback in ensuring their legal validity. This was also a notable pitfall in ensuring standardization of legal proceedings related to electronic signatures.

Therefore, it can be noted that these two laws had a considerable role in ensuring the legality of adopting electronic signatures. In the following discussion, let us find out some more details about these two laws and the various implications alongside the key points of difference between the two of them.

US Electronic Signature laws are specifically tailored to support the competitiveness of modern businesses with regards to their document workflows. Nowadays, a business could have a user-friendly signing experience with electronic signatures just because e-signatures are legally binding in different courts all over the world.

Even if UETA and ESIGN act is the general legal precedents followed for electronic signatures in the US, many countries have their unique regulations for e-signatures. For example, European countries follow the eIDAS (Electronic Identification and Authentication and Trust Services) regulation and Canada follows the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

The two US e-signature laws are known for their distinct histories and implications which shall form the crux of a major share of this discussion. So, let’s dive deep to have more details of the ESIGN Act and UETA Act.

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN Act)

The ESIGN Act is the federal law for electronic signatures that validates that contracts and documents signed online are legitimate. It has specific indications towards ensuring that business operations are streamlined and consumers don’t have to deal with paper burdens. If you have applied for a loan physically, then you must be aware of the effort and trouble that goes in there!

On the other hand, signing online has eased many processes for people, and many of them don’t even realize that the Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act has played a huge role in helping consumers make the most of the electronic signatures.

There are a number of reasons to adopt electronic signature. Here are the top 10 reasons why you should adopt Electronic Signature for Your business.

The History of ESIGN Act

The ESIGN Act had widespread support from the Congress right from the beginning. Michigan Senator, Spencer Abraham, was one of the notable supporters for the bill. Spencer thought that the bill would be a successful instrument in taking away the fears related to the security of electronic contracts.

Representative Anna Eshoo and Representative Tom Bliley were the two legislators who first showed their inclination towards strengthening e-commerce contracts. The year 1999 witnessed the introduction of various bills related to eCommerce, and over the next years, the bills were subject to revision and expansion before their combination. The common goal for promoting electronic commerce alongside maintaining technological neutrality was found in House Bill 1714 and Senate Bill 761.

It was also noted with the HR714 did not have a broader scope, thereby leading to the inclusion of additional provisions for customer protection at a later stage. Finally, the act was introduced as a law by President Bill Clinton in June 2000. Most important of all, many states had already crafted and passed legislation related to electronic recordkeeping by the time the act was passed.

Exclusions from ESIGN law

While we are continuing ahead with our discussion on UETA and ESIGN Act, it is essential to outline the documents which are not included in the scope of ESIGN law. Here are documents which are not included in the ESIGN law:

  • Divorce notices.
  • Adoption paperwork.
  • Documentation for transporting hazardous materials.
  • Will, trusts, and codicils.
  • Utility service termination notices.
  • Court notices and orders.
  • Notices for eviction, default, repossession or foreclosure.
  • Notices for cancellation of insurance benefits.
  • Notices for material failure in products or product recall notices.

Now that we have obtained a detailed insight into one half of the UETA and ESIGN Act combination, it would be just right to move towards the other essential half.

UETA Came Before ESIGN

Many people might not have known about the fact that the UETA Act was the predecessor of the ESIGN legislation. It was passed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1999 before the ESIGN law was passed in 2000. The UETA (Uniform Electronic Transactions Act) is a state law that was specifically tailored for providing a framework that established the legality of an electronic signature for commercial as well as government transactions.

One of the most commonly accepted facts related to e-signature laws in the US is that the UETA and ESIGN Act are similar to each other. Even if this statement can be true to a certain extent, there are certain differences that make both the regulations distinct from each other. Before we take a look at the differences, it would be reasonable to dig deeper into the implications of the UETA regulation.

Adoption of Uniform Electronic Transactions (UETA Act)

The first interesting piece of information about the UETA regulation is that only 47 states in the US alongside the US Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have adopted the regulation. The three states of New York, Washington, and Illinois have not adopted the UETA law.

However, these states have adopted legislation similar to the UETA and ESIGN Act to provide governance for the management of electronic transactions. Washington passed the Electronic Authentication Act in 1997 while the state of Illinois instituted the Electronic Commerce Security Act in 1999.

New York follows the Electronic Signatures and Records Act for ensuring the legality of electronic signatures just the same as pen and paper signatures. On the other hand, the remaining 47 states as well as the District of Columbia, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico follow the guidelines mentioned in UETA for reaching consumer agreements on different online platforms.

Precise and Wider Legal Definitions of ESIGN and UETA Act

Another interesting highlight that can be noted with UETA as a supporting element in the UETA and ESIGN act combination is the broader legal definitions. UETA demarcates an electronic signature from an electronic record with broader definitions. For instance, UETA clearly states that an electronic signature and an electronic record should be combined to ensure their legal validity.

An electronic signature has to be linked or attached to an electronic record or document to make sure that the document or record is considered legally valid. Furthermore, an individual could find broader legal definitions of terms such as ‘computer program’ and ‘automatic transaction’ to help companies find better opportunities in terms of options to do business without compromising consumer protection.

Also Read: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

Some Important Points about ESIGN and UETA Act

As of now, you have understood the definitions and roles of these US electronic signature laws. But there are some important facts that we should also cover in this article. So, moving ahead, check out some of the important points about ESIGN and UETA act.

  • A widely accepted instrument for validating e-signatures

Before this act gained recognition as one of the prominent US electronic signature laws, businesses faced considerable issues related to the management of online transactions. This legislation made sure that electronic signatures stood up in any court by confirming that electronic signatures also had the same legal validity as pen and paper signatures.

The act stated that electronic signatures could not be denied legal validity or rendered unenforceable just because of their electronic form. Over the years, many court cases have shown support for the legal validity of electronic signatures.

  • Obtaining “Consent”

As a vital part of the UETA and ESIGN act combination, this legislation encourages the notion that customers have provided consent and have obtained the necessary disclosures about the electronic contract. The legislation implies the need to provide the customer with a clear and explicit statement about their right to withdraw consent at any time and the option for receiving the contract in a non-electronic form.

Even if the present consumer consent provisions in the act do not prioritize the facility of a paper contract to validate an electronically signed document or contract. However, the legislation also focuses on providing information to the consumer about accessing and retaining the electronic document, record or contract.

  • Giving longstanding evidence

Another implication found in one of the popular US e-signature laws is the necessity for businesses to retain evidence of the contractual agreements signed using electronic signatures. The evidence is specifically needed to address legislative requirements alongside preparing to resolve any concerns that may arise in the future regarding the legitimacy of the contract or details regarding specific terms in the contract.

The guidelines indicate the need to maintain the accuracy and accessibility of the records of agreements for all parties involved in the contract for a specific period. The specific period is determined by governing authority or stage agency that has jurisdiction for a particular transaction, contract or document.

  • Preventing federal and state law conflicts

As one of the popular e-signature laws, you can also find the ESIGN law as vital support for federal and state regulations. One of the notable motivations for Congress to pass the act in 2000 was to resolve the concerns of conflicts between e-signature laws in different states. This was primarily intended to prevent any negative impacts on interstate commerce.

The ESIGN law indicates that states which have adopted the UETA act can be able to introduced modifications or restrictions in the application of the ESIGN law. At a later stage, almost all states adopted the UETA regulation and thus any concerns of conflicts in e-signature regulations across states were resolved.

  • An instrument to promote global business participation

In addition to the legal implications related to e-signature with the UETA and ESIGN Act, the latter was also accounted as a foundation for helping US companies gain the leading edge in global business. Therefore, the ESIGN legislation also focuses on promoting the use of electronic signatures for international business transactions. However, all the parties are required to have their specific authentication technologies in place alongside the required legal path for proving that a particular transaction is valid in court.

Similarities Between the Two US E-signature Acts

The UETA and ESIGN Act are similar in a number of terms:

  • The first similarity arises from the types of documents that are not included in the scope of each regulation. UETA also excludes will, trusts, and the transactions that are managed by courts such as divorce or eviction notice just like the ESIGN law.
  • The primary focus of the UETA regulation is vested in electronic contracts that are implemented for business, governmental and commercial applications just like ESIGN law.
  • Like ESIGN act, the UETA regulation also implies the precedents for notarization of documents by suggesting the need for the notary or authorized professional for acting as a witness to specific contracts to have their signature in the electronic form. The regulation also reflected on the need for attaching the verification by the notary or professional witness authority for the contract with the electronic document to avail references in the future.

Differences Between the Two US E-signature Laws

While the UETA and ESIGN Act have been crucial components in the legal landscape for monitoring electronic signatures and transactions conducted by using them, they are also known for certain differences. The first point of difference between these legislations are the following:

  • The first difference is in the notices that should be agreed upon by each party before entering an electronic transaction. The UETA regulation implies that context and the circumstances define the legal validity of an agreement and can be helpful for companies to get a stronghold when conducting online commercial transactions.
  • Another point of difference that can be noted in the two renowned US electronic signature laws is observed in governance. ESIGN law is a federal act, thereby implying its influence on online businesses in all the 50 states of the US. On the other hand, UETA is adopted on a state-by-state basis, thereby suggesting that individual states have the privilege of accepting or rejecting the guidelines in the regulation.
  • In the majority of cases of conflict between the UETA and the ESIGN regulations, the state law would hold the top hand. The ESIGN law comes into play in these cases by suggesting that state laws don’t have to follow the precedents of federal law exactly. However, the states are required to provide equivalent legislation for protecting electronic signatures and electronic contracts.

Closing Words

On a closing note, it can be clearly stated that the UETA and the ESIGN law have been introduced for promoting eCommerce and online contract signing. These legal precedents are found to be promising instruments in resolving the concerns associated with the security of electronically signed contracts and documents. The background for the development of these regulations has been noted as a promising highlight in the discussion mentioned above, which showed us the exact intentions of lawmakers behind promoting these laws.

Most important of all, the legal implications of each of these regulations showed insights for the larger picture for implementing them to achieve security and legal assurance for electronic documents, records and contracts as well as electronic signatures. Finally, the reflection on the differences between both the regulations provided a better understanding of the applications of these laws.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

Top 10 Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

Technological advancements have been the cornerstones of progress for human civilization. Over the years, we have witnessed the transformation of many essential activities and processes to the technological front. Electronic signature is one of such technological innovations. The applications of electronic signatures are widely observed in various fields, and it surely presents a reliable approach to reduce the piles of official documents in paper.

On the other hand, many electronic signature myths are making ground everywhere. These myths are primarily developed as a result of misunderstanding and lack of detailed insights into the definition and working of electronic signatures. It is important to understand the hidden electronic signature facts behind these myths.

So, this article would aim at outlining some of the notable e-signature myths to obtain a clear impression of the wrong and the right with e-signatures. In addition to this, the discussion would also focus on the facts about electronic signatures to understand them better.

Before we move towards exploring some of the electronic signature myths and facts, it is justified to have a basic idea of what electronic signature is and how it works!

What is E-signature and how does It Work?

The electronic signature can be defined as a digital version of the physical signature of an individual. It can be used for signing digital documents in different ways. Users can capture their signature on a document or use a click of a mouse button to sign digital documents.

Voice-based acceptance could also be considered as one of the ways to sign a digital document. Electronic signatures first came into existence with the passing of the Federal ESIGN Act, in 2000. There are various types of documents which could be signed electronically, such as policy adherence documents, non-disclosure agreements, executive meeting minutes, business contracts, and terms of service contracts.

Must Read: An Overview of UETA and ESIGN Act

Just like any other new technological innovation, electronic signatures also have found wide-ranging acceptance from different business owners. However, many others are still skeptical about the use of electronic signatures. So, it is essential to show a clear difference between the myths and facts associated with electronic signatures.

Let’s Go Through Most Common Electronic Signature Myths and Facts

Myth 1: E-signatures are not acceptable in court

Fact: The first and one of the most commonly noted electronic signature myths is that they are not legally binding. On the contrary, this is not true as electronic signatures have been considered legal, according to rulings, in most of the cases. All you have to do is prove consent and intent, like in the case of paper signatures to make it legally appropriate. Even if electronic signatures have been responsible for putting paper to rest for signing agreements, they have not left out legality.

It is clearly stated in the Electronic Signatures in Global, and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act that a document or a contract cannot be considered null in terms of validity, enforceability or legal effect in its electronic form. One of the notable electronic signature facts clearly shows that a valid electronic signature would be associated with a record of the time, date, and IP address of the signatories. So, the myth that electronic signatures don’t stand up in court can be put to rest now!

Myth 2: E-signatures are not secure.

Fact: Another one of the common electronic signature myths is that they are not secure, which is completely not true. In the case of electronic signatures, all the legal documents are secured with encryption, and all electronically signed documents are immediately covered into PDF files for additional security. All types of legal documents could be stored online for any duration of time that you want.

Most important of all, the audit trail or details of the time of a signature, time of opening a document, and the IP addresses of the signatories provide an excellent tool to verify the security of your electronic signatures. In addition to that, the majority of electronic signature software have firewalls and other advanced settings and protocols for protection against attempted breaches and other online threats.

Myth 3: E-signatures are difficult to adopt.

Fact: You would also find one of the electronic signature myths regarding the difficulty in the adoption of electronic signatures. Yes, users could indeed require some time, and experience many difficulties in adopting new technology. However, it doesn’t happen in the case of electronic signatures. Electronic signatures could be integrated very easily and that too in very little time! With the paper-based route, you would be spending a lot of time in printing, mailing, and signing.

On the other hand, you have to use the existing templates provided by the electronic signature software and change them if you want according to your needs. Then, just point out the areas which have to be signed and share the documents through email. This way, you not only save time but also make signing documents a much simpler task alongside considerable improvement in business productivity. Now the electronic signature technology seems quite easy to adopt, doesn’t it?

If you still think it is difficult to understand how electronic signature works, check out our previous blog on electronic signature workflow and get to know how easy it is!

Myth 4: You have to spend a lot on e-signatures.

Fact: Electronic signatures are expensive! That is also one of the electronic signature myths you need to pay attention to. You can save a considerable amount of money through electronic signatures. Think of loads of labor hours spent in converting contracts to different formats for emailing. You don’t have to deal with that anymore when you have electronic signatures. Most important of all, you would also be reducing costs associated with running a paper-based office.

With the use of electronic signatures, your office would not be dependent on purchasing paper, maintaining scanners, and printers or storage for signed documents. Moreover, you don’t have to pay any more for postage and courier costs. Even though all these factors are realized quickly, the myth surrounding expensiveness of electronic signatures emerges from the initial high costs.

However, there is no reason to worry as electronic signatures can foster process innovation, thereby leading to better returns on investment quickly. In addition to that, evolving technological advancements related to electronic signatures have resulted in their availability at affordable prices.

Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about storage of documents as you have cloud-based storage options with electronic signature software to keep away the massive file cabinets! With these functionalities of e-signatures, it is proven that they are highly favorable and cost-effective solutions as compared to paper.

Myth 5: You need special technical skills for using electronic signatures.

Fact: The requirement of specialized technical expertise is another one of the widely spread electronic signature myths in the present times. On the contrary, one does not have to be a technical genius for using electronic signatures. A basic understanding of electronic signatures can be sufficient to use them effectively.

Also, the e-signature solutions have made it easy to adopt and use an electronic signature. Easy steps, comprehensive guide, and quick support provided by the electronic signature vendors have removed the hassle associated with this new technology. So, even if you are not a technical person, you can easily use an electronic signature without any special technical skills.

Various companies which have adopted e-signatures have stated that employees find e-signatures easy to use and the companies were able to adopt the technology quickly. Therefore, this myth can also be debunked just like the other electronic signature myths which point towards the difficulty in the adoption of e-signatures.

Myth 6: Electronic signatures are just a trend.

Fact: Whenever a new technology comes, it comes with a boom and after some time, the boom is over. The same most of the people think about the electronic signature that it’s just a trend. It is one of the e-signature myths that has made its space in the mind of most of the people. It is important to know the fact behind this myth to know the truth.

The electronic signature is not just a trend, but it is present and future. More than 60 countries have introduced a specific set of laws and standards for validating e-signatures. It’s not because it’s a trend but it’s the innovation in the business world.

More than 60 countries have introduced a specific set of laws and standards for validating e-signatures. A large amount of data is generated every day by businesses, organizations, and individuals. To deal with the challenge of getting a huge number of documents signed everyday, electronic signatures are quick and efficient solutions.

The businesses in different industries have been readily adopting electronic signature which was previously relying on the paperwork. So, the electronic signature fact is that electronic signatures are more than just a trend, they are the future.

Myth 7: All documents can be signed electronically.

Fact: One of the noticeable e-signature myths is that if used, an electronic signature can be used for any kind of documents. But the e-signature fact here refers to the type of documents that are not considered valid with an electronic signature. The documents could be outlined as follows:

  • Product recall notices.
  • Notices for cancellation or termination of utility services.
  • Court orders, notices, and related documents.
  • Codicils, wills, and testamentary trusts.
  • Family law documents such as divorce or adoption papers.
  • Legal documentation for transportation of hazardous materials.
  • Notices for cancellation or termination of life insurance or health insurance benefits.
  • Default notices and notices for eviction, foreclosure, or repossession.

So, it is important to know, though electronic signature can be used for different types of documents, there are many documents for which electronic signature cannot be used.

Myth 8: You need a certificate to use electronic signatures.

Fact: Electronic signatures and Digital signatures are two similar terms but both are different. Sometimes, people may get confused between digital signatures and electronic signatures. So, it becomes important to understand the difference between the two i.e. Digital signature vs Electronic signature.

These are digital signatures which require a digital certificate for authorizing the encryption needed. Certificate Authority (CA) is responsible for issuing digital certificates. Generally, large businesses develop their in-house CA while smaller businesses and individuals tend to turn towards a CA provider to obtain digital certificates. Many digital certificate vendors provide various customized solutions for their electronic signature needs that may be availed either through a transaction-based or subscription-based payment model.

So, in order to get over a few e-signature myths, it is important to understand the difference between digital signature and electronic signature.

Myth 9: The choice of e-signature solution does not matter.

Fact: This is one of the electronic signature myths which is primarily based on the premise that every e-signature solution in the market can be suitable for all organizations. There is no surety that you can choose one e-signature solution for on-premise deployment and another one can be utilized as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) scaling according to the needs of your business.

Also, the selected vendor should be capable of using innovative technology in combination with comprehensive industry knowledge for better awareness of your common use cases. This can help ease the adoption process and provide better opportunities for success with e-signatures.

Finally, the ease of use is also dependent considerably on the e-signature solution provider. So, you have to make sure that the electronic signature vendor could be able to provide the flexibility of e-signing irrespective of the place or device. Most important of all, the solution should provide a customizable graphical user interface as well as the flexible workflow that can be tailored to various channels and processes.

Myth 10: Multiple electronic signatures cannot be managed.

Fact: This is one of the common e-signature myths spread among the newbies that it is not possible to manage multiple electronic signatures on a contract. On the contrary, electronic signature provides the facility of signing multiple pages of a contract by different signatories. Contemporary e-signature solution providers offer the facility of sharing one document across multiple signatories along with the account holder for the document.

While some solutions would imply that you can limit the sharing of the document up to a certain number of signatories. However, if you need multiple signatories exceeding the particular number on a concerned legal document, then the document can be re-imported and shared among other signatories.

Use of electronic signature can bring several benefits to you. If you have any doubt regarding the use of electronic signature, read out these 10 reasons to adopt e-signature for your business.

Closing Notes

Now we have obtained clear insights into the different electronic signature myths and facts, it would be reasonable to focus on making the initiative! E-signatures not only help in cost savings but also introduced process innovation for businesses to improve productivity.

Even though many electronic signature facts show the benefits possessed by them, people and businesses continue to doubt their functionality. However, attempts to clarify the misconceptions about e-signatures and large scale adoption could pave the path for a future in which paper is no longer needed for business documentation.

Surely seems like a path towards a greener and better future, doesn’t it? Share your thoughts in the comment section below on it. If you have any doubt in your mind regarding the use of electronic signature, just mention it below and we’ll guide you through all the way.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments

A Comprehensive Guide to Electronic Signature Workflow

The world of business is transforming at a fast pace, and there is no scope for any organization to fall behind just for the sake of it! We have witnessed several technological advancements, making a huge difference to businesses all over the world, such as customer relationship management systems, social media marketing, and integrated communications.

One of the notable advancements which have started making a huge impact on businesses and individuals is the electronic signature. To understand electronic signature, it is essential to understand the electronic signature workflow first. Let us understand the definition of electronic signature and the how electronic signature works by reflecting the processes associated with an electronic signature.

Basic Understanding of the E-Signature Process

Before an illustration of workflow for electronic signature, let us reflect on what is an electronic signature. An electronic signature can be defined as a digital verification of a signatory’s identity. It is a proven instrument for verifying whether an electronic document has been signed by a person as claimed on the document without any concerns of tampering.

Electronic signatures are associated with coding and encryption, thereby reducing the concerns of security risks for digital documents. What is an electronic signature in a simple way! Assume that you have a document with your signature on it locked in a box that needs two keys for opening. In case the keys don’t match with each other, an alarm goes off! However, in the case of an electronic signature, there would be no alarms, instead, the signature would be considered invalid for accessing the document.

Most important of all, the other parties involved with the document would be notified about the interference. This is quite a simple way to describe the working of an electronic signature. On the other hand, it is not as simple as it looks! So, we need to go behind the scenes and break down the electronic signature workflow into different steps for understanding it better.

Want to learn more about electronic signature? Read our previous blog on the comprehensive guide on Electronic Signature.

Benefits of Electronic Signature that Can’t be Ignored

A clear understanding of how electronic signature works could also help in obtaining credible insights regarding its benefits. But let’s have a look at the important benefits of using an electronic signature.

With the help of e-signatures, you could be able to receive the benefit of time-saving. You don’t have to wait anymore for someone to visit or courier and scan signed documents. There is no need for any type of downloading, printing or sending through courier or mail with electronic signatures. All that is needed is signing and sending. You can easily send proposals, close deals, and sign contracts in matter of a few minutes with electronic signatures.

This benefit subsequently translates to another noticeable advantage of electronic signatures, i.e., cost savings. A business could save considerable amounts of money that would have been otherwise spent on buying paper, ink, and courier costs. In addition to that, you could also have savings on the costs of maintenance of printers and other hardware such as storage cabinets by replacing paper documents with electronically signed documents.

Most important of all, users of e-signatures could be highly assured of the security of their documents by understanding how e-signature works. Even though signing on paper does feel credible, there are a lot of pitfalls related to the security of paper documentation.

The threats of untimely disasters such as accidental fires or natural calamities as well as theft and damage due to negligence can be notable factors hampering the safety of paper documents. On the other hand, electronically signed documents are protected by a unique means of authentication and encryption to assure safety.

Why Do You Need to Understand Electronic Signature Workflow

What exactly is the objective behind understanding the e-signature workflow? The benefits mentioned above show the effectiveness of electronic signatures. However, a clear understanding of the electronic signature workflow could explain the benefits in detail.

Many individuals just think that e-signature technology is just a tool for obtaining consent and documenting intent associated with a document. On the contrary, the effectiveness of an e-signature solution depends considerably on the management of the different steps involved in the workflow of electronic signatures.

If you are aware of different processes involved with each step in the workflow of electronic signatures, then it can also support in carrying out the tasks effectively. Understanding the workflow would not only ensure that you get the desired benefits with the e-signature but also complete the process according to commonly accepted imperatives.

Furthermore, it could also help you understand the best practices implemented at each step of the workflow involved with an electronic signature!

No doubt, the electronic signature seems to be the future of businesses. Let’s have an eye on the Global E-Signature Market Forecast made by the experts of the industry.

Steps Involved in the Workflow of the Electronic Signature Process

Now that we have taken a basic impression of electronic signature and the way it works along with their benefits and the reasons to observe electronic signature workflow, let us get down to the main job at hand!

A detailed presentation of each step involved in the workflow for a general electronic signature process alongside the best practices could be the formidable highlight of this comprehensive guide. So, let’s dive deep into the steps to understand the electronic signature workflow.

1. Providing access to the document for signatories

The first step involved in e-signature workflow is to provide access When you have a document that has to be signed electronically, you need to establish methods for signers to access the document. You can observe that email is the first thing that comes to mind for giving access to the document to be signed to the signatories. Sending email invitations to the signatories could be accounted for as one of the proven and tested ways for providing access. However, there are other cases where the electronic signature process is integrated with a mobile or web application.

Signatories could be invited by requests for logging into a web application or web portal. The other practices which are observed in this step of an electronic signature workflow include the use of an embedded link with a mobile application or any native or third-party application.

The use of a shortened URL or a QR code on a printed document could also be considered for allowing access to signatories for a document. Another method to provide access in the first step of the electronic signing process is the involvement of a representative in starting the signing process through an enterprise dashboard or application portal.

2. Authentication

The next entry in the electronic signature workflow is the authentication stage. After the signatory gets an invitation to sign a document electronically, they have to prove their identity for starting the process. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure the security of the electronic signing process.

The options that can be put in place here include the risk associated, type of transaction, and whether the signatory is new or an existing one. In the case of existing signatories, the recommended method would be the use of credentials assigned to them by the organization. However, the authentication method would be different for new signatories!

There are many approaches to verify a new signatory, and they have to be selected based on the risk profile associated with the process. Some examples of authentication methods for new signatories include SMS authentications, dynamic knowledge-based authentication (KBA), smart cards, or email authentication. The use of public and private keys could also be considered as one of the best practices that can be employed in the authentication stage of an electronic signing process.

Also Read: Why Should E-Signing be a Part of Your Business?

3. Presenting the documents to signatories

The next step in the electronic signature workflow is the presentation of documents. This stage would involve deciding the approach for presenting documents to the signatories for helping them read the documents before signing. The recommended method for completing this step is to use a web browser through the e-signature solution provider for presenting documents.

With the use of nothing more than a browser to access the documents for signing, a signatory would not have to download any type of software. This completely resolves the concerns that could arise with software incompatibilities.

You could always have the facility of printing copies of the documents for enabling signatories to review the documents on paper. However, you should always note that the presentation of documents on the screen is a mandatory step in the workflow of an electronic signature.

4. Making some changes and optimizing the process

As we move on to the next step in the electronic signature workflow, our understanding of how e-signature works get more refined! In this stage, the e-signing process deals with uploading and updating the document. For some business processes, signatories may have to add certain documents to the transactions. For example, in the case of insurance applications, the agents of a policyholder would ask for specific documents that have to be added to certain business application processes.

Therefore, the signatories have to use the facility of uploading scanned versions of additional documents to the e-signature solution provider so that they can add it to the transaction. The e-signature solution provider could also include other signatories required to sign a particular document.

A specific course of action triggered by certain events can be put in place to make a logical succession of events standing from the creation of the document to the review, signing, and acceptance of the document.

5. Addressing the needs of forms of data capturing

The signing process also involves the addition of data fields in the document for getting inputs from the signatories. This is one of the important steps to understand how electronic signature works. Majority of electronic signing transactions start with a final document already in place.

Such cases involve capturing forms data through an e-app or a core application and adding them to the document template. However, there are some instances where you have to capture data while signing electronically. This is where you could rely on the electronic signature solution provider for a platform to achieve forms of data capture.

Do you have any doubt regarding the use of electronic signature for your business? Here are the 8 reasons to adopt e-signature for your business.

6. Getting the signature

Now, the most important step in the electronic signature workflow arrives! You have to get consent and acceptance of the signatories, and this is where the ‘click’ comes in. The common assumption about electronic signatures is that you click to sign and it is a crucial stage in the whole electronic signing process. Some of the best methods that are followed in this stage include smartcard signing, digital handwritten signature, and ‘click to sign’.

The use of smartcard signing could be observed routinely in the case of contractors and federal government personnel who use digital certificates embedded in their PIV smartcard or Common Access Card (CAC). With the application of touchscreen devices, the signature can be obtained by capturing it through the device.

The simplest method that is used for getting the sign of acceptance and consent from signatories is the ‘click to sign’ option that enables signatories to click on a button through their browser on their PC, smartphone, laptop or mobile device.

7. Verifying security of the documents

Security is also one of the prominent aspects related to an electronic signature workflow. Therefore, the e-signature solution provider has to ensure that the electronic signature is compliant with the standards established by ESIGN and UETA. This will be mandatory to make sure that the electronic signatures cannot tamper.

The safety of documents is one of the primary selling points for electronic signatures. So, the compliance with ESIGN and UETA standards makes sure that your workflow for the e-signature process is appropriately optimized for security. Most important of all, the electronic signature workflow should also include reminders in case of unauthorized access to the documents or failure of the signatory to verify their identity.

8. Closing Stage

The next important step in the electronic signature workflow is the delivery of signed documents to the relevant signatories. The commonly followed approach for this step is the use of a cloud-based storage solution for uploading the signed documents. The signatories could access the documents by entering their credentials used previously in the authentication stage of the workflow for the e-signing process.

In addition to the delivery of signed documents, the audit trail also serves as an important component in the final stage of the e-signing process. The audit trail is a crucial element that is needed as evidence for all the events that happened during a specific transaction.

Only after verification of the audit trail, the process of electronic signature can be finalized for completion. Each signatory would then be sent an URL link for the completed document thereby making them aware of the fact that the process has been completed.

Don’t confuse between digital signature and electronic signature, the terms seems similar but are different. Check the detailed difference here Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature.

Final Words

On a concluding note, the importance of understanding the e-signature workflow could be observed from the above discussion. Good knowledge of all the steps involved in the electronic signature workflow not only makes the process easier to complete but also ensures complete accuracy as well as access to all benefits of electronic signatures.

The electronic signature is not just a boom, it’s a revolutionary technology in this digital era that has changed the way how businesses work completely. Avoiding something new and beneficial is an indication that you are lagging behind from your competitors. Before others leave you behind, adopt electronic signature for your business, and get one step ahead from your competitors.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments
Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature Decoded

Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature Decoded

Do you think electronic signature and digital signature are the same? You may have used these two terms interchangeably but these are not the same. Let’s have a deep look at the difference between e-signature and digital signature i.e. digital signature vs electronic signature.

In this fast-changing digital world, companies have been increasingly adopting automation techniques and strategies to pace up their work productivity. Foolproof and trustworthy work ambience is the need of the hour.

At this outset, physical signatures come with its own set of limitations in the form of susceptibility to forging, low durability, poor access, etc. Hence, the digital signature and the electronic signature has turned out to be a savior by bringing in much-needed automation and throughput efficiency.

The terms electronic signature and digital signature are often considered the same and thus, used interchangeably. But the fact is that digital signature and electronic signature are two different concepts. So, in this article, we’ll discuss the difference between a digital signature and electronic signature i.e. digital signature vs electronic signature.

Before discussing the differential factors, we’ll understand what is a digital signature and electronic signature first.

Understanding the Terms: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

A digital signature is a mechanism by which transactions like contracts, bond agreements, business ventures, etc. are authenticated and secured. It involves the use of a unique, authentication key visible only to the sender and the receiver. It ensures tamper-proof transactions involving sensitive documents. In the world of increasing cyber-attacks, a digital signature could be the one-stop avenue to ensure long term safety and security.

Electronic signature is used in place of physical signatures to bring in authentication in a consistent and hassle-free manner. It could be considered as a superset out of which the digital signatures are derived. E-signatures often comes with a legal standing based on the geography of operation. Geographical security additions are inculcated in tune with the unique challenges confronting a particular region.

The main difference between digital signature and electronic signature is where they are used. An electronic signature is mainly used to sign the electronic documents where the signatory has got an intention to sign the document with his e-signature. On the other hand, a digital signature is used to secure the documents and it is used by the certification authorities.

We’ll cover the difference between digital signature and electronic signature in detail but let’s first dive into their history to understand them better.

History: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

The history of digital signature and electronic signature goes back to the 1970s. Whitefield Diffie and Martin Hellman conceptualized the basic idea of a digital signature. It was followed by the creation of an RSA algorithm to implement the first digital signature.

The year 1989 proved to be a landmark year for digital signatures. Lotus 1.0, the software used to create a digital signature was made public. Going ahead, digital signature and electronic signature were given legal status with the passing of the ESIGN Act in the year 2000. With the coming of PDFs, insertion of digital signatures into a document became simple and hassle-free.

In the year 2002, SIGNiX became popular as the well sought after software for producing a digital signature. While the year 2008 was a year of recession, it also proved to be a landmark year for digital signature and electronic signature. Digital signatures were given the status of an open standard for PDFs.

Further, digital signature and electronic signature got a much needed secure market in the EU since 2016 with the introduction of eIDAS. The market for electronic signature and digital signature is poised to see massive growth with quadrupled output by 2020.

The Operational Flow: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

Imagine going through the hassle of waiting for long hours to send across your signature, just to obtain a bank loan? Wish you had avoided the unnecessary travel time? How about authenticating your salary slip with just the click of a button? If these automation amaze your intellect, you have been mesmerized by the power of digital signature and electronic signature.

Digital signature and electronic signature makes use of the basic technique of cryptography. The exact technique used by both is different, let’s understand that.

Digital signature uses the concept of public key cryptography. It makes use of a public key algorithm, for example, RSA, to generate two keys that are linked mathematically - public and private. In doing so, a sender generates a private and public key. He uses his own private key to encrypt and transmit his signature message.

The message can only be decoded at the receiver’s end by using the public key. There exists inbuilt mechanisms to decode events of data corruption, tampering, misalignment, etc. This is how digital signatures are authenticated.

On the other hand, electronic signature works in a different way, that is even simpler. The sender creates an online document or contract. He shares that with the signatory via email to order to invite the signer to access and sign the document. The signer receives the document, access it, review it, and sign with the document.

The process of e-signing the document with an electronic signature solution, automatically makes the document compliant with the electronic signature standards like ESIGN and UETA Act. It ensures that the document can’t undergo any unauthorized changes once it is signed. Then, the document/ contract is shared with the sender and the process is completed.

Throughout the workflow, the audit is offered to generate an audit trail. You can look back and check if the process works well.

Features: Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature

Though the underlying technology of both digital and electronic signature is the cryptography, it comes with its own set of subtle differences in terms of features. The E-signature vs digital signature debate touches upon a lot of parameters like the authorization authority, targeted use, security traits, reliability and quality of standardization.

1. Purpose of Use

The purpose for which these electronic signatures and digital signatures are used makes a big difference. The main purpose of using a digital signature is to secure the document while an electronic signature is used to verify a document.

2. Types

There are different types of electronic as well as a digital signature. A digital signature is generally used to secure the document. On the basis of document processing platform, the digital signatures can be of two types - Microsoft and Adobe PDF. On the other hand, the electronic signature can be in the form of a sound, symbol, process, scanned image, etc. There are four types of electronic signature - basic electronic signature, click-to-sign signature, advanced electronic signature, and qualified signature.

3. Regulation

A digital signature is regulated by the certification authority while there is no authority to verify the electronic signature. Though there are some national acts and regulations such as UETA act, ESIGN act in the United States, that recognizes the electronic signature and makes them legal.

4. Authorization Authority

Firstly, digital signatures are authorized mainly by government authorities. This could take the form of KYC (Know your customer) verification for banks, driver’s license or voter’s id issuance, etc.

On the other hand, electronic signatures are mainly issued by individuals like vendors for specific purposes like contracts for a business venture, inter-company partnerships, etc.

In other words, digital signatures are used to authenticate generalistic and public interest documents, unlike e-signatures which take a customized format. Electronic signatures are individual specific as they have been formulated by an individual with the sole interest of authenticating their signature, thereby their individual transaction.

5. Intention

The main intention of using a digital signature is the same as its purpose of use. A digital signature is used to secure a document so it could remain safe and can be protected from the unauthorized people. A digital signature is authenticated by the owner of the document.

The intention of using an electronic signature is to sign a document and verify that. An electronic signature is used when two or more people are involved in a contract and they sign a document to show their commitment. Both the electronic signature and digital signature acts as a legal binding between the participants.

6. Security

A digital signature and electronic signature both are comprised of many security features. So, considering digital signature vs electronic signature, a digital signature is more secure than the electronic signature. An electronic signature involves fewer security features, just to make sure that the document couldn’t be used and altered after signing without consent and permission of the sender.

As electronic signature is used to sign a contract, businesses are readily adopting electronic signature to deal with clients, vendors, and even employees. You should know the reasons to adopt electronic signature for your business.

7. Verification

A digital signature can be verified to authenticate the original author. It can be verified if the original document has not been tampered with, by any unauthorized access. As the electronic signature is not certified, it is difficult to check and verify the owner of the document. But an electronic signature comprises of integrity as well as the authenticity of the document.

8. Signatory Details

The digital certificates which represent the individual signatory, can be used to get the details of the person signing the document such as his name, email address, etc. As these individual details are tied to the document signature through the digital certificate.

On the other hand, the details of the signatory are not held in the electronic signature itself. Instead, if the details of the person who signs a document with an electronic signature are required, the signatory needs to place that detail separately to the signature.

9. Audit Logs

Digital signatures can hold the audit logs i.e. details of the events to know when the digital signature was applied. In some advanced digital signature products, the audit trail feature is added that can send the notification alerts if the log is changed or tampered with. On the other hand, it is not easy to apply audit logs to the electronic signature but some electronic signature products have started offering it.

10. Time-stamped

The electronic signature can have date and time associated with the signature but this detail is held separately to the signature. Digital signatures are always time-stamped. This is very useful in case of legal formality to tie a person to a signature at a particular date and time.

11. Reliability

Digital signatures are more reliable due to the detailed record of events associated with its signature trail. Starting from the time stamp; information of the signee including address cum work details; to the minute details triggering tampering alerts, digital signatures comes as a comprehensive package.

On the other hand, electronics signatures have both the time and date stamp arranged in a delinked fashion. Hence, it becomes more susceptible to tampering. Also, the process of tying a person’s details to his signature becomes highly complicated and cumbersome leading to further meddling with data. Lastly, the use of audit logs for an electronic signature is highly subjective and cumbersome.

12. Quality of Standardization

A digital signature uses a highly advanced form of standardization known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI is the basic mechanism used to create encrypted digital certificates to be used for an authentication operation. The creation of both a private and public key by the sender ensures that there is a foolproof end to end data transmission.

On the other hand, in case of an electronic signature, the authentication does not come with complete fool proofing. The keying mechanism is not at an advanced stage as compared with the digital signature. Hence, in the e-signature vs digital signature debate, an electronic signature is prone to third-party meddling at different stages of its operation.

The table below will give you a quick look at the differences between a digital signature and electronic signature i.e. digital signature vs electronic signature

Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature


Digital Signature

Electronic Signature

Purpose of Use Digital signature is used to secure a document. An electronic signature is used to verify a document.
Types On the basis of document processing platform, a digital signature is of two types - Microsoft and Adobe pdf. An electronic signature is of four types - basic electronic signature, click-to-sign signature, advanced electronic signature, and qualified signature.
Regulation A digital signature is regulated by the certification authority. Some national acts and regulations are applied to the electronic signature to validate it.
Authorization Digital signatures are authorized by the government or non-government certification provider authority Electronic signatures are authorized by the specific vendors, document creator or the participating parties.
Intention The main intention of using a digital signature is to secure the document. The main intention of using an electronic signature is to verify the document.
Security A digital signature is comprised of more security features, so it is more secure. An electronic signature is comprised of less security features, so it is less secure.
Verification A digital signature can be verified to authenticate the original author. As the electronic signature is not certified, it is difficult to check and verify the owner of the document.
Signatory Details A digital signature can be used to get the details of signatory details as it is associated with the signature itself. The details of the signatory are not held with the electronic signature but can be held separately to the signature.
Audit Logs Digital signature generally holds the audit logs and helps to track when the changes are made in the document. It is difficult to apply audit logs with the electronic signature. But some electronic signature solutions may provide this.
Time-stamped Digital signatures are always time-stamped i.e. have a date and time associated with the digital signature. Electronic signatures can be time-stamped which is very good for the legal binding. It will tie the signature with date and time in legal formalities.
Reliability Digital signatures are more reliable as these are more secured and not susceptible to tampering. Electronic signatures are less reliable as these are less secured and may be susceptible to tampering.
Quality of Standardization A digital signature uses a highly advanced form of standardization known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) The keying mechanism is not much advanced in case of the electronic signature.

Way Ahead? – Future of Electronic Signature and Digital Signature

So, here we have reached the end and understood that the terms digital and electronic signatures are used interchangeably but these are actually different. The electronic signature is an electronic or say digital form of the handwritten signature with a legal binding.

On the whole, digital signature and electronic signature has offered a new lease of life to businesses and governments alike. From the developed to the developing world, automation has been bringing in a new wave of change. Be it signing of business contracts or G2B or G2C transactions, electronic and digital signature has aided and abetted its growth.

On the basis of the type of document and considering the above differences between electronic signature and digital signature, it is generally decided which one to be used. So, understand the differnece by going through digital signature vs electronic signature and make a right choice for your document.

Posted by Brian Felix, 0 comments
10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Electronic Signature for Your Business

10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Electronic Signature for Your Business

With the advancement of technology, life has become easier and faster. Technology has also brought more accuracy to the businesses but there are many things, businesses remain doubtful about; one of them is the electronic signature. Even now the companies prefer handwritten signature and business persons think why electronic signature and why to adopt electronic signature.

But the use of electronic signature is a big change that can bring businesses to the new heights. The adoption of electronic signature and implementation of paperless solutions will make your business paperless to an extent. So, are you ready to get beyond the traditional paper and ink signature and get ahead with an electronic signature, an improved method of signature?

If you are not still convinced about the use of electronic signature, let’s go through this article where we’ll discuss the main reasons why electronic signature should be adopted by the businesses. But before that let’s have a brief of what is electronic signature.

What is Electronic Signature?

For someone, who is new to this advanced digital era, the term electronic signature, what is it and how does it work might be confusing. You may find a number of definitions of the electronic signature over the internet, we’ll also help you understand what is electronic signature. An electronic signature is an electronic form of the traditional handwritten signature.

It is an electronic representation of the intention of a person to accept and verify the content of a document or the data that is linked to the signature.

Just like any handwritten paper and ink signature, an electronic signature is legally recognized in terms of signer’s intention to sign a particular document. In an electronic signature, what matters is who made the signature and the content of the document is not modified subsequently.

So, now, after understanding what is electronic signature, it’s time to move to the main part of this article i.e why electronic signature. If you want to know more about the electronic signature, read out our previous article on what is electronic signature?

Why You Should Adopt Electronic Signature?

It is a natural human tendency to put questions. That’s why, when we’re asked to use any new technology, the first thing that comes to our mind is - why? and same is the case with an electronic signature. When someone tells that you should adopt electronic signature for your business, we’ll respond as to why electronic signature.

I really understand this tendency. We humans would never use anything without knowing its benefits or advantages for us. There are a number of reasons and benefits of electronic signature that has made it an ideal choice for individuals as well as businesses.

So, let’s move forward and discuss the reasons why you should adopt electronic signature for your business, it will bring an answer to the question of why electronic signature? There are a number of reasons to adopt electronic signature, let’s have a look at a few:

1. Simpler and Straight-through Signing Process

Signing a document with an electronic signature involves a simple process. The beginners may think it is complicated to use electronic signature but truly, electronic signatures have made the traditional signing process even simpler and straight-through. From uploading a document to sharing it with the signatory and getting it signed with an electronic signature, the process is very easy and simple without any complication.

If we consider the handwritten paper ink signature, it involves a number of steps such as printing, xeroxing, couriering, scanning, etc. from sending the document to the signatory to receiving the signed document back. In this manner, paper-based documents and handwritten signatures are less efficient.

Signing a document with paperless electronic signature is even simpler than a traditional handwritten paper and pen signature. As it is very simple to use electronic signature, anyone can learn how to use electronic signature in a few minutes. And once to learn the process, it takes only a few seconds to sign and send the signed document.

2. Convenience and Ease of Use

With the electronic signature, you can give your business a new edge. Businesses may not be confined to a single location. Remote based teams and clients are not uncommon these days. So, if your business has the remote-based team or clients spread over the country or over the world, you will understand the importance of good collaboration and communication among all the parties. And here comes the importance of electronic signature.

With the electronic signature solution, the whole signing process takes place online so whatever be the location of clients or teams, doesn’t matter. The documents are sent online in a secure manner and signed with the electronic signature in a few minutes or even seconds without any waiting or delaying period of days and weeks, and finally sent back online securely.

Thus, using an electronic signature enables your teams, clients, and partners to sign the documents electronically/ digitally, and results in more efficient transactions. An electronic signature is a convenient mean of signature in this busy world. If you use electronic signature, it shows that you respect the time and busy schedule of others.

3. Get Rid of Messy Paperwork - Work Paperless

It’s not easy to manage so many business papers and documents on a regular basis. It really demands a lot of time and energy to manage the paperwork which can be spent in any other effective work. Dealing with paperwork also requires a lot of space. More business expansion, more paperwork, and more will be the space required to store those business papers.

Also, you need to pack, manage, and store the business papers in a proper way, so, if you will require any, you can find that easily in order in less time. Here is the answer to why electronic signature. If you adopt electronic signature, you will keep all of your documents in the digital form as long as you want. One can create, sign, and store documents online with the use of electronic signature.

If you adopt electronic signature, you won’t need a hard copy of the documents at any time, which means you won’t have to deal with messy paperwork at all. All your data, records, transactions, and documents will be stored online that can be accessed within minutes or even seconds. This is why electronic signature should be a part of your business in this digital era.

4. Save Your Time and Effort

Consider, getting a paper document signed by 5-6 people/ parties. How much time will it take? It will depend upon how near or far the parties are located to one another. It may take a few days to weeks to get the document signed by every party. So, there is no doubt that it is quite a time consuming to deal with the paper documents and paper-based handwritten signature.

If you choose to use electronic signature, you can complete the entire process of signing a document within minutes or even seconds independent of the location and distance of the parties. Yes, even if the signatory party is located in another country, they can receive the document online and sign the document in minutes.

As a result, you will be able to save a great amount of time. Also, using electronic signature will reduce the effort that is required to store, secure, and manage the paper-based documents. The time and effort you will save by using the electronic signature can thus be invested in many other things that would help to bring your business to the next level.

5. Implement Your Decision Quickly

It is a longer phase to enforce any decision in the business as it involves the signing and approving a number of documents by various stakeholders. It is simply understandable that more the time this signing and approval process will take, it will be complicated to implement a decision into the action.

Due to so many formalities between suggesting an idea and implementing a decision, it has been seen that most of the ideas are lost in-between. So, there is a need for something that could fill the gap between the decision and its implementation. E-signatures can fasten the processes and formalities involved in the implementation of a decision.

With the use of e-signature, the involved parties can approve their decision and implement that by signing the document with the electronic signatures very quickly. It is one of the reasons why electronic signature is being widely accepted for business as well as individual usage, and why it should also be a part of your business.

6. Huge Cost Savings

In every business, it is very important where you invest your money i.e. the financial decisions are very important in a business. It is significant to adopt the technologies that could help you save an amount. Adopting electronic signatures for your business helps you make cost savings smartly and thus brings a number of benefits for your business for a longer period.

With the use of e-signature, you can make your business operations more cost-friendly. It will cut off the cost you would be spending on the paper, pen and other related material such as printing, couriering, xeroxing, and so on.

When you opt to use electronic signature, you completely go online and become paperless. Thus, you don’t need to spend money on paper, print outs, xerox, and all. The amount you will cut off and save from here can be further used in a number of new opportunities that would take your business to the new heights.

7. Environment-friendly Solution

As we know that paper is made up of the trees and water, thus, the increased usage of paper is not good for the environment. So, we need to think of a better and environment-friendly solution that could reduce or replace the use of paper. An electronic signature is such a solution that can reduce the use of paper and save our environmental resources.

So, if you an environment lover, and want to make your business eco-friendly, you should adopt electronic signature in your business. Not to mention, e-signature is such a powerful tool in this digital era that can help you save our environment. An electronic signature is a mean that will not only ensure you about your business growth and success but will help you contribute to saving the environment.

By making your business paperless, you will reduce the use of paper, and eventually, you will become an environment saver. Also, you will get rid of managing the bundles of paper documents to keep a record of the decisions and transactions. So, it will be a win-win situation for you as well as the environment.

8. Higher Client Satisfaction

It is significant for every business to keep the clients happy and satisfied. Electronic signature helps you to achieve a higher level of client satisfaction. It is one of the most common reasons why electronic signature is being adopted by businesses at a higher rate.

If you are dealing with an electronic signature, you will share the document online with your clients in minutes (independent of their location and distance where they are). This way, you will give your clients the ability to sign anytime, anywhere, and from any device. With the use of e-signatures, the signing process becomes so much simpler, smoother, and streamlined.

Thus, if you choose to use electronic signatures, you will get more appreciations from your clients. At the same time, they will be happy and satisfied as it will reduce the hassle of getting print outs, signing, scanning, and uploading the signed documents.

9. Increased Safety and Security

When you deal with paper documents, it’s another responsibility to keep those documents in a safe and secure manner. As there is always a fear that paper documents may get stolen, destroyed, misplaced, tampered with, and so on.

However, electronic signatures impart and ensure greater safety and security for your confidential and important documents. Your electronic documents are kept safe and secure with the inbuilt superior security protocols, implemented to send, receive, and store the electronic documents.

The electronic signature does not only facilitate general security, but electronic signature also keeps a track of all the essential information related to the signing transactions. Thus, the electronic signature ensures extra credibility and authenticity for those transactions.

10. Detailed Legal Evidence

The electronic signatures are legal in most of the countries, such as in the US by UETA and E-Sign Act, in Europe by eIDAS regulation, and in India by the Information Technology Act. Thus, signing a document with the electronic signature verifies the intention of the signatory to verify the document legally.

Electronic signatures are legally recognized, approved, and accepted just like handwritten paper and pen signatures. Log, known as audit trail associated with the electronic signature makes it more acceptable in case of any legal dispute.

Whenever a document is signed with an electronic signature, it offers a more detailed and legal binding with the log of events taken on that document. These logs act as stronger evidence of the signature and verify the signatory in a better way than any traditional handwritten signature.

Are You Ready to Adopt Electronic Signature?

So, here we have reached the end after answering your question why electronic signature. There are even more reasons why you should adopt electronic signature for your business and make your business paperless. But I think it’s pretty much to make your mind to use electronic signature for your business.

An electronic signature is one of the significant improvement and advancement of technology to make our lives simpler and easier. Adopting an electronic signature doesn’t only offer you a faster, easier, convenient, cost-effective signing solution but you also submit your contribution towards eco-friendly business.

So, using an electronic signature for your business is a great idea. Don’t think much and take the right decision and incorporate electronic signature in your business to experience the great benefits of electronic signature.

If you still have any questions, put your doubts in the comment section below and I’ll be happy to answer.

Posted by Brian Felix, 1 comment

What is an Electronic Signature (E-Signature)?

It has been more than 20 years when electronic signatures been legal in the United States. Initially, when many countries started using electronic signature as a type of virtual signature, electronic signature (e-signature) was considered as a business luxury.

It took many years, and now, in 2019, electronic signature is well-recognized in the modern marketplace. Electronic signatures not only make the business transactions secure and convenient but reduces the cost.

Even after so much impact of electronic signatures on businesses, there are a number of people and business who are not familiar with the term ‘electronic signature’ as well the importance of electronic signature in the digital era. In this article, we’ll cover each and everything about the electronic signature, but let’s begin with ‘what is an electronic signature?’

Also Read:

What is an Electronic Signature?

Electronic signature, commonly known as ‘e-signature’ and ‘e-sign’ is a legal concept, that is different from digital signature which is a cryptographic method used to implement electronic signatures. An electronic signature provides a precise and secure identification method to the signatory to provide a seamless transaction.

An electronic signature have equal legal value as that of a handwritten signature as long as it satisfies the requirements of the regulation under which it has been created. It is very simple to create an electronic signature, and once created, it can be added to any document, even along with other annotations like freeform text and check marks.

Definition of Electronic Signature:

In layman’s terms, an electronic signature, commonly known as e-signature, is an electronic expression of the agreement of a person to accept the terms mentioned in a particular document.

According to the US Federal ESIGN Act, that was passed in 2000, electronic signature can be defined as an electronic symbol, sound or process that is associated with a record or a contract logically. An electronic signature is created or adopted by a person in order to sign the record.

Now, you may be thinking if an electronic signature can really be symbol, sound or process!

Or you may be confused about what this symbol, sound or process is!

It basically means whenever a document is signed with an electronic signature, it is 100% legal standing whether it’s associated with a keystroke, a recorded verbal message, a selected checkbox or even a proposal.

To make it simple, let’s consider an example of an electronic signature.

Example of Electronic Signature:

With the technological advancement in this digital era, the documents are written and signed electronically. You may find electronic signature everywhere, even when you may not even be aware that you are using an electronic signature. Here are a few examples of the electronic signature:

All of you would be using Facebook. Whenever you click on the “Sign Up” you are agreed with and accept the Facebook’s privacy policy and terms of use. It means you sign those terms of use and privacy policy documents electronically with the e-signature. Such a click on the signup button is just like a keystroke, a process, that is an electronic signature example. Many other social sites and other web pages use this feature such as Twitter, MySpace, foursquare etc.

Another electronic signature example is signing the electronic pad. Many of you who have done online shopping would be familiar with this. When you do online shopping and purchase something by using your debit card or credit card at Walmart, you will have to put electronic signature while accepting the order. Many other store chains also use electronic signature like this such as Best Buy, Game Stop etc.

Is Electronic Signature Legal?

Of course! The electronic signatures are legalized and acts as a legal binding. In the United States, the electronic signatures are legal and recognized as the handwritten signatures after the approval of the following acts:

Combined together, these two acts - UETA and ESIGN ACT allow the usage of electronic signatures to replace the handwritten signatures. It is required that an electronic signature meets the four legal hallmarks of the e-signature. In simple terms, here are four requirements for an electronic signature to be recognized and validated by the US law, these are:

  1. The signer is who he/she claims to be. An electronic signature is the identity of the signer. If required, the identity of the signer could be authenticated or verified using a number of digital markers such as an IP address.
  2. The intention of the signer to sign is clear. The terms of the document/ contract/ transaction should have been communicated well with the signer. The signer should be intentionally agreed to undergo the e-signing procedure.
  3. It could be verified that the signature is associated with the signed document. This parameter basically involves the signing process such as how the document was signed, which process the signer completed, and which documentation supports the electronic transaction involving e-signature.
  4. The record should be retained by the creator or sender. The electronic signature records and documents should be created to retain and reproduce accurately for further reference by all the parties and individuals who are responsible to retain the record or contract.

Also Read: Ways to Future Proof Your E-Signature Investment

Types of Electronic Signature

If you are new to the term electronic signature, you may be confused about what forms the electronic signature and what’s the difference between different types of electronic signatures on the basis of legality and evidential power. Before getting into the different types of electronic signatures, it is important to understand the basics about the electronic signature.

E-signature is a mark that can be used on an electronic document to show the intention of the signer to submit his/her approval on the contents of the document. It is not important how the eSign is created but important is the person with whom the sign belongs to and the document that shouldn’t be changed subsequently.

As per eIDAS regulation, e-signatures can be categorised into different types on the basis of the level of security they provide. There are four types of electronic signatures:

  • Click-to-Sign Signatures
  • Basic Electronic Signatures
  • Advanced Electronic Signatures
  • Qualified Electronic Signatures

Let’s understand these signature one by one.

1. Click-to-Sign Signatures

Click-to-Sign category includes signatures in the form of scanned images, tick boxed, typed names, and e-squiggles. In this type, the document is not provided with any cryptographic protection. Due to which, this type of signatures neither verify the signatory nor protect the document to be changed. It is possible to cut and paste this type of signatures from one document to another easily. Using this type of signatures by own is not at all recommended.

2. Basic Electronic Signatures

Basic electronic signatures involve the process of applying a handwritten signature mark on the document by the signer which is then protected with a cryptographic digital signature. So, the basic electronic signatures allow the signer to create a crypto digital signature by using a server-held signing key so-referred to as a witness digital signature.

Whenever the user applies e-signature on any document, this witness digital signature is applied every time which binds the e-signature to the document cryptographically from any subsequent changes, thus ensures data integrity. Whenever the user apply e-signature on any document, this witness digital signature is applied every time which binds the e-signature to the document cryptographically.

3. Advanced Electronic Signatures

As the name suggests, being the advanced ones, advanced electronic signatures have a higher level of security. An electronic signature that meets the requirements mentioned under the EU regulation No 910/2014 (eIDAS-regulation) regarding electronic identification and electronic transactions in the internet market, is known as the advanced electronic signature.

eIDAS has created some standards regarding the use of electronic signatures with the intent to use them in a secure manner while conducting online business or official business over the globe.

An electronic signature must meet the following requirements to become an advanced electronic signature:

  • The signatory could be identified uniquely and linked to the signature
  • The signatory must have all the control of the data that was used to create the electronic signature
  • In the event that the accompanying data has been damaged or tampered after the document was signed, the signature must be identified
  • In the event that the accompanying data has been modified or changed after the document was signed, the signature must be invalidated

4. Qualified Electronic Signatures

A qualified electronic signature is actually an advanced electronic signature with some additional features. The qualified signatures are created with the help of a qualified signature creation device. Also, these signatures are based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures.

The examples of the qualified electronic signatures are the electronic signatures created by using electronic National Identity documents and the electronic signature certificates stored on encrypted cards.

As mentioned in the national ‘trusted lists’ of the EU member state, the public or private providers those have gained the qualified status by a national authority can provide the qualified certificates for electronic signatures. The qualified certificate providers may provide a private key corresponding to a qualified signature creation device.

The Qualified electronic signatures are the more trusted and secure versions of the advanced electronic signatures as they have the highest levels of security in order to protect the user signing key. The advantage of qualified signatures is that they can exactly verify who has signed the document just as advanced electronic signatures.

So, these are the different types of electronic signatures as per different levels of security. You can choose one as per the level of security required for the document to be signed. For instance, to sign school forms, rental agreements, etc one can choose to use click-to-sign electronic signatures or basic electronic signatures. While dealing with invoices, business contracts, legal agreements, and other confidential documents, it is recommended to choose advanced or qualified electronic signatures.

It is important to look into the security factors while choosing an electronic signature solution for your business. Here are the top points you should consider while choosing an e-signature vendor.

Why Electronic Signature?

An electronic signature is a secure and legal form of signature and many businesses and enterprises opt e-signatures for their versatility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. Electronic signatures have laid a great impact on businesses. Here’s what businesses can do with e-signature, and why should they opt e-signatures:

  • Verification of the Signatory’s Identity - An electronic signature uniquely identifies the signatory and verify that the signatory is linked to that particular signature. An e-signature is one of the most secure types of virtual signature that is accepted legally.
  • Associate the essential identifiers with the signing process - In business transactions, it is possible that one or more identifiers i.e. individuals are associated with it. In that case, electronic signatures help to associate all the essential identifiers with the signing process.
  • Easily store and retain the signed documents - Electronic signatures can be imparted on the online or offline documents which can be stored and retained easily. It is possible to keep a soft as well as hard copy of the e-signed documents, as per convenience and requirements.
  • Safely capture a binding and legal signature - Electronic signature is a legal signature that is as valuable as a handwritten signature. An electronic signature is a safely taken capture of the legal and binding signature that can be used whenever and wherever required.
  • Makes business transactions convenient and versatile - No doubt, with the legal acceptance and usage of electronic signature, the business transactions have become highly convenient and versatile. Even when the signatories are across borders, they can easily sign the documents with the electronic signatures.
  • Reduces the cost of business transactions - Business transactions were not so cost-effective before the legal acceptance and usage of the electronic signatures. While using there is no requirement of the digital certificates, also these are legally accepted, which reduces the cost eventually.

From the above points, it is clear that electronic signatures provide an easy, secure and legal means of signing that saves time, effort as well as money. It is not wrong to say, if you are the one who is looking for an effective, convenient, versatile, and cost-effective business transactions, you should adopt the electronic signatures.

Thinking to adopt the electronic signature for your business? Here are the points you need to consider while choosing an e-signature vendor.

What is the Electronic Signature Used for?

In the above sections, we have understood what is an electronic signature, examples of electronic signature, and why to use it. But you may be wondering about where an electronic signature can be used. So, in this section, let’s check out where you can use an electronic signature. There are various kind of documents that can be signed with an electronic signature such as,

  • Invoices, sales contracts, and NDAs
  • Employee paperwork, timesheets, and approve proposals
  • School forms, permission slips, and release forms
  • Leases, property, and other housing and rental agreements
  • Bank forms, tax documents, and insurance forms

An electronic signature can be used in different forms of documents in different areas that are being mentioned as follows -

  • In-state and self-government institutions communication - An electronic signature can be used in all types of documents that are to be submitted in the state or self-government institutions.
  • For legal transactions - To sign invoices, contracts, NDAs, submissions or any other type of documents separately or through accounting or recoding systems, electronic signatures can be used. E-signature has the equal value as that of the handwritten signature.
  • Empowerment of individuals - The documents issued by notary after the issuance of a power may be in the form of an electronic document, containing an e-signature. These e-signed electronic documents then can be shared with the authority that has requested the document and also can be used in the future.
  • Identification of Signatory - Whether online or offline, when you submit a document with an electronic signature, it acts as a proof of the identification of the signatory. For example, the e-signed leases, property documents, and other housing and rental agreements verify the identity of the signatory.
  • To ensure official communication with the customers - In businesses, entrepreneurs who require the receipt of services for their applications as a sample form, they can ensure and provide public access to the relevant forms. They can make those forms available in an editable form and allow customers to download them in order to fill them in the electronic form and signed with the electronic signature.

Above are the documents and forms where e-signature can be used. E-signature can be used at a number of places but not everywhere. Yes, you must be familiar with the exceptions where electronic signatures are still not valid. You can not use e-signatures while dealing with:

  • Marriage registration
  • Family law, and
  • Inheritance rights

So, it is clear now where it is legal to electronic signature and where not, which is very important to understand before using electronic signatures. Now, you can decide whether you should use electronic signature to verify a document or not. Also, you can choose the type of electronic signature on the basis of the level of security required for your document.

Also Read: Uses of Electronic Signature for Small Businesses

How does Electronic Signature Work?

In this digital world where e-signature has become a need of the hour, it is important for individuals as well as businesses to understand electronic signatures. E-signatures help to reduce time, hassle, and money in terms of signing the most important documents and they are easier to use even more than you think. If you want to learn how electronic signature works, you should know that there are many online available electronic signature software. So, let’s understand how does an electronic signature software work.

Nowadays, technology advancement has made everything easier. So, the modern eSignature software are designed as simple to use as possible. If you are an e-signature software user, you need to follow the below steps to collect one or more e-signatures:

Step 1: Upload an existing document or create a new document using the in-built tools of the software

Step 2: Define the fields properly that are required to be filled out by the responsible person such as date, address, signature, etc.

Step 3: Locate the fields wherever you want to place them in your document

Step 4: Make the final settings for the adjustment such as draft the message in the email, set up a signing order, and so on

Step 5: Share the document via email to the signatory to sign.

At the receiver’s (signatory’s) side, the signing process with the use of e-signature software is even simpler. When the sender signs an email, the signatory will receive an email or any other notification from the e-signature service such as create an account or sign in, upload a photo of your signature, create your signature using a stock font or other available method to sign the document.

The signatory can just open the document by clicking on the link given in the email and create/upload his or her electronic signature. Then he can just confirm and submit the signed document.

Also Read: Electronic Signature Workflow

Benefits of Using Electronic Signature

Electronic signatures are meant for individuals as well as businesses. When we talk about individual usage of e-signature such as using on invoices, timesheet, school forms, sales contracts, housing, and rental agreements, it brings benefits like a significant reduction in time, effort, money and hassle.

But when we consider the business usage of electronic signature, along with these benefits, e-signatures bring a number of other benefits for the businesses. So, let’s discuss the business benefits of electronic signature in detail.

  • Get documents signed fast - With an electronic signature, the document is signed very fast i.e. within few minutes. Signing a document with a handwritten signature would not also take time, but it takes time when the signatory is at distance. By using an electronic signature software, you can create and send any document to be signed over the boundaries in less than minute. The document is then received by the signatory and signed in no time.
  • Sign documents from anywhere - For the handwritten signature, the sender had to wait for days to weeks depending on the location of the signatory. Sometimes, it might not be possible to send confidential documents via post. Or when sent through email, the signatory would have to get the hard copy to sign, and again shared the scanned copy after signature. It might also take a few hours. But e-signature and e-signature software has made the signing process very simple. Now, wherever be the signatory, the documents are sent in email via e-signature software, and get signed within minutes.
  • Save money with e-signature software packages - There is no doubt that e-signature software has made the signing process simpler. Now, you don’t need to spend on getting hard copy of the documents and sending them via post to the signatory. Also, one can make big savings on the monthly and yearly packages offered by the electronic signature vendors. So, it brings business benefits of electronic signature in terms of investment.
  • Collect secure and legally binding signatures - As mentioned earlier, sharing confidential and signed documents via post or over internet might not be much secure. But e-signature software are secure enough to be used in order to share the confidential information and signatures. Besides, electronic signatures are secure and legally approved signatures, so you can create once and use them whenever and wherever required.
  • Effort and time saving to handle technical hassles - When you decide to use electronic signature for your business, organization or individual usage, you opt to use an electronic signature software. By using an e-signature software, businesses save their time as these software are not only easy to use, but comes with a support team of technical experts that is always ready to resolve all your queries.
  • Increased service and efficiency - Now, with the electronic signature, business and legal departments need not to cut down the business expenses by avoiding the services. But they should opt to use e-signatures like modern technologies to reduce their costs. An e-signature vendor helps the businesses to digitize all the important and confidential legal documents. Also, it helps to share and sign the documents in an easy, fast, and secure manner, independent of the number of parties involved.

So, if you are the one who has not yet used electronic signature or were just thinking about its benefits, it’s the time to take the action. It is important to get ahead with the advancement in modern technology, it always brings a number of benefits. So, to get the benefits of e-signature, use it now.

Read Now: Cost Saving Benefits of E-Signature

Electronic Signature vs Digital Signature

Typically, the electronic signature and digital signature, both are used interchangeably without any difference between the two, but both are the different terms. The main difference between digital signature and electronic signature is that digital signature is used to secure documents, mainly by the certification authorities, while electronic signature is used to verify documents, with an intention of the signatory to do so.

Let’s have a look at Electronic signature vs digital signature table below to understand the difference between the electronic signature and digital signature in a better way:

Electronic Signature Vs Digital Signature
Factor of Difference Electronic Signature Digital Signature
Purpose An electronic signature is used with a purpose of verifying a document. A digital signature is used with a purpose of securing a document.
Regulation An electronic signature is usually not verified by any authority. A digital signature is authorized as well as regulated by the certification authorities.
Types of Signatures An electronic signature is basically used to identify the signatory who signed the document/ contract for the verification purpose. It can be in the form of a symbol, sound, process, scanned image etc. The common types of electronic signature are - click-to-sign signature, basic electronic signatures, advanced electronic signatures, and qualified signatures. A digital signature is generally used to secure the document. There are commonly two types of digital signatures on the basis of document processing platform such as Microsoft and Adobe PDF.
Security An electronic signature is comparatively less secure as it is comprised of less security features, just to secure it not to be used by other people without permission. A digital signature is more secure than the electronic signature as it is comprised of more security features.
Intention The main intention behind using an electronic signature is to sign a document or contract in order to verify that. Generally, two or people involved in a contract, they sign a document to show their commitment, and that document becomes a legally binding between them. The main intention behind using a digital signature is to secure a document to keep it safe from the unauthorized people. It is authenticated by the owner of the document and also act as a legal binding.
Verification It is difficult to check and verify the owner of the document as an electronic signature is not certified. An electronic signature compromises integrity as well as the authenticity of the document. A digital signature can be verified to know the original author i.e. the owner of the document. It can be verified if the original document has not been tempered with, by any unauthorized access.

As electronic signature and digital signature are mostly considered same, as synonyms, it is significant to know the difference between the two.

It is important to understand that Electronic Signature and Digital Signature are similar-looking terms but different from each other. Here is the detailed difference between the two i.e. Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature.

Final Words

An electronic signature is basically equivalent to the handwritten signature. It is used to verify a document in order to confirm the terms of that document. It is not wrong to say that an electronic signature is a digitized form of a handwritten signature. An electronic signature acts as a legal binding between the participants, independent of their number.

It is absolutely secure and legal to use electronic signatures by individuals and businesses. The use of electronic signature has brought numerous benefits for businesses as well as individuals. If you want to save your time and money, and want to get rid of the hassle involved in signing business documents, choose an e-signature software and start using electronic signature from now.

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